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Verestro's products for various regions

Our mission at Verestro is to provide cutting-edge fintech technologies and make them affordable to everyone. We work with banks, fintech providers, payment schemes, payment gateways, merchants, corporations and small businesses and develop a BAAS / FAAS platform. However, as "payments" is a regulated business, we are not able to provide all our services globally at the moment. Below we describe key products we distribute in particular regions.

  • North & South America
    • Key customers: banks, processors, payment schemes, fintech.
    • Key products: we are focused on selling technology platforms because we do not have a payment license at the moment; we do work with various partners like Paymentology or Girasol to provide end-to-end payment solutions; we can offer payment accounts and cards in Europe if customer has office in Europe.
    • Taking into account market dynamics, our key focus is on:
  • East Asia incl. India
    • Key customers: banks, processors, payment schemes, fintech.
    • Key products: focus on technology products around tokenization and money transfers; we can offer payment accounts and cards in Europe if customer has an office in Europe.
    • Taking into account market dynamics, our key focus is on: