This chapter is intended to present you the requirements that will allow you to use the Paytool solution in your application. We have presented here what information is necessary to provide so that you can join the Paytool program and so that we can properly create the required merchant account for you in our system.
Business onboarding
Tip: Please remember to inform us on which environment you want us to configure an account for you. Verestro Paytool offers two environments: TEST
and PROD
. For more information about application environments please visit How to integrate chapter.
To start using Paytool payment widget you need to go through a few on-boarding steps: |
1. Please contact our sales - sales@verestro.com |
2. Please respond to some introduction question that will let us prepare proposal for you. |
3. You will receive offer for eCommerce payments. |
4. If you accept the offer you will be asked to provide some company documents required for the AML verification process. |
5. After succesful AML process you will receive contract with our partnering acquiring institution. |
6. You will be asked to provide account numbers for settlements and the data necessary to configure Paytool for you (see below) |
7. And finally you will enable Paytool widget or API on your website or mobile app to enable payments. |
Technical onboarding
Tip: The onboarding process takes place mainly on Verestro side. However, in order for all possibilities offered by Verestro Paytool to be available, the you must provide some information needed to correctly configure your merchant account in our system. Configuration includes below presented information:
Configuration parameter |
Description |
Customer name | Basically, it's the name of the your company. The following parameter will be displayed to the end user in Verestro Paytool form. |
Customer website URL |
Basically, it's the website URL of the your online application. The following parameter will be displayed to the end user in Verestro Paytool form. Such addresses are required to be added to our whitelist. |
Transaction session life time |
The time given in seconds after which the initialization of the transaction will expire and processing of the payment in its context will no more be possible. |
Redirect URL's | Those are the addresses to which end user will be redirected after a successful or unsuccessful transaction performed in Verestro Paytool. These parameters can be static (added to the your merchant account configuration) or sent in the order initiating the transaction. |
Postback URL | Using this address we will send you information about the transaction made by a given end user. This parameter is not required if you does not want to receive notifications regarding the transaction. |
Autodeposit property | This parameter controls whether a transactions made by merchant will be automatically deposited. This parameters can be static (added to the your merchant account configuration) or sent during the transaction initialization. |
Supported payment methods | You should determine which of available payment methods you want to enable in Verestro Paytool. Defaultly all payment methods are enabled. This parameter can be changed anytime. Available payment methods in Paytool: Google Pay, Apple Pay, Blik, plain card number. |
Acquirer's Merchant Id (MID) |
It is an identifier of your account in the Acquirer system. This parameter is obligatory to perform transaction. If your company supports more then 1 MID, please let us know which one should be treat as default one. Note: Default MID will be selected if you will not provide any of your MIDs in the transaction initialization request. Tip: We are suggesting to use Acquirer Fenige. Fenige is our partner acquiring institution and we are fully integrated with this Acquirer |
Acquirer credentials |
Login and password that should be used to authorize your payment in the system of a given Acquirer in the context of a given terminal. |
(Optional) Customer's logo and/or picture | These are image that could be, for example, your company logo. They will be posted as requested in the Verestro Paytool webview. This point is optional. If you do not provide such pictures, the Verestro Paytool will be shown with it's default appearance. Send this in .SVG format. |
Important! If you require transactions to be processed with the participation of a Acquirer to which Verestro is not integrated, then there must be performed a new integration. You should provide the given Acquirer API documentation that Verestro will use during the integration.
Returned data
After creating an account for the Customer, Verestro returns all necessary data which allow to use the solution. Such data includes:
Configuration parameter |
Description |
Basic Authorization | This is map of the key: login and value: password. Basic Authorization is required to use API methods in Verestro Paytool. Basic Authorization is issued to the Customer after onboarding process. |
Gateway Id |
This is a constant and unique value that defines the PSP in the Google Pay™ system. When making a call to get a card token, the Customer transfers this value to Google Pay™ in the request. Verestro is defined by Gateway Id with Note: This only applies to Customers who make Google Pay payments by connecting directly to the Paytool API. Customers redirecting their payers to the Paytool frontend form should ignore this information. |
Gateway Merchant Id |
This is a unique Customer identifier assigned by Verestro during the onboarding process. This identifier is in the form of a Note: This only applies to Customers who make Google Pay payments by connecting directly to the Paytool API. Customers redirecting their payers to the Paytool frontend form should ignore this information. |
Register in Google Pay™
Note: This only applies to Customers who make Google Pay payments by connecting directly to the Paytool API. If you are using Redirect your payer integration path you can ignore this section.
To use the Token Payment Service solution, it is necessary for the Customer to be registered as merchant in the Google Pay™ system. An unregistered Customer will not be able to get the card payment token from Google Pay. To register merchant account in Google Pay™ visit Google Pay for Business quick start guide or contact Google Pay™ support. After completing registration as a merchant, the Customer will receive an access to Google Pay™ documentation enabling technical integration.
Google Pay Web integration checklist | A checklist presenting the Google Pay integration requirements that must be met by the Customer integrating web application |
Google Pay Web developer documentation | Technical documentation describing web integration with the Google Pay solution |
Google Pay Web Brand Guidelines | Branding requirements that must be met by the Customer's web application to be able to use the Google Pay solution |