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Technical documentation MDC SDK

Basic abbreviations and definitions

Field Description

Firebase Cloud Messaging

DC Data Core

Mobile DC module


Mobile Payment Application

UCP Verestro Cloud Payments
IBAN Back Account Number
JWT Json Web Token
JWE Json Web Encryption
OTP One-time password

What is Mobile DC SDK?

The Mobile DC SDK is a core module dedicated to the management of users, devices, and cards in the Verestro system.

Usage of other Verestro modules (f.e. UCP - Verestro Claud Payment) always depends on this SDK and Mobile DC must be always used.

Versioning and backward compatibility

SDK version contains three numbers. For example: 1.0.0.

  • First version digit tracks compatibility-breaking changes in SDK public APIs. It is mandatory to update the application code and to use SDK when this is incremented.
  • Second version digit tracks new, not compatibility-breaking changes in the public API of SDK. It is optional to update the application code when this digit is incremented.
  • The third version digit tracks internal changes in SDK. No updates in the application code are necessary to update to the version, which has this number incremented.

Changes not breaking compatibility:

  • Adding a new optional interface to SDK setup.
  • Adding a new method to any domain.
  • Adding new ENUM value to input or output.

  • Adding a new field in the input or output model.

Technical overview

This section describes basic information about Mobile DC SDK, SDK setup, and available methods.

Basic configuration


SDK is available on the Verestro maven repository and can be configured in a project using the Gradle build system.

The username and password are provided by Verestro.

	maven {
		credentials {
			username "<enter_username_here>"
			password "<enter_password_here>"
	url ""


Mobile DC SDK is available in two versions: debug and release.

The difference between versions is debugged version allows to use of an application with a debugger connected.

Debug version is ended with appendix "-debug" in version name. Samples below:

For release version, used on production environment in application uploaded to Google Play:

	implementation 'pl.upaid.module:mobiledc:{version}'

Debug version - could be used for application development:

	implementation 'pl.upaid.module:mobiledc:{version}-debug'

Min SDK Version

The minSdkVersion must be at least 23 (Android 6.0). In case of using SDK on lower Android API version declare in the application manifest.

  <uses-sdk tools:overrideLibrary= "pl.upaid.module.ucp, 
    pl.upaid.module.mobiledc, pl.upaid.internal.module.mcbp-v3,, com.mastercard.mpsdk, 
	pl.upaid.nativesecurity,, pl.upaid.internal.module.worker " />

SDK cannot be initialized on a lower Android API version, and none of the SDK methods should be used on it.

Android APIs 31+ 

Android Worker uses PendingIntent which causes some problems with the newest Android APIs. To resolve this problem application Gradle dependency configuration must override this dependency.

	implementation ''

Native libs extraction in AndroidManifest and Gradle.

Native libs should be packaged in application in uncompressed form due to security reasons.

This solution is also recommended by Google due to the smaller app install and download size.

Note: Starting from Android Gradle Plugin 4.2 an attribute is replaced with parameter android.packagingOptions.jniLibs.useLegacyOptions.

If you need to package native libraries in the compressed form please contact Verestro.


    ... >


android {
    packagingOptions {
        jniLibs {
            useLegacyPackaging false

Source code obfuscation and optimization

As SDK is written in Kotlin the language we recommend adding following code to Gradle configuration:

android {
	kotlinOptions {
    	freeCompilerArgs = [

	packagingOptions {
    	exclude '/kotlin_metadata/**'

And use the newest tools for code shrinking, optimization, and obfuscation from Google by enabling R8 instead Proguard in the file:


Android permissions


Module declares the usage of permission QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES, which is required since Android API 30 to list packages available on the device.
Permission is used for security tasks.

On 20.07.2022 Google Play introduced restrictions on high-risk permissions and the application sender could be obliged to send more information about this permission usage.

The application which uses this permission is usually a bank or financial institution - in such case permission may be granted to usage.
Read more

In case of lack of agreement from Google Play permission could be removed on the application side AndroidManifest.xml file.
When removed application should declare package visibility to search known root packages.

In case of removing this permission please contact Verestro representative.

Sample code to remove QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission in the AndroidManigest.xml file and package visibility declaration:

<manifest package="com.sampleapp">
	<!-- remove permission from manifest -->
    	tools:node="remove" />

	<!-- declare application visibility -->


The size of SDK is dependent on the apk distribution system.

The table below shows the size of the module for apk and bundle file.

Format Size Notes
APK ~15,1 MB
Bundle ~2,5 MB - ~3,6 MB

Ranged size depends on the ABI of the device.

SDK contains native libraries used by different ABI. By using a bundle only the necessary version of the native library will be downloaded to a device.

Additional information

  • size from the table above is referred to release version;
  • size depends on configured proguard (module provides consumer progurd rules);

MDC SDK usage

This chapter describes the structure and basic usage of Mobile DC SDK.


Every described facade is divided into domains with different responsibilities.

Available domains:

  • Cards.
  • User.
  • Device.
  • CloudMessaging.
  • TransactionsHistory.

Every domain contains domain-related methods.


The facade is an entry point to communication with Mobile DC SDK.

Contains an SDK initialization method and domains which allows to manage Verestro account.

Multiple facade types

Mobile DC SDK provides three public APIs with the same functionalities, the APIs are:

  • MobileDcApiJava for projects which use Java programming language.
  • MobileDcApiKotlin for projects which use Kotlin programming language.

The difference between the APIs is a way of providing data to SDK methods and getting the results from them.

Input and output as information data are always the same.

This documentation presents I/O types in a Kotlin way as it’s easier to mark nullable fields (as a question mark).

Method structure

Every method described in documentation has same structure.

Execution type:

  • Asynchronous - Operation could take more time and method is called on thread different than main. The result of execution is provided in callback (described below).
  • Synchronous - Result of operation is provided as method return type.

Method type:

  • Online - Operation requires internet connection.
  • Offline - Operation can be called without internet access.


Input parameters with name, description and validation rules. For some methods input is result of different Verestro method.


If present is delivered in success callback with data described below.


  • Success callback - Depends on used programming language and facade type Multiple facade types. s onSuccess or success callback inform about operation success.
  • Success callback with data - Callback with additional result object.
  • Failure callback - Informs about failure. Contains information about exception (Error handling.). Exception can contains additional details.

Sample usage:

//java sample

        new SuccessDataCallback<List<Card>>() {
            public void onSuccess(List<Card> cards) {
                //show cards on UI
        }, new FailureCallback() {
            public void onFailure(@NotNull Throwable throwable) {
                //show error

SuccessDataCallback and FailureCallback could be replaced by lambda like in kotlin sample below

//kotlin sample

cardsService.getAll({ cards ->
    //show cards on UI
}, {
    //show error

Error handling

SDK returns errors by exceptions, which could be caught by the application and shown on UI with a detailed message.

Note: Exception message is only information for a developer and shouldn't be shown on the application UI to the user. Use reason code to add a suitable message on the application layer.

 The table below describes exceptions types.

Exception type Exception class Description
SDK Validation ValidationException

Every parameter provided in method is validated locally by SDK. For example, card number is validated with Luhn algorithm

Exception object contains field reason with detailed error code

Backend BackendException

Provides additional validation or error on backend side

Exception object contains field reasonCode and message

Application should get reason code and show suitable message or made action

Message should be never shown to user. Could be logged for error reporting and for developers

List of available raeson in table below

Internal Sdk CoreSdkException

Provides additional information about error in SDK

Exception object contains field reason and message

Application should get reason code and show suitable message or made action

Message should be never shown to user. Could be logged for error reporting and for developers

List of available raeson in table below

Process related -

As every process is different some methods could throw specified exception. Types of exception is described in method description

Network NetworkConnectionException Provide information about network connection error. Check table with possible reasons below
Internal UnknownException For unknown errors in SDK process

BackendException error codes

Reason code



Error occurred on server


Error occurred during cryptography operation


Client sent invalid data


Requested client id not found


Card number is outside of preconfigured range


Card kind limit reached


Card was deleted and operation cannot be proceed


3ds verification failed


Fail authorization - error from card verification


Transaction denied - error from card verification


Invalid username or password


Card expired


Limit of transactions has been exceeded


Current transaction has been rejected by bank - error from card verification


There is no enough founds on card to complete this transaction


Specified JWS token is invalid


Given FCM token is invalid


Method is not allowed


Cannot find user by requested identifier


Cannot find card by requested identifier


Cannot find device by requested identifier


Cannot find wallet pin


Cannot find requested address


Cannot find invitation for the requested resource


Cannot find requested resource


Requested user is locked


Requested card is locked


Requested device is locked


Requested device is temporary locked


Number of incorrect login attempts is reached


Requested user is temporary locked


Sms fail count limit reached


Too Many Requests


Requested card has been verified


User is not verified. E.g. User had registered already however did not finish the verification step and is trying to pair/login


Requested payment has been already finished


Card is invalid for this payment


Requested user has not set password


Number of device is reached


The wallet pin does not match the requested user


Number of sent messages has reached the limit. Please try again later


Attempt limit has exceeded


Fail count limit has been reached and new process has not been initialized


Authorization amount is incorrect


Client of the api is unauthorized(invalid/expired X-Client-Auth token)


User is unauthorized


Requested card could not be verified


Card does not participate in 3ds v2, please use 3ds v1


Authentication process id does not match card id


The attestation request failed


The Play Store app is not installed, or it is not the official version, or it is an old version

BackendException - additional error codes related to TransactionsHistoryService

Reason code



Cannot update transaction or store new attachment. Attachment status in transaction is APPROVED


Maximum number of attachments for given transaction


Maximum attachment size exceeded


Empty attachment file


Empty attachment file name


Attachment file type is not supported


Cannot find transaction attachment

CoreSdkException error codes INTERNAL_ERROR

Reason code Description
DEVICE_NOT_PAIRED Device is not paired or trying to call the method without device pairing

An error during device authentication in Google SafetyNet service

Deprecated, replaced by ATTESTATION_API_ERROR


Relates to push processing process. Push message should be consumed in another module


Cannot process push message. The message is invalid or some process failed

BIOMETRIC_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_ENABLED Biometric public key is invalid
BIOMETRIC_AUTHENTICATION_ABORTED Cannot authenticate biometric signature
KEYSTORE_IS_NOT_SECURE Keystore is not secure. The device is not secured with PIN, pattern or password
CANNOT_GET_PUBLIC_KEY Internal error during SDK processing

Security event occurred during application usage. Data is cleared and the method can't be used.

Application is always informed about a security issue with onSecurityIssueAppeared callback initialized in setup() method


Provided PIN is invalid


PIN fail count is reached, every next try PIN authentication will finish with this status


PIN authentication is not possible until the user is at least once logged online with PIN


Something went wrong during PIN authentication
PAIRING_IS_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS Another pairing is now processed
PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT_DEFAULT_NOT_FOUND No default payment instrument for contactless payment found
PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT_NOT_FOUND Payment instrument with this id cannot be found in SDK
APPLICATION_PROCESS_NOT_KILLED Application process is not killed after SDK reset
TOKEN_NOT_ACTIVE Required token status is ACTIVE
PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT_NOT_FOUND Token with that id was not found in SDK
API_SERVICE_NOT_INITIALIZED API service was not initialized
DIGITIZATION_NOT_STARTED Digitization of that payment instrument was not started
An error during device authentication in Device Attestation service (Play Integrity)

NetworkConnectionException error codes

Reason code Description

Host is unreachable, check network connection and try again later

SOCKET_TIMEOUT Connection timeout, check network connection and try again later

Firebase Cloud Messaging configuration 


Add Firebase Cloud Messaging dependency entry to build.gradle.





All parameter required to initialize FCM can get from firebase console. 

val firebaseOptions =
FirebaseApp.initializeApp(this, firebaseOptions)

To initialize two FCM projects should add name parameter for second one.

//init default project
FirebaseApp.initializeApp(this, firebaseOptions)
//init additional project
FirebaseApp.initializeApp(this, firebaseOptionsOther, otherProjectName)

Getting FCM registration token

//getting token for default project
    .addOnCompleteListener {
        //handle token
//getting token for additional project
val messaging = FirebaseApp.getInstance("other").get(
messaging.token.addOnCompleteListener {
    //handle token

Security processes overview

This document contains short information about security mechanisms used by SDK. Only high-level functions are described, without technical specifications.

Security processes were designed to protect its assets, and ensure that the application using our product is installed on a safe environment.

SDK security mechanism starts just after initialisation of library. Because of process optimalization part of checks are made only once, other are called periodically.

Process check

Implementation of checking application process is one of many methods that SDK uses to protect itself from hooking tools.

It is based on validating app_process file, checking if it was not manipulated, or corrupted. Many popular hooking tools used nowadays uses that method to upload its hooks, modules, or cloaks over adding root access. Validating that file helps in analysis potential threats from hazardous software, and even checking root acces.

Root check

Checking root access is one of SDK most important security processes. SDK is analysing application enviromnent in following ways:

  • Searching for harmful binaries:
    SDK analyses device in search for commonly known binaries indicating that device is rooted. Additionally in this step there are checked some binaries connected to hooking tools.
  • Checking system partitions permissions:
    SDK validates if some paths(commonly connected with root access), along with some common system directories are writtable on specific partition.

  • Validating installed packages :
    SDK analyses installed application on device in search for apps  known to be connected with root access, apps requiring root, and root cloak apps.
    Android 11 introduced some changes reducing visibility of other packages installed on device. To keep checking harmful application there is added additional android permission: QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES

  • Checking rom settings:
    Analyses device rom properties, to search for flags set on rooted devices.

  • Checking su existance:
    Checks is su directory accessible in some common paths.

Emulator check

SDK validates application installment device by analyzing its properties and searching for evidences indicating that device is emulator.

Other packages check

Searches for well known applications connected with harmful hooking tools.

Especially aimed into finding evidences of magisk.

Debug check

Simple check is debugger connected, based on OS properties. Used only in release version.

SafetyNet Api - deprecated from version 2.14.6

API tool used for protecting application from tampering, harmful applications, and validating device OS. It availability depends on project configuration.

Usage of this process is configured on server side. If end application already performs this process it could be disabled during project configuration.

Play Integrity API

Due to Safetynet Attestation API planned deprecation it's replaced by Play Integrity API in Mobile DC version 2.14.6.

API tool used for protecting application from tampering, harmful applications, and validating device OS. It availability depends on project configuration.

Usage of this process is configured on server side. If end application already performs this process it could be disabled during project configuration.

When used, Play Integrity API must be enabled Google Play Developer Console -

Error codes handling in application

Table describes error codes which could be handled on application side with message to user about possible problem.

Other error codes cannot be handled on application side.

Code Meaning
80a1 Device is rooted
80b1 SDK cannot be used on emulator
811a User has installed some harmful application on device
8a9b User has attached debugger during SDK usage

Application Isolated Process


Starting from Mobile DC SDK version 2.4.3 SDK provides additional security checks which could be enabled in setup. method using "withOptionalDeveloperOptions" and enableAdditionalSecurityChecks parameter.

For some security processes SDK need to start services marked as isolatedProcess to ensure more security by splitting application from a security layer.
It may cause problems with initialize Application as this service will run under a special process that is isolated from the rest of the system and has no permissions of its own.

To avoid problems, check if application start from isolated process and do not invoke any additional action in your Application::onCreate.

Sample implementation

//Mobile DC setup configuration for enableAdditionalSecurityChecks 

val developerOptions = DeveloperOptions()
developerOptions.enableAdditionalSecurityChecks = true

 	// other require configuration

//Sample Application declaration for handing isolated process

class SampleApplication : Application {

    override fun onCreate() {

        if (isIsolatedProcess()) {
		//sample methods called in application
		//other methods..

	private fun isIsolatedProcess(): Boolean {
    	return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) {
    	} else {
        	try {
            	val activityManager = getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE) as ActivityManager
        	} catch (securityException: SecurityException) {
            	securityException.message?.contains("isolated", true) ?: false
        	} catch (exception: Exception) {

This functionality is introduced to protect against magisk tool.

Magisk gives root access using daemon, which starts with system booting, with unrestricted SELinux context. When specific application needs access to /su it connects to daemon unix socket, process of granting access access is managed with Magisk Manager application.

Magisk Hide function hides /sbin paths for specific process, what obscures magisk presence in /proc/pid/mounts. This problems is solved with isolated processes introduced in android 4.1. They are started with new, fresh SELinux context without any permissions, what keeps magisk from removing it paths with /sbin. From this process view there is possibility to check mounted paths and find evidences of magisk presence.

Data signing and encryption


Signing Data Configuration

Signature will be verified using public key certificate which was signed by preconfigured Root CA. DN from the certificate will be also validated. Root CA and DN will be set during onboarding. Client has two options:

  • provide Root CA and DN of the public key certificate for the private key which already has and use this private key for signing data.

    DN cannot change during certificate renewals and all intermediate certificates should be placed in JWT

  • generate csr where CN=Signature-${uniqueClientName}. Csr will be signed by Verestro. Client needs to use private key for signing from key pair used to generate csr.

Encryption Data Configuration

If the client decide to encrypt data, public key certificate from RSA 2048 should be set during onboarding. Public key certificate can be self-signed.

Signed Data Verification

Some methods requires signed data verification on client side. Public key certificate from RSA 2048 will be provided during onboarding and should be used for signature validation.

Data Encryption

Some data like Token Verification Code can be encrypted using JWE per RFC 7516.

Configured(see Encrypting Data Configuration in Confoguration chapter) public key certificate will be used to encrypt CEK(Content Encryption Key).

Algorithm used for encryption:

JWE header Name Description



Cryptographic algorithm used to encrypt CEK



Identifies the content encryption algorithm used to perform authenticated encryption

Payload of the JWE will be json formatted object.

Client needs to perform decryption with private key using standard JWE library.

Sample code which shows how to decrypt JWE for given encryptedData and privateKey:

class RsaJweDecrypter {

    fun decrypt(encryptedData: String, privateKey: PrivateKey): ByteArray {
        val parse = JWEObject.parse(encryptedData)
        return parse.payload.toBytes()

Data Signing

Some fields are signed using JWT per RFC 7519.

Data signing should be done on server side.

JWTs are composed of three sections: a header, a payload (containing a claim set), and a signature.

The header and payload are JSON objects, which are serialized to UTF-8 bytes, then encoded using base64url encoding.

The JWT’s header, payload, and signature are concatenated with periods (.). As a result, a JWT typically takes the following form:

{Base64url encoded header}.{Base64url encoded payload}.{Base64url encoded signature}

Object fields should be placed as claims in the token. Moreover there are some additional required claims that are needed to protect against replay attack:

Name Description


The time at which the JWT was issued. UNIX Epoch timestamp, in seconds


JWT ID - unique identifier for the JWT

JWT tokens have TTL which is validated against "issued at" time from claims (iat). TTL is 10 minutes.

JWT tokens should be signed using private key from the RSA 2048 key pair (see Signing Data Configuration in Configuration chapter).

JWT tokens must have additional header:

Name Description


Parameter contains the X.509 certificates chain (RFC7515#section-4.1.6)

This chain will be validated against preconfigured Root CA. DN from the public key certificate(from key pair which private key was used for signing) will be also validated (See Signing Data Configuration in Configuration chapter).

Sample code which shows how to build JWT for given claims, certificates and private key:

class JwtGenerator {
    fun generate(
        jwtClaimsSet: JWTClaimsSet,
        certificates: List<X509Certificate>,
        privateKey: PrivateKey
    ): String {

        val claims = buildFinalClaims(jwtClaimsSet)

        val certChains = certificates
            .map { it.encoded }
            .map { Base64.encode(it) }

        val jwsHeader = JWSHeader.Builder(JWSAlgorithm.RS256)

        val signer = RSASSASigner(privateKey)

        val jwsObject = JWSObject(


        return jwsObject.serialize()

    private fun buildFinalClaims(jwtClaimsSet: JWTClaimsSet): JWTClaimsSet {

        val epochSeconds =

        return JWTClaimsSet
            .claim("iat", epochSeconds)

Signed data verification

Some fields are signed on Wallet Server using JWT per RFC 7519.

Wallet Server signs some data in response and signature has to be verified before this data are used. Data are signed using JWT per RFC 7519. JWTs are composed of three sections: a header, a payload (containing a claim set) and a signature.

The header and payload are JSON objects, which are serialized to UTF-8 bytes, then encoded using base64url encoding.

The JWT's header, payload, and signature are concatenated with periods (.).
As a result, a JWT typically takes the following form:

{Base64url encoded header}.{Base64url encoded payload}.{Base64url encoded signature}

Specific object fields are placed as claims in the JWT token.
Moreover there are some additional claims that are added to the JWT token to protect against replay attack:

Name Description


The time at which the JWT was issued. UNIX Epoch timestamp, in seconds


JWT ID - unique identifier for the JWT

JWT tokens are signed using private key from the RSA 2048 key pair. Public key certificate will be shared as part of configuration of given project and public key should be used for signature validation.

JWT tokens have additional header:

Name Description


fingerprint of public key which's corresponding private key was used to sign data calculated as sha1Hex(publicKeyBytes)

Sample code which shows how to verify signed JWT:

class JWTVerifier {

        fun verify(
            signedData: String,
            rsaPublicKey: RSAPublicKey,
            iatToleranceSeconds: Long
        ): JWTClaimsSet {
            val signedJWT = SignedJWT.parse(signedData)
            val signatureResult = signedJWT.verify(RSASSAVerifier(rsaPublicKey))
            if (!signatureResult) {
                throw ValidationException("Invalid signature")
            val jwtClaimsSet = signedJWT.getJWTClaimsSet()
            //optionally check iat with tolerance
            val isIatInAllowedTimeRange = jwtClaimsSet
            if (!isIatInAllowedTimeRange) {
                throw ValidationException("Signed JWT expired")
            return jwtClaimsSet

APK Certificate

About APK certificate

Verestro provides mechanism which ensures that authorized entities using Verestro SDKs.

To achieve that apk certificate needs to configured during onboarding.

Apk Certificate is binded to given client id, if customer uses many applications then many apk certificates digest should be provided and for each client id will be given by Verestro.

How to get APK certificate

You can sign your application using self managed key, or let Google Play sign using Google Play managed keys:

  • APK or Bundle signing key (aka "upload key").
  • Google Play signing key (optional, may be enabled and configured in Google Play Console).

If you update key, you must follow steps below again and provide key to representative Verestro person.

Please check your installation package and follow the outlined steps.

Using own APK Signing Key

When signing apk in android studio only, please follow the steps below:

1. Convert java keystore (eg. cert.jks) used to sign APK to p12 format using following command:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore cert.jks -destkeystore cert.p12 -srcstoretype jks -deststoretype pkcs12

2. Convert obtained p12 file (eg. cert.p12) to pem format using following command:

openssl pkcs12 -nokeys -in cert.p12 -out cert.pem

Using Google Play Signing Key

When signing application in Google Play console(whenever you uploaded own key, or used one that was automatically generated by Google), please follow steps below:

  1. Add .apk or .aab file in google play console.
  2. Select "Let Google create and manage my app signing key (recommended)" and press Continue.
    google app sign key.png

  3. In the application panel in the menu look for release management option.
  4. Select app signing section.


  5. Download the certificate from App signing certificate section.

    app sing cert.png

  6. Convert downloaded certificate from der to pem format using following command:

openssl x509 -inform der -in deployment_cert.der -out certificate.pem

  • Code obfuscation:
    Code obfuscation is basic, and one of the most efficient application protection mechanism. Obfuscating code saves your app from static code analysis, exploring your code in search of vulnerabilities, that can be used by hooking software. There are many tools used for obfuscation nowadays, the most popular are proguard and its successor - R8. If you are using Kotlin in your project, R8 is a better option for you. It is also important to keep app architecture supporting obfuscation, using obfuscation tools is as simple as your architecture is adjusted to it.
  • Disable logs & turning off debugging:
    It is very important to remember turning off logging data and disable debugging in your production application. Data printed in logs in development process should never be available in release application. It is recommended to manage printing it from one place, to not 'forget' removing every single of them.
  • Input data validation:
    Input data should be validated on every level of app structure, it reduces risk of processing some unwanted, or even harmful data. It is recommended to clean sensitive data that is no longer useful, we advise to not use string to keep it. String is immutable, data stored in it can later be accessed by dumping application memory. We recommend using char[], and overwriting it when it is no longer useful.
  • Prevent taking screenshot:
    We recommend adding a mechanism that prevents taking screenshots, and recording your application. It protects you from harmful applications getting users inputted data.
  • Prevent copy/paste :
    Input taking sensitive data such as user password should not have the ability to copying and pasting in it. Storing it in clipboard expose it for copying, or modifying by harmful applications, even if it was initially encrypted it is plaintext when the user copies it.
  • Prevent screen overlay:
    It is recommended to protect MPA from applications that have the possibility to overlay it. Not securing it may result with recording user data.
  • Checking the installer:
    MPA should implement a mechanism that will check installer of application. It should check if the application is downloaded from Google Play, preventing it from possibility of tampering installation binary.
  • Checksum mechanism:
    Implementing checking checksum mechanism is a very efficient way to check if your application was not tampered. It should compare checksum of your application, prepared after generating app with data send by your app after installing it on device. It bases on the fact that every generated application have different checksum, comparing it can ensure you that your server is communicating with the app released by you.
  • Removal redundant permissions:
    It is important to keep in your app only used permissions. You should not give your application access to components, that it not requires.
  • Network security configuration:
    MPA should use network security configuration application customize their network security settings(for example protection application from usage of cleartext traffic) in declarative configuration file without modifying app code.



Parameter Type Description
xRateLimitLimit Int? Limit of requests until resource will be locked
xRateLimitRemaining Int? Remaining amount of requests
retryAfter Int? Seconds until lock expires
xRateLimitReset Long? Lock expiration timestamp - epoch in seconds

External libraries

The SDK uses several external Apache 2.0 libraries:

  • com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt
  • commons-codec:commons-codec
  • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core
  • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations
  • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind
  • com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-kotlin
  • io.insert-koin:koin-android
  • io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava
  • io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid
  • com.squareup.retrofit2:adapter-rxjava2
  • com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit
  • com.squareup.retrofit2:converter
  • com.squareup.okhttp3:logging
  • com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp



Asynchronous. Offline. Mobile DC initialization method. Contains all necessary data to configure SDK.

Should be called at very beginning of application lifecycle. For example in Android Application::onCreate method.

Setup methods could be called in another thread then Main to improve application start time. In case of calling setup method in another thread application must check before every SDK usage if setup method is already finished.

When SDK is integrated into the app and user can enable or disable it as a featere - the SDK setup can be ommited during Application start and loaded on demand.

Note: Please be aware to use this method before usage of any MobileDC methods or another Verestro product.


Mobile DC different configuration options depending on SKD usage.

Configuration is provided by builder in facade method named setup.

All builder methods without optional keyword in method name are required.

Available configurations methods:

  • setup(MobileDcCoreConfiguration)
  • setup(MobileDcApiConfiguration)

SDK Event Listeners - errors catching

The application should prevent throwing exceptions in MDC SDK Event Listeners described below as it could cause breaking process in SDK.

In case of error in application event listener implementation SDK runs this code in try-catch block.


Used when usage of Verestro product doesn't require Verestro backend system (f.e. UCP with External Wallet Server).

Method Parameter Description

Validation conditions

withApplicationContext Context Application context Not empty


Global listener for security events

Not empty
withOptionalLogger EventsLogger Handler for secure logging of sdk events


Additional options for developers


Global listener for all transactions that may occur from our wallet server. If you use this listener you should not do any action on events from UcpConfigurationBuilder.withUcpTransaction(UcpTransactionEventListener) because callbacks may duplicate.


Used when applicaton use Mobile DC API for user data management.

Method Parameter Description

Validation conditions

withApplicationContext Context Application context Not null



Mobile DC API connection configuration delivered by Verestro

Not empty


Global listener for security events

Not empty
Wallet Pin configuration in SDK
withOptionalLogger EventsLogger Handler for secure logging of sdk events
withOptionalDeveloperOptions DeveloperOptions Additional options for developers


Interface for providing cloud messaging configuration like. For now used only for FCM registration token.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

url String

Url for mobile DC environment in which SDK connect.
Depending on the deployment model the Wallet Server can be deployed on the Customer infrastructure or provided by Verestro.
Different for development and production environment.
For more details please contact Verestro representative.

Not empty
pinningCertificates List<String>

List of public key certificate in PEM associated with host server.
Certificate is used for certificate pinning during connection to Wallet Server.
Certificate is associated with the Wallet Server and like the url its value depends on the deployment model.

When used services hosted on Verestro side please contact Verestro representative.

Not empty
clientId String

Each customer has a unique client id it's different for development and production environment.

ClientId should be provided by Verestro representative.

Not empty


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

pinFailCount Int

Number of possible fails in offline pin verification

Greater then 0





(tag: Int, code: Int, message:String)

Information about security issue. Due to security requirements this message isn’t readable for user

When using setup(MobileDcApiConfiguration) SDK reports event instantly to server (when internet is available). Could be also catched on application side and reported by client.

Some error codes could be properly handled in application Security processes overview




onEvent onEvent(eventId:Int)

Callback to trace list of events that occured in SDK (those are secure aliases - event as Integer). You can collect 'em in ordered list and store to be accesible in case of errors/exceptions.


Parameter Type




Determine AndroidManifest android:debuggable state in <application> scope.

When configured as true SDK verifies combination of SDK production(without -debug) version and android:debuggable=true.

enableAdditionalSecurityChecks Boolean

Enables additional security checks in application required during EMV Security Evaluation.

Enabling requires additional action on application side,  refer to Application Isolated Process to get more details.

Added in version 2.4.3.

enableCodeObfuscationCheck Boolean

Enable additional check if application obfuscates SDK facade classes.

Default value is false.




Provides information about Cloud Messaging service.


getRegistrationToken -

Gets actual FCM registration token from application.
Used for device registration in new delivey message service with RNS and SSE channels during login process. It is applied for devices where SDK before 2.14.6 was used and device is already paired.


Parameter Type




Mandatory. One of: [FCM, EXTERNAL].

FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging
EXTERNAL - External token for external source of RNS

token String Registaration token for push notifications


Parameter Type




Plain EventNewTransaction object


Parameter Type




Plain NewTransaction object


Parameter Type




The internal transaction id



The client id of transaction



Transaction type. One of:

PURCHASE - purchase in context of payment for goods,

REFUND - refund,

PAYMENT - in context of peer2peer card payment cardholder receives money,

FUNDING - in context of peer2peer card payment cardholder sends money,

ATM_WITHDRAWAL - cash withdrawal in ATM,
CASH_DISBURSEMENT - cash disbursement,
ATM_DEPOSIT - cash deposit in ATM,
ATM_TRANSFER - money transferred with ATM usage,
CASHBACK - cashback,
FEE - fees related with account, cards etc.,
LOAN - loan,
LOAN_REPAYMENT - loan repayment,
COMMISSION - commission related to some service,
TOP_UP - money received using bank transfer,
WITHDRAWAL - withdrawal in context of money transfer to different bank account,
INTEREST - fees of loan funding



The transaction monetary amount in terms of the minor units of the currency. For example, EUR 2.35 will return 235, and BHD -1.345 will return -1345. Negative amounts indicate a refund or payment



The transaction currency. 3-digit ISO 4217 currency code



Optional. The merchant name


Mobile DC setup() method could be called on MainThread in Application:onCreate as blocking or another thread.
When applicaiton has multiple dependencies there is possible to call setup() method on another thread.
Important: In case of loading SDK on another thread and then loading another Verestro module like VCP module - MobileDC:setup() must be already finished.

Initialization for MobileDcCoreConfiguration (without Wallet Server)

var eventsTrace = arrayListOf<Int>()//make use of this in case of error/failure/unexpected behaviour to retrace sdk internal processes

val mobileDcCoreConfiguration = MobileDcCoreConfiguration.create(
        .withWalletSecurityEventListener(object : WalletSecurityEventListener {
            override fun onSecurityIssueAppeared(event: EventSecurityIssueAppeared) {
                //eg. show security screen or toast with details from event object
                //all data collected by SDK will be removed
                //Clearing application data in context of SDK is recommended

        .withOptionalLogger(object : EventsLogger {
            override fun onEvent(eventId: Int) {
        .withOptionalDeveloperOptions(DeveloperOptions().apply {
            allowDebug = false
            enableAdditionalSecurityChecks = true
            enableCodeObfuscationCheck = true


Initialization for MobileDcApiConfiguration

class MyAppMobileDcConnectionConfig : MobileDcConnectionConfiguration {
    override val clientId: String = "clientId"
    override val url: String = ""
    override val pinningCertificates: List<String> = listOf(certificatePublicKeyInPemFormat)

class MyAppMobileDcWalletPinConfig : MobileDcWalletPinConfiguration {
    override val pinFailCount: Int = 3

var eventsTrace = arrayListOf<Int>()//make use of this in case of error/failure/unexpected behaviuour to retrace sdk internal processes

val mobileDcApiConfiguration = MobileDcApiConfiguration.create(
        .withWalletSecurityEventListener(object : WalletSecurityEventListener {
            override fun onSecurityIssueAppeared(event: EventSecurityIssueAppeared) {
                //eg. show security screen or toast with details from event object
                //all data collected by SDK will be removed
                //Clearing application data in context of SDK is recommended
        .withOptionalLogger(object : EventsLogger {
            override fun onEvent(eventId: Int) {
        .withOptionalDeveloperOptions(DeveloperOptions().apply {
            allowDebug = false
			enableAdditionalSecurityChecks = true
			enableCodeObfuscationCheck = true
            object : MobileDcCloudMessagingConfiguration {
                override val cloudMessagingRegistrationTokenProvider =
                      object : MobileDcCloudMessagingInfoProvider {
                          override fun getRegistrationToken(): CloudMessagingRegistrationToken? {
                              return CloudMessagingRegistrationToken(
									getFCMToken() //implement blocking get FCM token 


Additional isolated process check, read more: Application Isolated Process

class App : Application() {

    override fun onCreate() {
        if (isIsolatedProcess()) {

		//call all required methods


Address domain


Asynchronous. Online.

Adds new address with given parameters.



Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
street CharArray?


number CharArray?


apartment CharArray?





isBilling Boolean?

Is invoice address

isShipping Boolean?

Is Shipping address

zipCode CharArray?

Zip code

countryId Int?

Country identifier

vatNo CharArray?

Vat number

companyName CharArray?

Company name

firstName CharArray?

First name

lastName CharArray?

Last name

province CharArray?


district CharArray?


additional CharArray?

(Optional) Additional field



Success with Long value as addressId / failure callback.


fun addAdress(addAddress: AddAddress) {
        .addAddress(addAddress, { addressId ->
            // Address added
        }, {
            // Something went wrong
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Gets all addresses for the current user.


No input parameters.


Success callback with list of user addresses.

Parameter Type Description
addresses List <Address>

List of user addresses


Parameter Type Description
id Int Id of the address
street CharArray?


number CharArray?


apartment CharArray?





isBilling Boolean?

Is invoice address

isShipping Boolean?

Is Shipping address

zipCode CharArray?

Zip code

country Country?


vatNo CharArray?

Vat number

companyName CharArray?

Company name

firstName CharArray?

First name

lastName CharArray?

Last name

province CharArray?


district CharArray?


additional CharArray?

Additional field







Id of the country



Country code



Currency code



Numeric currency code



Prefix telephone number for a given country



The phone number validation rule for a given country



The currency's name






Official language


fun getAll() {
            // List of addresses
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Update address for the current id.


Parameter Type Description
updateAddress UpdateAddress

An object containing address data to update


Parameter Type Description
addressId Long Id of the address
street CharArray? Street
number CharArray? Number
apartment CharArray? Apartment
city CharArray? City


Boolean? Is invoice address
isShipping Boolean? Is shipping address
zipCode CharArray? Zip code
countryId Int? Country identifier
vatNo CharArray? Vat number
companyName CharArray? Company Name
firstName CharArray? First name
lastName CharArray? Last name
province CharArray? Province
district CharArray? District
additionalField CharArray? Additional filed


Success / Failure callback.


private fun updateAddress(updateAddress: UpdateAddress) {

        .updateAddress(updateAddress, {
            //address updated successfully
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong, maybe user data was incorrect
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Method for delete user address with given address id.


Parameter Type Description
addressId Long (Required) Unique address id


Success callback/ Failure callback.


fun deleteAddress(addressId: Long) {
        .deleteAddress(addressId, {
            //Success, address deleted
        }, {
            //Something went wrong
            //Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter

User domain


Asynchronous. Online.

Creates new user wallet account with given parameters.


NewUser model is required, but most of it's fields are optional. Fields requirement depends on product integration process.

Validation coditions
newUser NewUser An object containing user data (Required)

NewUser object contains following fields:


Validation conditions

phone CharArray?

User's phone number

Phone with country prefix. For pl: 48500500500
email CharArray? User's email address Email format if any value passed
firstName CharArray? User's first name
lastName CharArray? User's last name
walletPin CharArray? User's wallet pin 4 to 8 digits if passed
password CharArray? User's password Password should be composed of at least 8 characters and include at least 3 out of the following 4 categories: upper-case letter, lower-case letter, special character and digit
Boolean True if user accepted marketing agreement, false otherwise


invitationCode CharArray? Invitation code used in a specific server configuration (Conditional/Optional) - depends on specific server configuration
nip String? Taxpayer identification number Not empty if passed
Information if user has accepted regulations agreement
Information if user has accepted marketing consent


Success / failure callback.


fun addUser(newUser: NewUser) {
        .addUser(newUser, {
            //new user is added successfully
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong, maybe user data was incorrect
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter

addUser (deprecated)

Asynchronous. Online.

Creates new user wallet account with given parameters.


Most of fields are optional. Fields requirement depends on product integration process.

Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

phone CharArray?

User's phone number

Phone with country prefix. For pl: 48500500500
email CharArray? User's email address Email format if any value passed
firstName CharArray? User's first name
lastName CharArray? User's last name
walletPin CharArray? User's wallet pin 4 to 8 digits if passed
password CharArray? User's password Password should be composed of at least 8 characters and include at least 3 out of the following 4 categories: upper-case letter, lower-case letter, special character and digit
acceptedMarketing Boolean True if user accepted marketing agreement, false otherwise



Success / failure callback.


Asynchronous. Online.

Creates new user wallet account if not exist with IBAN in Mobile DC backend.

When user already exist calling this method will be also finished with success.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

signedAccountInfo String

Signed AccountInfo per RFC 7519 generated on Client server side

Instruction how to sign data with JWT can be found in Data signing and encryption chapter

Not empty


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

userId String

External user id given by the client

Not empty
iban String Bank Account Number Not empty
countryCode String

The country of the financial account

Expressed as a 3-letter (alpha-3 country code as defined in ISO 3166-1

Not empty


Success callback. Called when new user is created or already exist with passed input data.

Parameter Type Description
ibanId String

Hash (sha256) of provided IBAN

Failure callback.


class SignedAccountInfo {
    fun generate() {
        val claims = JWTClaimsSet.Builder()
            .claim("userId", "externalUserId")
            .claim("iban", "IN15HIND23467433866365")
            .claim("countryCode", "IND")

        val signedAccountInfo = JwtGenerator.generate(claims, certificates, privateKey)
        // ...

private fun addUserWithIban() {

    val signedAccountInfo: String = getSignedAccountInfo()

        .addUserWithIban(signedAccountInfo, { ibanId ->
            //user already exist or was added with selected iban
        }, {
            //failure, check exceptions, maybe signedAccountInfo is wrong?


Asynchronous. Online.

Update user wallet account with given parameters.

Most of it's fields are optional. Fields requirement depends on product integration process.


Parameter Type Description Validation coditions
updateUser UpdateUser An object containing user data to update (Required)


Parameter Type Description
firstName CharArray? User's first name
lastName CharArray? User's last name
acceptedMarketing Boolean? True if user accepted marketing agreement, false otherwise
acceptedRegulations Boolean? Accepted regulations agreement
acceptedMarketingReceiving Boolean? Accepted marketing consent


Success / failure callback.


fun updateUser(updateUser: UpdateUser) {
        .updateUser(updateUser, {
            //user updated successfully
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong, maybe user data was incorrect
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Get data of current user.


No input parameters.


Success callback with User model.

Parameter Type Description
user User

User data

User contains following fields:

Parameter Type Description
userId Long

Id of registered user

firstName CharArray? First name of the user (required depending on server configuration)
lastName CharArray? Last name of the user (required depending on server configuration)
phone CharArray? Phone with country prefix. For pl: 48500500500 (required depending on server configuration)
email CharArray?

Email of the user (required depending on server configuration)

birthDate CharArray?

Birth date in format yyyy-MM-dd

gender CharArray? Gender: [M, F]
acceptTos CharArray? Date when user accepted regulations in format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
acceptMarketing CharArray? Date when user accepted marketing info in format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
isLocked Boolean? True if user is locked, false otherwise
deactivated Boolean? True if user is deactivated, false otherwise
status CharArray? User status: [ACTIVE, LOCKED, DEACTIVATED]
verified Boolean? True if user is verified, false otherwise
kyc CharArray? User’s KYC verification status, one of: [SUCCESS, REJECTED, IN_PROGRESS]
created CharArray? Date of creation user in DB
failCount Int? Number of failed authentication attempts
hasSetPassword Boolean? True if user has password set, false otherwise
lastPasswordChange CharArray? Last password change in format yyyy-MM-dd
lockTo CharArray? Time for which user is locked in format Y-m-d H:i:s
lastActivity CharArray? Data of user last activity in format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
country Country Country object
acceptMarketingReceiving CharArray? Date when user accepted marketing consent in format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss

Country contains following fields.

Field Type Description
id Long

Country identifier

code CharArray Country code in accordance with the ISO 3166-2 standard
prefix CharArray Prefix telephone number for a given country
name CharArray

Country name

Failure callback.


fun getUser() {
        .getUser({ user ->
            // Getting user went successfully
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong
            // Check exceptions described in error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Activate user account by finalizing registration process with SMS code sent to the phone number provided during new user wallet account creation.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

otp CharArray One time password (sent via SMS as a result of successful new user wallet account creation) Not empty


Success / failure callback.


fun finalizeUserRegistration(otp: CharArray) {
        .finalizeUserRegistration(otp, { 
           // User wallet account was successfully activated
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong. 
            // Check exceptions described in error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Offline.

Authenticates user locally after providing correct pin.

Provide method to verify user without connection into Mobile DC.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

pin CharArray

Wallet Pin created during user registration process associated with user account. (see: addUser (deprecated))

Not empty.


Success / failure callback.


fun authenticateByPin(mobileDcApi: MobileDcApiKotlin, pin: CharArray) {
    //Wallet Pin created during user registration process associated with user account
        .authenticateByPin(pin, {
            //user is verified
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong, maybe pin is incorrect? 
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Offline.

Method that check if biometric authentication is enabled.

Note: Authentication could be disabled by system when Android Keystore state changed (eg. User disabled screen lock or add new authentication method).

State of biometrics should be checked before every biometrics authentication usage.


No input parameters


Success callback with status of authentication or failure callback.


fun isBiometricAuthenticationEnabled() {
            .isBiometricAuthenticationEnabled({ isBiometricEnabled ->
                if (isBiometricEnabled) {
                    // Biometric authentication is enabled, process startBiometricAuthentication method
                } else {
                    // Biometric authentication is disabled, use enableBiometricAuthentication
            }, { throwable ->
                // Something went wrong
                // Check exceptions


Asynchronous. Online.

Method for enabling device level authentication and updating biometric public key.

To perform this method device must have set PIN, pattern or password. To check these use KeyguardManager.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
userName CharArray Current username Not empty
password CharArray Current password Not empty
biometricAuthType BiometricAuthType (BIOMETRIC_ONLY, BIOMETRIC_WITH_ALTERNATIVE) Type of biometrics to enable during device pairing process. Not null


Success / failure callback.


//KeyguardManager example
keyguardManager = context.getSystemService(KEYGUARD_SERVICE)

fun isDeviceSecure(): Boolean {
    return keyguardManager.isKeyguardSecure
//if isDeviceSecure return true device is safe and enableBiometricAuthentication method can be performed

fun enableBiometricAuthentication(userName: CharArray, password: CharArray, biometricAuthType : BiometricAuthType) {
        		.enableBiometricAuthentication(userName, password, biometricAuthType,
            			// Biometric authentication is enabled. Read startBiometricAuthentication description to authenticate user.
 					{ throwable ->
            			// Something went wrong
            			// Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Offline.

Disable possibility to use biometric authentication.


No input parameters.


Success / failure callback.


fun disableBiometricAuthentication() {
            //Biometric authentication cannot be no longer used. Use enableBiometricAuthentication to enable it again
        }, {
            //Something went wrong
            //Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter            


Asynchronous. Online.

Method for enabling device level authentication and updating biometric public key with Wallet Pin.

To perform this method device must have set PIN, pattern or password. To check these use KeyguardManager.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
walletPin CharArray Current walletPin Not empty
biometricAuthType BiometricAuthType (BIOMETRIC_ONLY, BIOMETRIC_WITH_ALTERNATIVE) Type of biometrics to enable during device pairing process. Not null


Success / failure callback.


//KeyguardManager example
keyguardManager = context.getSystemService(KEYGUARD_SERVICE)

fun isDeviceSecure(): Boolean {
    return keyguardManager.isKeyguardSecure
//if isDeviceSecure return true device is safe and enableBiometricAuthenticationWithWalletPin method can be performed

fun enableBiometricAuthenticationWithWalletPin(walletPin: CharArray, biometricAuthType : BiometricAuthType) {
        		.enableBiometricAuthenticationWithWalletPin(walletPin, biometricAuthType,
            			// Biometric authentication is enabled. Read startBiometricAuthentication description to authenticate user.
 					{ throwable ->
            			// Something went wrong
            			// Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Offline.

Create CryptoObject for biometric authentication.

Depends on usage of androidx/android support library an different CryptoObject can be provided by Android SDK.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
cryptoObjectType CryptoObjectType

Enum that defines different types of CryptoObject

BIOMETRIC_PROMPT_ANDROIDX - androidx/biometric/BiometricPrompt/CryptoObject,

FINGERPRINT_MANAGER_COMPAT_ANDROIDX - androidx/core/hardware/fingerprint/FingerprintManagerCompat/CryptoObject,

FINGERPRINT_MANAGER - android/hardware/fingerprint/FingerprintManager/CryptoObject,

BIOMETRIC_PROMPT - android/hardware/biometrics/BiometricPrompt/CryptoObject

Not empty


Success callback.

Parameter Type Description


Object containing CryptoObject kept as Object. 

BiometricAuthenticationData contains following field:

Parameter Type Description
cryptoObject Object Wrapper class for crypto objects supported biometric authentication.

Failure callback.


startBiometricAuthentication sample: 

             	// Creating Object for biometric authentication is done
            }, {
				// Something went wrong maybe: private key is not created or not authenticated
				// Check exceptions 

BiometricAuthenticationData should be used as parameter in authenticateWithBiometric but application must cast cryptoObject parameter to CryptoObject.

Cast to CryptoObject sample :

fun wrapToBiometricAuthenticationResult(biometricAuthenticationData: BiometricAuthenticationData): BiometricAuthenticationResult {
	val cryptoObject = biometricAuthenticationData.cryptoObject as CryptoObject //Casting to androidx/support version of CryptoObject

    return BiometricAuthenticationResult(

Complete flow of authentication with biometric methods:

Create your own custom view, which require to authenticate with biometric.

customViewForBiometricAuthentication = BiometricPrompt

fun startAuthentication(){
            { biometricAuthenticationData ->
            }, {
				// Something went wrong maybe: private key is not created or not authenticated
				// Check exceptions 

fun verifyAuthentication(biometricAuthenticationResult:BiometricAuthenticationResult){
            // success authentication is done
        { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong maybe private key is not authenticated?
            // Check exceptions

 val biometricPrompt: BiometricPrompt = BiometricPrompt(activityFragment, executor,
    object : BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback() {
        override fun onAuthenticationError(
            errorCode: Int,
            errString: CharSequence
        ) {
            super.onAuthenticationError(errorCode, errString)
            Toast.makeText(context,"Authentication error", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

        override fun onAuthenticationSucceeded(
            result: BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult
        ) {
                "Authentication succeeded!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()


        override fun onAuthenticationFailed() {
                context, "Authentication failed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()


Asynchronous. Offline.

Starts system biometric authentication.

After invoke system waits for a biometric authentication.

Method can throw BiometricVerificationException.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
biometricAuthenticationResult BiometricAuthenticationResult

Class wrapper for biometric authentication result (Signature, Cipher, Mac) created in startBiometricAuthentication

Not empty


Success callback.

Parameter Type Description
result AuthorizationResult Object containing verification details. 

AuthorizationResult contains following fields:

Parameter Type Description
timestamp Long? Internal information for SDK.
signedTimestamp ByteArray? Internal information for SDK
errorMessage String? Internal information for SDK

Failure callback.


fun authenticateWithBiometrics(biometricAuthenticationResult: BiometricAuthenticationResult) {
        .authenticateWithBiometric(biometricAuthenticationResult, { authorizationResult ->
            // authentication with biometric is finished with success, use authorizationResult to loginBySignature
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong, was authentication passed?
            // Check exceptions


Asynchronous. Online.

Authenticates user in Mobile DC backend after providing trusted identity.

Creates / refreshes user session.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

trustedIdentity String

Trusted identity generated by client

Not empty


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

userId String

External user id given by the client

Not empty


Success / failure callback.


Sample code for trustedIdentity generation (see also Data signing and encryption chapter):

class TrustedIdentity {
    fun generate() {
        val claims = JWTClaimsSet.Builder()
            .claim("userId", "externalUserId")

        val trustedIdentity = JwtGenerator.generate(claims, certificates, privateKey);
        // ...

Usage of trustedIdentity in application:

fun loginByTrustedIdentity(mobileDcApi: MobileDcApiKotlin, trustedIdentity: String) {
    //where trustedIdentity should be generated by server and passed to mobile application
        .loginByTrustedIdentity(trustedIdentity, {
            //user is logged
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong, maybe trustedIdentity is wrong? 
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Authenticates user in Mobile DC backend after providing correct pin.

Creates / refreshes user session.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

pin CharArray

Wallet Pin created during user registration process associated with user account. (see: addUser)

Not empty.


Success / failure callback.


fun loginByPin(mobileDcApi: MobileDcApiKotlin, pin: CharArray) {
    //Wallet Pin created during user registration process associated with user account
        .loginByPin(pin, {
            //user is logged
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong, maybe pin is incorrect? 
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Authenticates user in Mobile DC backend after local biometric authentication (startBiometricAuthentication and authenticateWithBiometric methods).

Creates / refreshes user session.


AuthorizationResult provided in success callback from authenticateWithBiometric method.


Success / failure callback.


fun loginBySignature(authorizationResult: AuthorizationResult) {
            .loginBySignature(authorizationResult, {
                // User is authenticated
            }, { throwable ->
                // Something went wrong
                // Check exceptions


Asynchronous. Online.

Changes user's wallet PIN with given parameters.





Validation conditions

walletPin CharArray

Current wallet PIN.

Has 4 or 8 digits.
newWalletPin CharArray New wallet PIN. Has 4 or 8 digits.


Success / failure callback.


fun changeWalletPin(walletPin:CharArray, newWalletPin:CharArray) {
        .changeWalletPin(walletPin, newWalletPin, {
            //user's Wallet PIN is changed
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong, maybe current PIN is wrong? 
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Resets wallet pin with given parameters.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions



User identifier type. One of: [PHONE, EMAIL]

Not empty
userLogin CharArray User identifier. Depends on user identifier type (EMAIL or PHONE) Depends on user identifier type. For a phone number  it's phone number with country prefix. For pl: 48500500500. For email it's a valid email
newWalletPin CharArray New user wallet pin Only numbers with 4 to 8 digits
password CharArray

Current user password

The password should be composed of at least 8 characters and include at least 3 out of the following 4 categories: upper-case letter, lower-case letter, special character and digit


Success / failure callback.


fun resetWalletPin(userLogin: CharArray, loginType: UserType, newPin: CharArray, password: CharArray) {
        .resetWalletPin(userLogin, loginType, newPin, password, {
            //user's pin is changed
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong, maybe password is wrong? 
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Changes user's password with given parameters.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

password CharArray

Current user password

The password should be composed of at least 8 characters and include at least 3 out of the following 4 categories: upper-case letter, lower-case letter, special character and digit
newPassword CharArray New user password The password should be composed of at least 8 characters and include at least 3 out of the following 4 categories: upper-case letter, lower-case letter, special character and digit


Success / failure callback.


fun changePassword(password:CharArray, newPassword:CharArray) {
        .changePassword(password, newPassword, {
            //user's password is changed
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong, maybe current password is wrong? 
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter

initializeResetUserPassword (deprecated)

Asynchronous. Online.

Reset user's password with given parameters.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

userLoginType UserType

 User identifier type. One of: [PHONE, EMAIL, INTERNAL_ID, EXTERNAL_ID]

 Not empty
userLogin CharArray User identifier. Depends on user identifier type Not empty, valid email address or phone with country prefix. For pl: 48500500500


Success callback with key and optionally with LimitedResourceInfo.

Parameter Type Description
key CharArray (Required) Initialization key that will be required for finalize reser user password process
limitedResourceInfo LimitedRedourceInfo? Additional paremeter which shows information about rate of APIs limits.

Failure callback.


fun initializeResetUserPassword(userLoginType: UserType, userLogin: CharArray) {
        .initializeResetUserPassword(userLoginType, userLogin, { response ->
            val key = response // key is necessary to call the finalizeResetUserPassword method. 
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong. 
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Reset user's password with given parameters.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

initializeResetUserPassword InitializeResetUserPassword An object containing user login type and user login

 Not empty

InitializeResetUserPassword model:

Parameter Type Description
userLoginType UserType

User identifier type. One of: [PHONE, EMAIL, INTERNAL_ID, EXTERNAL_ID]

userLogin CharArray User identifier. Depends on user identifier type


Success callback with key.

Parameter Type Description
key CharArray (Required) Initialization key that will be required for finalize reser user password process
limitedResourceInfo LimitedResourceInfo? Additional paremeter which shows information about rate limited APIs.

Failure callback.


fun initializeResetUserPassword(initializeResetUserPassword: InitializeResetUserPassword) {
        .initializeResetUserPassword(initializeResetUserPassword, { response ->
            val key = response.key // key is necessary to call the finalizeResetUserPassword method. 
			val limitedResourceInfo = response.limitedResourceInfo // limitedResourceInfo contains information about 
            // rate limited APIs, all parameters are nullable
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong. 
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Set new user password with given parameters.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

userLoginType UserType

 User identifier type. One of: [PHONE, EMAIL, INTERNAL_ID, EXTERNAL_ID]

 Not empty
userLogin CharArray User identifier. Depends on user identifier type Not empty, valid email address or phone with country prefix. For pl: 48500500500
key CharArray Key from initialize reset user password method Not empty
otp CharArray One time password (sent via email during initialize password reset process) Not empty
newPassword CharArray New user password The password should be composed of at least 8 characters and include at least 3 out of the following 4 categories: upper-case letter, lower-case letter, special character and digit


Success / failure callback.


fun finalizeResetUserPassword(userLoginType: UserType, userLogin: CharArray, 
	key: CharArray, otp: CharArray, newPassword: CharArray) {
        .finalizeResetUserPassword(userLoginType, userLogin, key, otp, newPassword, { 
           // The OTP has been sent
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong. 
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Change the user's email address to a new one.
After confirming the change of the email, the one-time password ( OTP) will be sent to this address.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

email CharArray

New email (an OTP will be sent to that address)

Email format


Success callback with key.

Parameter Type Description
key CharArray Initialization key that will be required for finalize reset user password process

Failure callback.


fun initializeEmailUpdate(email: CharArray) {
        .initializeEmailUpdate(email, { response ->
            val key = response // key is necessary to call the finalizeChangeEmail method.
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong.
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Set new user email.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

key CharArray Key from initialize change email method Not empty
otp CharArray One time password (sent via email during initialize change email process) Not empty


Success / failure callback.


fun finalizeEmailUpdate(key: CharArray, otp: CharArray) {
        .finalizeEmailUpdate( key, otp, { 
           // The user's email has been changed
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong. 
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Method for resend OTP.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

userLoginType UserType User identifier type. One of: [PHONE, EMAIL, INTERNAL_ID, EXTERNAL_ID] Not empty
userLogin User identifier. Depends on user identifier type User identifier. Depends on user identifier type Not empty, valid email address or phone with country prefix. For pl: 48500500500


Success / failure callback.


fun resendOtp(userLoginType: UserType, userLogin: CharArray) {
        .resendOtp( userLoginType, userLogin, { 
           // OTP has been sent
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong. 
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Offline.

Cancels user session.


No input parameters.


Success / failure callback.


fun logout() {
            //User session has been canceled. Refresh user session to restore it.
        }, {
            //Something went wrong
            //Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter            


Asynchronous. Online.

Delete data of current user and reset SDK state when success. The user can be hard or soft deleted depending on project’s configuration.
Hard - method used to delete user with deleting data connected to the user (eg. card).
Soft - method used to delete user without deleting data connected to the user (eg. card)

Usage of this method causes clearing all data related to selected user.


No input parameters.


Success/failure callback.


fun deleteUser() {
            //user is deleted, all data related to user, device cards etc is cleared. SDK is restarted.
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter

Cards domain


Asynchronous. Online.

Adds new payment card with given parameters.


Parameter Type Description
addCard AddCard Card information data.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
cardNumber CharArray

Card number

Field cannot be empty, it must contain only digits, a length of exactly 16 digits and the checksum of the digits must be valid
expirationDate CharArray Card expiration date Field may not be empty and  must have a format MM/YY
description CharArray

Card description

Not empty


Card holder data Not empty
isDefault Boolean? Is default card for user -
currency CharArray? Currency of card  (ISO 4217, three letter code) -
visualId CharArray? Visual identifier -


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
firstName CharArray

First name of card holder

Not empty
lastName CharArray Last name of card holder Not empty


Success callback with cardId.

Parameter Type


cardId Long Id of added card


fun addCard(addCard: AddCard){
        .addCard(addCard, { cardId ->
            // Card added
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong, maybe any field is wrong? 
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter

addCard (deprecated)

Asynchronous. Online.

Adds new payment card with given parameters.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
cardNumber CharArray Card number Field cannot be empty, it must contain only digits, a length of exactly 16 digits and the checksum of the digits must be valid
expirationDate CharArray Card expiration date Field may not be empty and  must have a format MM/YY
description CharArray

Card description

Not empty


Card holder first name Not empty
lastName CharArray Card holder last name Not empty


Success callback with cardId.

Parameter Type


cardId Long Id of added card


fun addCard(cardNumber:CharArray, expirationDate:CharArray, description:CharArray, 
	firstName:CharArray, lastName:CharArray){
        	.addCard(cardNumber, expirationDate, description, firstName, lastName, { cardId ->
           	 // Card added
        	}, { throwable ->
          	  // Something went wrong, maybe any field is wrong? 
           	 // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Provides user cards from Mobile DC backend.


No input parameters.


Success callback with list of user cards.

Parameter Type Description
cards List <Card>

List of user cards


Field Type Description
cardId Long

Card main identifier. Also used as paymentInstrumentId

lastFourDigits String Last four digits of user card
expirationDate String Card expiration date
isVerified Boolean

Flag informing about card verification

cardHolder CardHolder? Card holder details
visualPath String? Path to visual of card
description String? Card description
cardType CardType (MASTERCARD, VISA, OTHER, UNKNOWN) Type of card
isDefault Boolean Indicates if card is default user’s card
source String? From which source card has been added
currency String? Currency code (ISO 4217, three letter code)
visualId String? Visual id
externalId String? Card external id
isLocked Boolean Flag which informs if card is locked


Field Type Description
firstName String Card holder first name
lastName String Card holder last name

Failure callback.


fun getCards() {
        .getAll({ cards ->
        }, {
            // Something went wrong
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Delete card with given card id.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
cardId Long Id of deleting card Field cannot be empty.


Success / failure callback.


fun deleteCard(cardId: Long) {
        .deleteCard(cardId, {
        }, {
            //Something went wrong
            //Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Card verification- initialize 3D Secure. Provides the data needed for the 3D Secure verification process.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
cardId Long Id of added card Not empty


Success callback with Initialize3dsResult.

Parameter Type


initialize3dsResult Initialize3dsResult Contains necessary data for 3DS verification


Field Type Description
paymentId CharArray Internal transaction id
pageContent CharArray Content of webpage to be shown in browser created in application


fun initialize3ds(mobileDcApi: MobileDcApiKotlin, cardId: Long) {
                .initialize3ds(cardId, { result ->
                    val paymentId = result.paymentId
                    val pageContent = result.pageContent

                    // Check is pageContent not null
                    if (pageContent != null) {
                        // Necessary convert from CharArray to ByteArray
                        val pageContentToByteArray = pageContent.toByteArray()
                        openWebView(paymentId, pageContentToByteArray)
                    } else {
                        // Card verification error
                }, { throwable ->
                    // Something went wrong, maybe cardId is invalid?
                    // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


    fun openWebView(paymentId: CharArray, pageContent: ByteArray) {
        //Bind your webView
        val myWebView = findViewById<WebView>(

        //JavaScript is disabled in a WebView by default. You can enable it through the WebSettings
        //attached to your WebView. You can retrieve WebSettings with getSettings(), then enable JavaScript 
        //with setJavaScriptEnabled().
        val webSettings: WebSettings = myWebView.getSettings()
        webSettings.javaScriptEnabled = true

        //Necessary bind this class to the JavaScript that runs in your WebView with addJavascriptInterface() 
        //and name the interface Android.
        myWebView.addJavascriptInterface(WebAppInterface(), "Android")

        // Decode pageContent from initialize3ds response
        val viewPageContent = String(Base64.decode(pageContent, Base64.DEFAULT))
        // Load page in vebWiew
        myWebView.loadData(viewPageContent, "text/html; charset=UTF-8", "utf-8")

//To bind a new interface between your JavaScript and Android code, call addJavascriptInterface(),
//passing it a class instance to bind to your JavaScript and an interface name that your JavaScript 
//can call to access the class, like below example

    class WebAppInterface {
        // Get the pares parameter from the web page
       	fun setData(pares: String?) {
            // onPares interface method provides the pares parameter after interaction with webView. 
            //Parameter pares is needed to perform finalize3ds
            // Necessary convert from String to CharArray
            val paresToCharArray = pares?.toCharArray()
            // close webView
            // Then you need to properly handle the parameter pares to be able to call finalize3ds
            //with the parameter pares and paymentId.


Asynchronous. Online.

Card verification - finalize 3D Secure. Verifies the payment card by the 3D Secure.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
cardId Long Id of added card Not empty
cvc CharArray Card verification code  Field cannot be empty, it must contain only digits, a length of exactly 3 digits
pares CharArray Received after successful interaction with webView
Not empty
paymentId CharArray Received after a valid query to Initialize3ds
Not empty


Success callback with Finalize3dsResult.

Parameter Type


finalize3dsResult Finalize3dsResult Contains data on the needed to carry out the amount verification and the verification value of the cardholder authentication


Field Type Description
amountValidation Boolean Inform if random quotation should be used to complete card verification
cavv CharArray Cardholder authentication verification value


fun finalize3ds(mobileDcApi: MobileDcApiKotlin, cardId: Long, cvc: CharArray, pares: CharArray, 
	paymentId: CharArray) {
            	.finalize3ds(cardId, cvc, pares, paymentId, { result ->
                	val amountValidation = result.amountValidation
                	val cavv = result.cavv
           		 }, { throwable ->
            	    // Something went wrong, maybe any field is invalid?
                	// Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Card verification - initialize 3D Secure. Provides the data needed for the 3D Secure verification process.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
initialize3DSv2 Initialize3DSv2 An object containing data for secure verification process.

Not empty


Parameter Type Description Validation conditaions
cardId Long Id of the card Not empty
challengeUrl String

Callback url to handle redirect during Challenge (status CHALLENGE_REQUIRED from response).
Check sample implementation below.

Not empty
browserDetails BrowserDetails Object with properties described below Not empty


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
timezoneOffset String Timezone offset - numeric Not empty
userAgent String User Agent Not empty
acceptHeader String Accept Header Not empty
screenWidth String Screen Width - numeric Not empty
screenHeight String Screen Height Not empty
language String Language - IETF BCP 47 Not empty
browserIp String Browser IP Not empty
screenColorDepth String Screen Color Depth - numeric Not empty


Success callback with Initialize3DSv2Result

Parameter Type


initialize3DSv2Result Initialize3DSv2Result Contains necessary data for 3DS verification


Field Type Description
status String

Status returned of operation. Status could be SUCCESS or CHALLENGE_REQUIRED.
For SUCCESS the Card is already verified and no more action is required.
For CHALLENGE_REQUIRED application should show WebView with content from challengeHtmlFromBase64.

authenticationId String Card authentication id, used in finalize3DSv2 method.
acsUrl String? ACS (Access Control Server) url. Required for CHALLENGE_REQUIRED.
challengeHtmlFormBase64 String? 64BASED html code provided ACQ/ASC. This should be displayed to Application User. Required for CHALLENGE_REQUIRED.


fun initialize3DSv2(mobileDcApi : MobileDcApiKotlin){
        .initialize3DSv2(initialize3DSv2, { initialize3DSv2Result ->
            when (initialize3DSv2Result.status) {
                "SUCCESS" -> {
                    //3DS success, no more action is required

                "CHALLENGE_REQUIRED" -> {
                    showWebView(initialize3DSv2Result.challengeHtmlFormBase64, challengeUrl)

                else -> //failure
        }, { throwable ->
        	// Something went wrong
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter

//WebView implementation

fun showWebView(challengeHtmlFormBase64: String, challengeUrl : String) {

    val viewPageContent = String(Base64.decode(challengeHtmlFormBase64, Base64.DEFAULT))
    val webViewUrlDetectionClient = WebViewUrlDetectionClient(challengeUrl)

    with(webView) {
        webViewClient = webViewUrlDetectionClient
		settings.javaScriptEnabled = true
		visibility = View.VISIBLE
            "text/html; charset=UTF-8",

//sample WebViewClient implementation for handing redirect on challangeUrl
class WebViewUrlDetectionClient(private val challengeUrl: String): WebViewClient() {
    override fun onPageStarted(view: WebView, url: String, favicon: Bitmap?) {
        super.onPageStarted(view, url, favicon)
        if (url.equals(challengeUrl, true)) {
            //call finalize3DSv2(cardId, initialize3DSv2Result.authenticationId)


Asynchronous. Online.

Card verification - finalize 3D Secure. Verifies the payment card by the 3D Secure.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
finalize3DSv2 Finalize3DSv2 An object containing data for secure finalization process. Not empty


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
cardId Long Id of the card. Not empty
authenticationId String Identifier of verification process from Initialize3DSv2Result Not empty


Success callback/ Failure callback.


fun finalize3DS(mobileDcApi : MobileDcApiKotlin) {

    val finalize3DSv2Input = Finalize3DSv2(cardId, authenticationId)

            finalize3DSv2Input, {
                //3DS finished with success
            }, { throwable ->
            	// Something went wrong
                // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Method for updating payment card data.


Parameter Type Description
updateCard UpdateCard An object containing card data to update


Parameter Type Description
cardId Long Unique card id
description CharArray? Card description
currency CharArray? Card currency (ISO 4217, three letter code format)
isDefault Boolean? Is this card default
visualId CharArray? Card visual identifier
firstName CharArray? Card holder first name - send only when lastName is not blank
lastName CharArray? Card holder last name - send only when firstName is not blank


Success callback/ Failure callback.


fun updateCard(cardId: Long, description: CharArray?, isDefault: Boolean?, firstName: CharArray?, lastName: CharArray?){
	val updateCard = UpdateCard(cardId).apply {
		this.description = description
		this.firstName = firstName
		this.lastName = lastName
		this.isDefault = isDefault

        .updateCard(updateCard) {
            // Card updated
        }, { throwable ->
            // Something went wrong, maybe any field is wrong? 
            // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Card verification - verify card after 3ds.


Parameter Type Description
verifyCard VerifyCard An object containing card data to verify.


Parameter Type Description
cardId Long Unique card id
amount CharArray? If finalize3ds returns amountValidation set to false should be null otherwise value is amount freezed on the user account during card verification (value between 100 and 200 pennies).


Success callback/ Failure callback.


fun verifyCard(cardId: Long, amount: CharArray?, amountValidation: Boolean) {
    val verifyCard: VerifyCard = VerifyCard(cardId).apply {
        this.amount = if (amountValidation) amount else null
        .verifyCard(verifyCard, {
            //handle success
        }, { throwable ->
            //handle failure

Device domain

pairByPassword (deprecated in 2.14.6)

Asynchronous. Online.

Pairs device using given password and user identifier.

Deprecated, use pairByPassword(PairByPassword)


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

userLoginType UserType

User identifier type. One of: [PHONE, EMAIL, INTERNAL_ID, EXTERNAL_ID]

Not empty
userLogin CharArray User identifier. Depends on user identifier type

Email or Phone with country prefix

userPassword CharArray User password Password should be composed of at least 8 characters and include at least 3 out of the following 4 categories: upper-case letter, lower-case letter, special character and digit
fcmToken CharArray Token for push notifications Not empty
biometricAuthType BiometricAuthType?


BIOMETRIC_ONLY - enable only biometric authentication

BIOMETRIC_WITH_ALTERNATIVE - enable device level authentication

If not set any of above don't be enable.


Success / failure callback.


fun pairByPassword(
    email: CharArray, //user email
    password: CharArray, //user password
    fcmToken: CharArray  // saved FCM token from Firebase service
) {

        .pairByPassword(UserType.EMAIL, email, password, fcmToken,
                //device is paired, now you can use this device to manage Mobile DC resources
            { throwable ->
                // Something went wrong, maybe any field is wrong?
                // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Online.

Pairs device using given password and user identifier.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

pairByPassword PairByPassword

An object containing user information to pair device.

Not empty


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

userLoginType UserType

User identifier type. One of: [PHONE, EMAIL, INTERNAL_ID, EXTERNAL_ID]

Not empty
userLogin CharArray User identifier. Depends on user identifier type

Email or Phone with country prefix

userPassword CharArray User password Password should be composed of at least 8 characters and include at least 3 out of the following 4 categories: upper-case letter, lower-case letter, special character and digit
An object containing cloud messaging registration token information Not empty
biometricAuthType BiometricAuthType?


BIOMETRIC_ONLY - enable only biometric authentication

BIOMETRIC_WITH_ALTERNATIVE - enable device level authentication

If not set any of above don't be enable.

externalDeviceId String?

External device id


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

type CloudMessagingType

Mandatory. One of: [FCM, EXTERNAL].

FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging
EXTERNAL - External token for external source of RNS

Not empty
token String

Token for push notifications

Not empty


Success / failure callback.


val cloudMessagingRegistrationToken: CloudMessagingRegistrationToken =
        type: CloudMessagingType, //messaging token type
        token: String // saved cloud messaging token
val pairByPassword: PairByPassword =
        userLoginType: UserType, //user identifier type
        userLogin: CharArray, //user identifier
        password: CharArray, //user password
        cloudMessagingRegistrationToken: CloudMessagingRegistrationToken, //cloud messaging registration token information
        biometricAuthType: BiometricAuthType?, //Optional biometric authentication type
        externalDeviceId: String? //Optional external device id
fun pairByPassword(pairByPassword: PairByPassword) {
                //device is paired, now you can use this device to manage Mobile DC resources
            { throwable ->
                // Something went wrong, maybe any field is wrong?
                // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter

pairByTrustedIdentity (deprecared in 2.14.6)

Asynchronous. Online.

Binds device to user in Mobile DC backend with Trusted Identity genetated by client server.

Deprecated, use pairByTrustedIdentity(PairByTrustedIdentity).


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

trustedIdentity String

JSON Web Token containing registration data

Not empty
fcmRegistrationToken CharArray

FCM Cloud messaging registration token

Not empty


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

userId String

External user id given by the client

Not empty


Success / failure callback.


Sample code for trustedIdentity generation (see also Data signing and encryption chapter):

class TrustedIdentity {
    fun generate() {
        val claims = JWTClaimsSet.Builder()
            .claim("userId", "externalUserId")

        val trustedIdentity = JwtGenerator.generate(claims, certificates, privateKey);
        // ...

Usage of trustedIdentity in application:

fun pairDeviceByTrustedIdentity(
    mobileDcApi: MobileDcApiKotlin,
    trustedIdentity: String
) {

    val fcmToken = getFcmRegistartionToken() // get saved FCM token from FirebaseMessagingService, or from 

            fcmToken, {
                //device is paired, now you can use this device to manage Mobile DC resources
            }, { throwable ->
                //some error occured, check exception


Asynchronous. Online.

Binds device to user in Mobile DC backend with Trusted Identity genetated by client server.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

pairByTrustedIdentity PairByTrustedIdentity

An object containing user information to pair device.

Not empty


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

trustedIdentity String

JSON Web Token containing registration data

Not empty
cloudMessagingRegistrationToken CloudMessagingRegistrationToken

An object containing cloud messaging registration token information

Not empty

externalDeviceId String?

External device id


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

userId String

External user id given by the client

Not empty


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

type CloudMessagingType

Mandatory. One of: [FCM, EXTERNAL].

FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging
EXTERNAL - External token for external source of RNS

Not empty
token String

Token for push notifications

Not empty


Success / failure callback.


Sample code for trustedIdentity generation (see also Data signing and encryption chapter):

class TrustedIdentity {
    fun generate() {
        val claims = JWTClaimsSet.Builder()
            .claim("userId", "externalUserId")

        val trustedIdentity = JwtGenerator.generate(claims, certificates, privateKey);
        // ...

Usage of trustedIdentity in application:

val cloudMessagingRegistrationToken: CloudMessagingRegistrationToken =
        type: CloudMessagingType, //messaging token type
        token: String // saved cloud messaging token
val pairByTrustedIdentity: PairByTrustedIdentity =
        trustedIdentity: String, //JSON Web Token containing registration data
        cloudMessagingRegistrationToken: CloudMessagingRegistrationToken, //cloud messaging registration token information
        externalDeviceId: String? //Optional external device id
fun pairByTrustedIdentity(pairByTrustedIdentity: PairByTrustedIdentity) {
                //device is paired, now you can use this device to manage Mobile DC resources
            { throwable ->
                // Something went wrong, maybe any field is wrong?
                // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter

pairByExternalCredentials (deprecated in 2.14.6)

Asynchronous. Online.

Binds device to user in Mobile DC backend using username and password.

Deprecated, use pairByTrustedIdentity(PairByExternalCredentials).


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

username String

User identifier

Not empty
password CharArray User password Not empty
fcmRegistrationToken CharArray

FCM Cloud messaging registration token

Not empty

biometricAuthType BiometricAuthType?


BIOMETRIC_ONLY - enable only biometric authentication

BIOMETRIC_WITH_ALTERNATIVE - enable device level authentication

If not set any of above don't be enable.


Success / failure callback.


fun pairByExternalCredentials() {

    val username: CharArray = getCharArrayFromInput() //get username provided by user
    val password: CharArray = getCharArrayFromInput() //get password provided by user
    val fcmToken = getFcmToken() // get saved FCM token from Firebase service

            fcmToken, {
                //device is paired, now you can use this device to manage Mobile DC resources
            }, { throwable ->
                //some error occured, check exception


Asynchronous. Online.

Binds device to user in Mobile DC backend using username and password.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

pairByExternalCredentials PairByExternalCredentials

An object containing user information to pair device.

Not empty


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

username String

User identifier

Not empty
password CharArray User password Not empty
cloudMessagingRegistrationToken CloudMessagingRegistrationToken

FCM Cloud messaging registration token

Not empty

biometricAuthType BiometricAuthType?


BIOMETRIC_ONLY - enable only biometric authentication

BIOMETRIC_WITH_ALTERNATIVE - enable device level authentication

If not set any of above don't be enable.

externalDeviceId String?

External device id


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

type CloudMessagingType

Mandatory. One of: [FCM, EXTERNAL].

FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging
EXTERNAL - External token for external source of RNS

Not empty
token String

Token for push notifications

Not empty


Success / failure callback.


val cloudMessagingRegistrationToken: CloudMessagingRegistrationToken =
        type: CloudMessagingType, //messaging token type
        token: String //saved cloud messaging token
val pairByExternalCredentials: PairByExternalCredentials = PairByExternalCredentials(
    userName: CharrArray, //username provided by user
    password: CharrArray, //password provided by user
    cloudMessagingRegistratinoToken: CloudMessagingRegistrationToken, //cloud messaging registration token information
    biometricAuthType: BiometricAuthType?, //Optional biometric authentication type
    externalDevice: String? //Optional external device id
fun pairByExternalCredentials(pairByExternalCredentials: PairByExternalCredentials) {
                //device is paired, now you can use this device to manage Mobile DC resources
            { throwable ->
                // Something went wrong, maybe any field is wrong?
                // Check exceptions described in Error handling chapter


Asynchronous. Offline.

Method allow to check is Device already paired with MDC Backend.


No input parameters.


Success / failure callback.


fun isDevicePaired() {
           // return is device paired state
		{throwable ->  
           // some error occurred, check exception


Asynchronous. Online.

Removes all data collected by SDK and binding between user and device in Mobile DC backend.

Pairing device to user can be made by <<pairBy...>> methods.


No input parameters.


Success / failure callback.


fun unPairDevice() {
            //device is unPaired, SDK cannot be not longer used
            //application can remove all data in context of sDKDefaultBackoffStrategy
            //for use SDK again call pairBy.. method
        }, { throwable ->
            //some error occured, check exception

Cloud messaging domain


Asynchronous. Offline.

Processes data sent by backend (push notification data).
Application should check Verestro senderId in RemoteMessage object (RemoteMessage::from method) to verify sender. Method can throw InvalidPushException in case of invalid push content passed to it.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

pushData Map<String, String>

Data received from notification service in RemoteMessage object

Not empty


Success/failure callback.


//FirebaseMessagingService class from Firebase

override fun onMessageReceived(remoteMessage: RemoteMessage) {

    val senderId: String? = remoteMessage.from
    val pushData =

	//check push source only when push source is Verestro sender Id

    if (isVerestroSenderId(senderId)) {
            .process(pushData, {
               //push sent to SDK
            }, {
                //some error

    } else {
        //proceed push from another source different then Verestro

getSource (Deprecated in 2.14.6)

Asynchronous. Offline.

Checks Verestro Backend service source of push content.

Application should check senderId in RemoteMessage object (RemoteMessage::from method) before passing data to this method.

Deprecated, no longer required to use. Use simply method process() for push message providing.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

pushData Map<String, String>

Data received from notification service in RemoteMessage object

Not empty


Success callback with source of push.

Parameter Type Description
source String

Source of push content, where push data should be passed. Possible values: UCP

Failure callback.


//FirebaseMessagingService class from Firebase

override fun onMessageReceived(remoteMessage: RemoteMessage) {

    val senderId: String? = remoteMessage.from
    val pushData =

	//check push source only when push source is uPaid sender Id

    if (isUpaidSenderId(senderId)) {

		//checking push source and passing to proper uPaid module

            .getSource(pushData, { source ->
                when (source) {
                    "UCP" -> processUcpPush(pushData)
            }, {
                //some error

    } else {
        //proceed push from another source

private fun processUcpPush(pushData: Map<String, String>) {
        .process(pushData, {
            //push processed in UCP
        }, {
            //some error


Asynchronous. Online.

Updates FCM Cloud Messaging registation token.

Method should be called when application receive new registration token from FCM service.

When updated application should still receive push notifications from Verestro Backend.

Application should always retry update FCM Registration token if method failed.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

cloudMessagingRegistrationToken CloudMessagingRegistrationToken An object containing user information to update registration token Not empty


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

type CloudMessagingType

Mandatory. One of: [FCM, EXTERNAL].

FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging
EXTERNAL - External token for external source of RNS

Not empty

Registration token

Not empty


Success / failure callback.


//application should listen for FCM token changes in FirebaseMessagingService::onNewToken method
val cloudMessagingRegistrationToken: CloudMessagingRegistrationToken =
        type: CloudMessagingType, //messaging token type
        token: String //saved cloud messaging token

fun updateRegistrationToken(cloudMessagingRegistrationToken: CloudMessagingRegistrationToken) {
        .isDevicePaired({ isPaired ->
            //token update is required only if device is already paired
            if (isPaired) {
                    .updateRegistrationToken(cloudMessagingRegistrationToken, {
                        //token updated
                    }, {
                        //some error, always retry action until success
                        //when internet or server connection is not reachable try again later
        }, {
            //some error

updateFcmRegistrationToken (deprecated in 2.14.6)

Asynchronous. Online.

Updates Cloud Messaging registation token for selected token type (FCM).

Method should be called when application receive new registration token from FCM service.

When updated application should still receive push notifications from Verestro Backend.

Application should always retry update FCM Registration token if method failed.

Deprecated, use updateRegistrationToken.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

fcmToken String

Registration token received from FCM service

Not empty


Success / failure callback.


//application should listen for FCM token changes in FirebaseMessagingService::onNewToken method

private fun updateFcmToken(newFcmToken: String) {
        .isDevicePaired({ isPaired ->
            //token update is required only if device is already paired
            if (isPaired) {
                    .updateFcmRegistrationToken(newFcmToken, {
                        //token updated
                    }, {
                        //some error, always retry action until success
                        //when internet or server connection is not reachable try again later
        }, {
            //some error

TransactionsHistory domain


Asynchronous. Online.

Provides transaction history from Mobile DC backend with selected transactions filters.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
filters TransactionsFilters? Filters for transactions history. Leave null to get all user's transactions with limit equals 10
nextPage TransactionsNextPage?

Indicates starting point of downloaded transaction history

Pass null for first request or pass object from getTransactionHistory result


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
cardId String? Selected card id or null
paymentTokenId String?

Selected paymentTokenId or null

Field is available in PaymentInstrument object in UCP module

ibanId String?

Selected iban id or null

area String? Area of transaction, specific per project (e.g. "UCP"). Could be null in order to avoid filtering by area of transaction.
timestampFrom String? The date/time (in ISO 8601 extended format) indicating the timestamp from which transactions would be filtered (e.g. "2020-10-10T00:59:00.000000+02:00"). Could be null in order to avoid filtering by indicating the earliest date of transactions.
timestampTo String? The date/time (in ISO 8601 extended format) indicating the timestamp to which transactions would be filtered (e.g. "2020-10-10T00:59:00.000000+02:00"). Could be null in order to avoid filtering by indicating the latest date of transactions.
amountMinorMin Long?

The transaction minimum monetary amount (inclusive) in terms of the minor units of the currency.
For example, for EUR 2.35 client should pass 235, and for BHD -1.345 should pass 1345. Absolute value is taken into consideration.

amountMinorMax Long? The transaction maximum monetary amount (inclusive) in terms of the minor units of the currency.
For example, for EUR 2.35 client should pass 235, and for BHD -1.345 should pass 1345. Absolute value is taken into consideration.

amountType AmountType? Transaction amount type. One of POSITIVE, NEGATIVE
contrahent TransactionContrahent? Contrahent data. For transaction type TOP_UP it means the sender of the transfer. For transaction type OUTGOING_TRANSFER it means the receiver of the transfer
description String? Description of transaction
status Set<String>? List of transaction statuses. Possible values: [DECLINED, CLEARED, AUTHORIZED, REVERSED]. For example: status=AUTHORIZED&status=CLEARED
limit Int? Limit of transactions to get. When not changed default value is 10


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
iban String Contrahent International Bank Account Number
bic String Contrahent Bank Identifier Code
name String Contrahent name


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
seekId String Seek id of next transaction
seekTimestamp String Seek timestamp of next transaction


Success callback with list of transactions history.

Parameter Type Description
transactionHistory TransactionHistory An object containing list of TransactionDetails and TransactionNextPage to show transaction history

Parameter Type


transactions List<TransactionDetails> List of transactions history
nextPage TransactionsNextPage? Object for getting next transactions history items


Field Type Description
id Long Internal transaction id
clientTransactionId String Client id of transaction
amountMinor Long The transaction monetary count in terms of the minor units of the currency
currency String Currency of the transaction amount. 3-digits ISO 4217 currency code
status String Transaction status. One of: DECLINED, CLEARED, AUTHORIZED, REVERSED
timestamp String The date/time when the transaction occurred. In ISO8601 extended format
description String? Description of transaction
comment String? Comment for the transaction
cardId Long? Card id of transaction
paymentTokenId String? Id of payment token
cardLastFourDigits String? Last four digits of card
merchantName String? The merchant name
merchantPostalCode String? The postal code of the merchant
merchantTransactionId String? Identifier given by merchant for transaction
transactionCountryCode String? The country in which the transaction was performed. Expressed as a 3-letter country code as defined in ISO 3166-1
comboCardAccountType String? Indicator if Credit or Debit was chosen for a tokenized combo card at the time of the transaction. One of: CREDIT, DEBIT
issuerResponseInformation String?

Additional information provided by the issuer for declined transaction. One of: INVALID_CARD_NUMBER, FORMAT_ERROR, MAX_AMOUNT_EXCEEDED,



transactionChannel String?

Information about transaction channel. One of: CONTACTLESS, CLOUD, MONEYSEND

ibanId String? Id of iban as sha256Hex
mcc String? 4 digits merchant category code
mccCategory String? Category of merchant category code
originalAmountMinor Long? The transaction monetary amount in terms of the minor units of the original currency. For example, EUR 2.35 will return 235, and BHD -1.345 will return -1345. Negative amounts indicate a refund or payment
originalCurrency String?
3-character ISO 4217 original currency code of the transaction
exchangeRate Double?
Exchange rate of the original currency into the base currency
balanceMinorValueAfterTransaction Long?
Account balance value after transaction in terms of the minor units
commissionMinorValue Long?
Commission value in terms of the minor units
clearingTimestamp String? The date/time when the transaction changed status on CLEARED. In ISO 8601 extended format
contrahent TransactionContrahent?
Contrahent data. For transaction type TOP_UP it means the sender of the transfer. For transaction type OUTGOING_TRANSFER it means the receiver of the transfer
parentId Long?
Id of base transaction
attachmentStatus String?
Attachment status of transaction. One of: [EMPTY, INCORRECT, TO_APPROVE, APPROVED]
incorrectAttachmentStatusReason String?
Reason of INCORRECT attachment status. Required only for this status. One of: [ATTACHMENT_UNREADABLE, ATTACHMENT_INCORRECT, OTHER]
categoriesInfo TransactionCategoriesInfo? Transaction categories
walletReference String? In the case of a transaction with a digitized card, this field contains information from which xPay was initiated.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
iban String Contrahent International Bank Account Number
bic String Contrahent Bank Identifier Code
name String Contrahent name


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
categories List<TransactionCategory>? Transaction categories list


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
id Long Category id
amountMinor Long Part of the transaction monetary amount which is related to the given category (minor units of the currency)
idName String Category name
name String Category name in the language that was sent in the request header


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
seekId String Seek id of next transaction
seekTimestamp String Seek timestamp of next transaction


//sample filters
val lastFiveTransactionForCard = TransactionsFilters()
lastFiveTransactionForCard.cardId = "1"
lastFiveTransactionForCard.limit = 5 //when not set default is 10

//another sample filters
val allTransactionsForUser: TransactionsFilters? = null

//another sample filters
val lastThreeTransactionsForUser = TransactionsFilters()
lastThreeTransactionsForUser.limit = 3

//indicates starting point of transaction history
//can be used while loading more history or for paging
var nextPage: TransactionsNextPage? = null

fun getTransactionsHistory(filters: TransactionsFilters?) {
        .getTransactionsHistory(filters, nextPage, { transactionsHistory ->
                val transactions = transactionsHistory.transactions

                //save nextPage for getting next items
                nextPage = transactionsHistory.nextPage
            }, {
                //something went wrong, check exception


Asynchronous. Online.

Provides transaction details from Mobile DC backend for selected transactionId.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
getTransactionDetails GetTransactionDetails Contains id for requested transactionId transactionId greater than 0 and not null


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
transactionId Long Selected id of transaction Greater than 0 and not null


Success callback with transaction details.

Parameter Type Description
getTransactionDetailsResult GetTransactionDetailsResult An object containing details for requested transaction


Field Type Description
id Long Internal transaction id
clientTransactionId String Client id of transaction
amountMinor Long The transaction monetary count in terms of the minor units of the currency
currency String Currency of the transaction amount. 3-digits ISO 4217 currency code
status String Transaction status. One of: DECLINED, CLEARED, AUTHORIZED, REVERSED
timestamp String The date/time when the transaction occurred. In ISO8601 extended format
description String? Description of transaction
comment String? Comment for the transaction
cardId Long? Card id of transaction
paymentTokenId String? Id of payment token
cardLastFourDigits String? Last four digits of card
merchantName String? The merchant name
merchantPostalCode String? The postal code of the merchant
transactionCountryCode String? The country in which the transaction was performed. Expressed as a 3-letter country code as defined in ISO 3166-1
comboCardAccountType String? Indicator if Credit or Debit was chosen for a tokenized combo card at the time of the transaction. One of: CREDIT, DEBIT
issuerResponseInformation String?

Additional information provided by the issuer for declined transaction. One of: INVALID_CARD_NUMBER, FORMAT_ERROR, MAX_AMOUNT_EXCEEDED,



transactionChannel String?

Information about transaction channel. One of: CONTACTLESS, CLOUD, MONEYSEND

ibanId String? Id of iban as sha256Hex
mcc String? 4 digits merchant category code
mccCategory String? Category of merchant category code
originalAmountMinor Long? The transaction monetary amount in terms of the minor units of the original currency. For example, EUR 2.35 will return 235, and BHD -1.345 will return -1345. Negative amounts indicate a refund or payment
originalCurrency String?
3-character ISO 4217 original currency code of the transaction
exchangeRate Double?
Exchange rate of the original currency into the base currency
balanceMinorValueAfterTransaction Long?
Account balance value after transaction in terms of the minor units
commissionMinorValue Long?
Commission value in terms of the minor units
clearingTimestamp String?
The date/time when the transaction changed status on CLEARED. In ISO 8601 extended format
parentId Long?
Id of base transaction
contrahent TransactionContrahent? Contrahent data. For transaction type TOP_UP it means the sender of the transfer. For transaction type OUTGOING_TRANSFER it means the receiver of the transfer
attachmentStatus String?
Attachment status of transaction. One of: [EMPTY, INCORRECT, TO_APPROVE, APPROVED]
incorrectAttachmentStatusReason String?
Reason of INCORRECT attachment status. Required only for this status. One of: [ATTACHMENT_UNREADABLE, ATTACHMENT_INCORRECT, OTHER]
Transaction attachments list
categoriesInfo TransactionCategoriesInfo? Transaction categories
walletReference String? In the case of a transaction with a digitized card, this field contains information from which xPay was initiated.
partialReversals List<PartialReversal>? Transaction partial reversals list


Parameter Type Description
id String Attachment id
name String File name
mimeType String Mime type
link String Url address valid by default 10 minutes. If link expires then API to generate link should be used. Mostly in this case minio will return 403 Forbidden
linkExpirationDate String Url expiration date for given link in ISO 8601 extended format. Given link will be valid only short period of time


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
categories List<TransactionCategory>? Transaction categories list


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
id Long Category id
amountMinor Long Part of the transaction monetary amount which is related to the given category (minor units of the currency)
idName String Category name
name String Category name in the language that was sent in the request header


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
amountMinor Double The reversal monetary amount in terms of the minor units of the currency. For example, EUR 2.35 will return 235, and BHD -1.345 will return -1345
currency String 3-character ISO 4217 currency code of the transaction reversal
date String The date/time of the transaction reversal. In ISO 8601 extended format
balanceMinorValueAfterTransaction Double Account balance value after transaction reversal in terms of the minor units


//sample entry data
val getTransactionDetails = GetTransactionDetails(1210L)

fun getTransactionDetails(getTransactionDetails: GetTransactionDetails) {
		.getTransactionDetails(getTransactionDetails, { getTransactionDetailsResult ->
            }, {
                //something went wrong, check exception


Asynchronous. Online.

Stores attachment file in Mobile DC backend for selected transactionId.


Parameter Type Description
transactionAttachment TransactionAttachment Contains all data required to save attachment


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
transactionId Long Selected id of transaction not null and greater or equal 0
attachmentInputStream InputStream Stream of file data not null
mimeType String MIME type of file. For example image/jpeg image/png Is not empty
fileName String? Name of file. If null or blank then it is generated randomly with unique name. File extension is optional.


Success callback.


//sample entry data
val inputStream = contentResolver.openInputStream(uri)
val mimeType = contentResolver.getType(uri)

val transactionAttachment = TransactionAttachment(
    transactionId = 10023L,
    attachment = inputStream,
    mimeType = "image/jpeg"

//transaction attachment with optional file name
val transactionAttachment = TransactionAttachment(
    transactionId = 10023L,
    attachment = inputStream,
    mimeType = "image/png"
	fileName = "picture.png"

val transactionAttachment = TransactionAttachment(
    transactionId = 10023L,
    attachment = inputStream,
    mimeType = "image/png"
	fileName = "1636362847509"

fun storeAttachment(transactionAttachment: TransactionAttachment) {
		.storeAttachment(transactionAttachment, {
            }, {
                //something went wrong, check exception


Asynchronous. Online.

Provides new link to load attachment when existing one fails with 403 HTTP status.


Parameter Type Description



Contains transactionId and attachmentId


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
transactionId Long Selected id of transaction not null and greater or equal 0
attachmentId String Selected attachment ID is not empty


Success callback with new attachment link and expiration date.

Parameter Type Description
generateAttachmentLinkResult GenerateAttachmentLinkResult An object containing new link and link expiry date


Field Type Description
link String Url address
linkExpirationDate String Url expiration date for given link in ISO 8601 extended format. Given link will be valid only short period of time


//sample entry data
val generateAttachmentLink = GenerateAttachmentLink(1210L, "2145")

fun generateAttachmentLink(generateAttachmentLink: GenerateAttachmentLink) {
		.generateAttachmentLink(generateAttachmentLink, { generateAttachmentLinkResult ->
            }, {
                //something went wrong, check exception

//sample usage when loading link from getTransactionDetails returns 403 HTTP status
fun getTransactionDetails() {
		.getTransactionDetails(GetTransactionDetails(transactionId), { getTransactionDetailsResult ->
		}, {
			//something went wrong, check exception

private fun loadAttachmentsImages(getTransactionDetailsResult: GetTransactionDetailsResult) {
	val attachments: List<TransactionDetailsAttachment> = getTransactionDetailsResult.attachments
	attachments.forEach { transactionDetailAttachment ->
		loadImage(, transactionDetailAttachment)

private fun loadImage(attachment: TransactionDetailsAttachment, transactionId: Long) {
    //downloading file may differ in your project. This is only example in synchronised code
    val request = Request.Builder().url(
    val response = OkHttpClient().newCall(request).execute()
    val httpCode = response.code()
    when (httpCode) {
        403 -> {
        200 -> {
            //convert stream to bitmap and load into image view
        else -> {
            //check other status

private fun refreshAttachment(transactionId: Long, attachmentId: String) {
            GenerateAttachmentLink(transactionId, attachmentId), { generateAttachmentLinkResult ->
				//sample with Glide library usage
      	}, {
           //something went wrong, check exception


Asynchronous. Online.

Delete attachment associated with provided transaction.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
deleteAttachment DeleteAttachment

Plain object of DeleteAttachment

Not empty

DeleteAttachment object contains following fields.

Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
transactionId Long

Identifier of selected transaction. Id can be taken from GetTransactionDetailsResult object, check getTransactionDetails method

Not empty
attachmentId String Identifier of selected attachment. Id can be taken from TransactionDetailsAttachment, check getTransactionDetails method
Not empty


Success callback/ Failure callback.


val transactionDetailsResult: GetTransactionDetailsResult = GetTransactionDetails(1L)
val deleteAttachment: DeleteAttachment = DeleteAttachment(,

private fun deleteAttachment(deleteAttachment) {

        .deleteAttachment(deleteAttachment, {
                //Deletion of attachment went succesfully
            }, { throwable ->
                //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online.

Updates single transaction data in Mobile DC backend by transactionId.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions



Transaction data to be updated Not empty


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions



Transaction ID Not empty



Description of transaction



Comment for the transaction


Success callback/ Failure callback.


fun updateSingleTransactionData(updateSingleTransactionData: UpdateSingleTransactionData) {
        .updateSingleTransactionData(updateSingleTransactionData, {
            //Transaction updated successfully
        }, {
            //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online.

Updates category of the transaction. It is possible to set more than one category (sum of the amounts in categories has to be matched to the transaction amount).


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions



Category data to be updated in the transaction Not empty


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions



Transaction ID Not empty



List of new transaction categories Not empty


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions



Category id Not empty



Part of the transaction monetary amount which is related to the given category (minor units of the currency). Required if there is set more than one new category. Sum of all amounts in the list has to be matched to the transaction amount


Success callback/ Failure callback.


fun updateTransactionCategory(updateTransactionCategory: UpdateTransactionCategory) {
        .updateTransactionCategory(updateTransactionCategory, {
            //Transaction caegories updated successfully
        }, {
            //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online.

Method returns user categories.


No input parameters.


Success callback with user categories details.


Parameter Type Description
categories List<TransactionUserCategory> User categories.


Field Type Description
id String Category identifier
idName String Category name in english
name String Category name in the language that was sent in the request header
type String Category type, one of: [SYSTEM, USER]
childrenCategories List<TransactionUserCategory>? Children categories


fun getTransactionUserCategories() {
        .getTransactionUserCategories({ userCategories ->
            //get user caegories success
            	val categories = userCategories.categories
        }, {
            //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online.

Method returns monthly spending amount in target currency which has to be given balance currency. For scenario where someone was added manually transaction in different currency than balance or target currency is different, then this method will return error


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
getMonthlySpending GetMonthlySpending

Plain object of GetMonthlySpending

Not empty


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
balanceId String

Account identifier which can be related to multiple cards

Not empty
targetCurrency String

Target currency of spending amount represented by 3-character ISO 4217 currency code.

Not empty
date String?

The month-year from which transactions will be included in statistics. If the parameter is not sent, it will be set to the current month by default. Format: yyyy-MM.


Success callback with user monthly spending amount.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
amountMinor Long

Calculated spending amount in minor units

Not empty
currency String

3-character ISO 4217 currency code of spending amount

Not empty


fun getMonthlySpendingAmount() {
	val getMonthlySpending = GetMonthlySpending(
  	  	balanceId = "99f552bd-b7b3-418d-9b0e-2aa6deeb2a77",
   	 	targetCurrency = "USD",
    	date = "2022-12"
        .getMonthlySpendingAmount(getMonthlySpending, { monthlySpendingResult ->
            	// monthly spending result
        }, {
            //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Version 2.15.5

  • Added new CloudMessagingType: EXTERNAL used in CloudMessagingRegistrationToken to indicate token for external RNS source.
  • Added optional configuration withOptionalMobileDcTransactionEventListener for MobileDcApiConfigurationBuilder
  • Internal improvements.

Version 2.15.3

  • Minor improvements in user session.
  • Internal improvements.

Version 2.15.1

  • Added new methods related to transaction history in TransactionsHistoryService: 
    • updateTransactionCategory,

    • getTransactionUserCategories,

    • getMonthlySpendingAmount
  • Small fixes Cloud Messaging SSE device registration during pairDevice
  • Internal improvements

Version 2.15.0

  • Upate security mechanism with scanning packages
  • Fixed bug with access of security mechanism to multiple accounts on Android system
  • Added to whitelist one false-positive security check
  • Koin dependency is now bundled as part of SDK (Koin is no longer visible in pom.xml file)
  • Updated R8 dependency


  • Added additional mechanism for catching errors visible on Google Play

Version Hotfix

  • Important Hotfix possible OutOfMemoryException in 2.14.7

Version 2.14.7 - don't use, could cause OOM exception

  • Important Fixed security check for non-ascii system languages. Security check is enabled only if flag DevelopeOptions::enableAddiotionalSecurityChecks is set to true.
  • Added new fields to addUser response: acceptedRegualations and acceptedMarketingReceiving.
  • Added new input field comment for method updateSingleTransaction. Fileld is present in response of methods getTransactionHistory and getTransactionDetails.

Version 2.14.6

  • Important! Introduced Play Integrity API instead Safetynet Attestation API - could require additional configuration. Read more in Security processes overview chapter. Enabling requires Google API console changes. Added new BackendException statues related to Attestation API.

  • Important! Introduced new delivery message from server service which uses different channle: SSE, RNS as an alternative for only cloud messaging service (FCM). Enabled by default for not paired devices.
  • Important! Added optional configuration method - MobileDcCloudMessagingConfiguration. Interface allows to register non-paired devices in new delivery message from server sevice. Significally optimizes RNS message delivery, usage is strongly recommended. If this interface is present, already paired device, will be registered in new delivery message server service, during first login() call.
  • Added method updateSingleTransactionData in transactions history service.

  • Added new methods for device pairing - old methods became deprecated.
  • Added new optional fileld to all new pair device methods - externalDeviceId.
  • Introduced RefreshSession mechanism for user HTTP token management - extends a duration of session and allows to use SDK methods longer. Usage is transparent for application which still should handle USER_UNATHORIZED error status.

Version 2.13.6

  • Added new returned fields to methods: getTransactionsHistory and getTransactionDetails.

Version 2.13.5

  • Added new value in additional DeveloperOptions, responsible for verification SDK code obfuscation.

  • Added information about using SDK on Android API 31+ in Basic Configuration chapter.

  • Wraped in try-catch block callbacks from setup method to prevent process breaking in SDK.

Version 2.13.3

  • IMPORTANT Removed security check for disabling permission QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES i application AndroidManifest file.

    Read more in Basic configuration : Android permission chapter.

Version 2.13.2

  • Updated documentation for Application Isolated Process with Magisk information.

  • Updated recommended configuration and documentation for extractNativeLibs flag configuration, native libs should be in uncompressed form. Read more in Basic configuration section.

  • Isolated security process mechanism improvements (related to enableAdditionalSecurityChecks configuration flag).

  • Update Kotlin version to Kotlin version to 1.5.31 and Koin to 2.1.6.

  • Updated Jackson dependency to 2.13.2 (with jackson-databind security patch).

  • Added new methods:

    • initialize3DSv2 in Cards domain,

    • finalize3DSv2 in Cards domain,

    • deleteUser in User domain.

  • Added new field "nip" in AddUser model.

  • Added logs for all facade methods  (available in SDK debug version).

Version 2.12.1

  • Fixed aggressive security process check from MDC SDK 2.12.0.

Version 2.12.0

  • IMPORTANT Updated security tools after EMV Security Evaluation. Please refer to setup. and Application Isolated Process.

    • added new security checks which which requires additional action on application side,

    • added new fields in DeveloperOptions object - allowDebug and enableAdditionalSecurityChecks.

  • Updated Gradle and R8 tools.

  • Added new methods related to transaction history and attachment in TransactionsHistoryService:

    • getTransactionDetails,

    • storeAttachment,

    • generateAttachmentLink,

    • deleteAttachment.

  • Added new fields related to MCC (mcc, mccCategory) in methods getTransactionHistory and getTransactionDetails.

Version 2.11.12

  • Added more protections for Android Keystore issues related to access by retrying and adding multi-thread synchronization.

Version 2.11.10

  • Added new chapter Firebase Cloud Messaging configuration.

  • Updated Security processes overview with Error codes handling in application.

  • Introduced new approach to handling security issue. To provide better experience new status was added CoreSdkException with reason SECURITY_EVENT_OCCURRED. Error could be provided in every SDK methods if security issue was detected. Change doesn't impact on onSecurityIssue callback.

Version 2.11.8

  • Added new method for initializing reset user password with InitializeResetUserPassword model. Previous method is deprecated now.

Version 2.11.6

  • Minor fixes in user session.

Version 2.11.5

  • Added new optional to DeveloperOptions, introducing new security checks.

  • Added method verifyCard to verify card after 3DS. Card domain.

  • Extended TransactionsFilters in getTransactionHistory. Transaction history domain. 

  • Added new method to addCard with AddCard model. The old method was marked as deprecated. Card domain.

  • Added new response parameter to getAll method. Card domain. 

  • Added new request parameter to updateCard method. Card domain.

  • Added new permission: QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES for security checks.

Version 2.11.3

  • Updated security libraries.

Version 2.11.2

  • Added DeveloperOptions configuration in setup.

  • Added logout method.

Version 2.10.1

  • Removed false-positive security rules.

  • Improved security reports sent to Wallet Server.

Version 2.10.0

  • Added new method for adding address with NewAddress model. Previous method is deprecated now.

  • Added new method in Cards service: updateCard.

  • Added new methods in Addresses servive: updateAddress, deleteAddres.

Version 2.9.3

  • Device un-pairing device with unPaidDevice is now avaliable for not logged in users.

  • Un-pair process (unPaidDevice method) requires application restart if UCP SDK is used and card was already digitized for another user.

  • Login methods now clearing SDK data when device is removed from server

    When any login method fails with BackendException and CANT_FIND_DEVICE reason application should proceed with device pairing again.

Version 2.9.0

  • Security issue codes are more precisely and give us more information about issue.

  • Marked addAddress as deprecated.

  • Added new one addAddress method which returning addressId of added address.

Version 2.8.0

  • Added addresses service to facade.

  • Fixed checksum sending.

  • Added apk certificate description.

  • Added updateUser method to User domain.

Version 2.7.0

  • Added addresses service to facade.

Version 2.6.1

  • Disabled sending native checksum in pairDevice process.

Version 2.6.0

  • Added addUser method.

Version 2.5.0

  • Added getUser method.

Version 2.4.0

  • Added optional log handler to MobileDcCoreConfigurationBuilder.

  • Added disableBiometricAuthentication method.

  • Added BiometricTypeAuth paramter to pairing methods.

Version 2.3.1

  • Added new methods in user domain (isBiometricAuthenticationEnabled, enableBiometricAuthentication, startBiometricAuthentication, authenticateByBiometric, loginBySignature).

  • Fixed security reports sending.

  • Consumer proguard rules update.

Version 2.2.0

  • Improved Mobile DC SDK startup time.

Version 2.1.1

  • Added information about SDK size.

  • Added information about SDK ingetration on lower Android API level.

Version 2.1.0

  • Added new methods in User domain (authenticateByPin, loginByPin, changeWalletPin, resetWalletPin, initializeResetUserPassword, finilizeResetUserPassword).

  • Added new methods in Cards domain (addCard, initialize3ds, finalize3ds, deleteCard).

Version 2.0.0

  • Changed approach to SDK setup.

  • Removed methods used to fingerprint authentication.

  • Added NetworkConnection exception and CoreSdkException.

  • Added new reason codes to existing exceptions.

  • New methods in user domain: addUser, loginByTrustedIdentity, changePassword.

  • New methods in device domain: pairByPassword, pairByExternalCredentials, unPairDevice.

  • New methods in cards domain: getAll.

  • New domains: ibans, transactionsHistory.

Version 1.0.1

  • Created.