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Technical Documentation VCP SDK

VCP SDK Introduction

Basic abbreviations and definitions

Field Description
CDCVM Consumer Device Cardholder Verification Method
CVM Cardholder Verification Method

Transactions performed by tapping the mobile device on a POS, which starts data exchange. On the Android device operating system passes received data from POS to the HCE service, implemented in the MPA,
and then to VCP SDK. HCE support is required for contactless transactions


Digital Secure Remote Payments - transactions initiated from a mobile device, engaging interaction with
the remote merchant system. HCE support is not required for DSRP transactions


Firebase Cloud Messaging

HCE Host Card Emulation
IBAN Bank Account Number
MCBP Mastercard Cloud Based Payments

Mobile Data Core. Verestro core library.


Mobile Payment Application - an application that uses VCP SDK for payments

NFC Near Field Communication
One tap

Flow in a contactless transaction, in which the consumer after authentication(using the PIN, fingerprint, etc.)
taps the device to POS to start exchanging data 

PAN Primary account number. Know as a card number. 
Payment Instrument

Model keeping all data considering entity used for payments

POS Point Of Sale

QR Code transactions - allows consumer generate QR code to present to a merchant,
who then scans it to take payment 


Single Use Key - unique credential used for single transaction 

Two tap 

Flow in a contactless transaction, in which consumer firstly taps device to POS,
authenticates(using the PIN, fingerprint, etc.), then taps to POS one more time for exchanging data

TVC Token Verification Code
EWS External Wallet Server
Verestro Cloud Payment

What is VCP SDK?

The VCP (Verestro Cloud Payments) SDK is a module for digitization, payment, and token management for available payment instruments. Usage of VCP SDK depends on Mobile DC SDK which is the core of the Verestro module. Payment instruments can be provided to VCP SDK using the Mobile DC module.payment

How VCP SDK works?

Provides methods to manage digitization using main domains:

  • IBANs
  • Payment
  • Cloud Messaging
  • Cards
  • External Wallet Server

Depending on the selected payment instrument source (Card, Iban, External Wallet Server) VCP SDK allows to digitize it and provide methods for the payment process.

Usage of the following domains depends on client requirements.

Versioning and backward compatibility

SDK version contains three digits. For example: 1.0.0.

  • First version digit tracks compatibility-breaking changes in SDK public APIs. It is mandatory to update the application code to use SDK when this is incremented.
  • Second version digit tracks new, not compatibility-breaking changes in public API of SDK. It is optional to update the application code when this digit is incremented.
  • Third version digit tracks internal changes in SDK. No updates in application code are necessary to update to the version, which has this number incremented.

Changes not breaking compatibility:

  • Adding a new optional interface to SDK setup
  • Adding a new method to any domain
  • Adding a new ENUM value to input or output
  • Adding a new field in the input or output model

Technical overview

SDK Basic configuration

The minSdkVersion must be at least 23 (Android 6.0). The application must use AndroidX. 

SDK is available on the Verestro maven repository and can be configured in a project using the Gradle build system.

The username and password are provided by Verestro.

	maven {
		credentials {
			username "<enter_username_here>"
			password "<enter_password_here>"
		url ""

		//if the sync time takes too long, add filters to match the repository with specific modules as below
		content {
    		includeGroupByRegex "pl.upaid.*"
    		includeGroup "com.mastercard"

VCP SDK is available in two versions: debug and release.

Debug version is ended with appendix "-debug" in version name. Samples below:

For release version:

	implementation 'pl.upaid.module:ucpsdk:{version}'

For debug version:

	implementation 'pl.upaid.module:ucpsdk:{version}-debug'

Min SDK Version

The minSdkVersion must be at least 23 (Android 6.0). In case of using SDK on lower Android API version declare in the application manifest.

  <uses-sdk tools:overrideLibrary= "pl.upaid.module.ucp, 
    pl.upaid.module.mobiledc, pl.upaid.module.mcbp,, com.mastercard.mpsdk, pl.upaid.nativesecurity" />

SDK cannot be initialized on a lower Android API version, and none of the SDK methods should be used on it.


The size of SDK is dependent on its distribution system.

The table below shows the size of the module for the ask and bundle file.

Format Size Notes
APK ~37 MB
Bundle ~7 MB

Ranged size depends on the ABI of the device.

SDK contains native libraries used by different ABI. By using a bundle only the necessary
version of the native library will be downloaded to a device.

VCP size already includes Mobile DC SDK size.

Additional information:

  • size from the table above is referred to release version;
  • size depends on configured proguard;


This chapter describes the structure and basic usage of VCP SDK.


Every of the described facades is divided into domains with different responsibilities. Available domains:

  • IBANs
  • Payment
  • Cloud Messaging
  • Cards
  • External Wallet Server

Every domain contains domain-related methods.

Error handling

Works like in Mobile DC SDK, but provides additional BackendException reason codes (only when Verestro Wallet Server is used) and additional exceptions for specific methods.

SDK provides errors by exceptions, which could be caught by the application and shown on UI with a detailed message.

Note: VCP SDK can throw exceptions from Mobile DC SDK as its core of the Verestro module.

Exception type Exception class Description
SDK validation ValidationException Additional reason codes for ValidationException used in Mobile DC SDK 
Backend exception BackendException

Additional reason codes for BackendException used in Mobile DC SDK.

Note: Not applicable for External Wallet Server domain 

SDK exception UcpSdkException Something went wrong on the SDK side, check the table below with possible reasons 
Process related -

As every process is different some methods could throw a specified exception

Types of possible exceptions are described in the method description

Additional BackendException reason codes:




Error occurred on server


Client sent invalid data


Error occurred during cryptography operation


Predigitize of payment card failed


Predigitize of payment IBAN failed


Digitize of payment card failed


Digitize of payment IBAN failed


Predigitize for payment card must be executed


Predigitize for payment IBAN must be executed


Client of the API is unauthorized


User is unauthorized


Cannot find user


Cannot find device


Cannot find payment IBAN


Cannot find payment card


Cannot find payment token


Requested operation is not supported


Requested operation is not allowed


Device is temporarily locked


Device is permanently locked


The PAN format is not valid, or other data associated with the PAN was incorrect or entered incorrectly


The expiry date is required for this product but was missing


The PAN is not in an approved account range for TSP


The device is not supported for use


The PAN is not allowed to be provisioned to the device because of Issuer rules


The financial account does not have an associated account range in TSP


Action is already processing. Please try again after the time included in headers 

INVALID_JWS_TOKEN Specified JWS token is invalid

Additional ValidationException reason codes:

Reason Description


Security code is empty


Language code is empty


Payment instrument id is empty

UcpSdkException reason codes:

Reason Description


Relates to push processing process. Push message should be consumed in another module


Cannot process push message. The message is invalid or some process failed


Cannot find default PaymentInstrument


Selected PaymentInstrument cannot be found, is not digitized or active


Occurs when after using the reset method, there is a try of using any of the facade methods without previously stopping the application process


The facade is an entry point to communication with VCP SDK.

Contains SDK initialization method and domains which allows for payment instrument management.

Method structure

Please read Mobile DC Documentation for details.

Multiple facade types

VCP SDK provides three public APIs with the same functionalities, the APIs are:

  • UcpJavaApi for projects which use Java programming language.
  • UcpKotlinApi for projects which use Kotlin programming language.

The difference between the APIs is a way of providing data to SDK methods and getting the results from them. Input and output as information data are the same.

This documentation presents I/O types in a Kotlin way as it’s easier to mark nullable fields (as a question mark).

HceApduService registration

To register HceApduService firstly it needs to be created a class that extends a default HostApduService. Added class needs to be added to the manifest file as a service.

Properly configured meta-data in service will also register an application as tap&pay ready.

Exemplary service below:

			<action android:name="android.nfc.cardemulation.action.HOST_APDU_SERVICE" />		
			android:resource="@xml/hce_apdu_service" />

Below listing of the default source file hce_apud_service.xml:

<host-apdu-service xmlns:android=""
	<!-- If the requireDeviceUnlock is set to false, on some phones you can pay if the screen is not awake, 
    but on most devices the screen must be awake to make a payment. -->

		<!-- Following is a PPSE AID. You must always include this AID in order for payments to work-->

	 	<aid-filter android:name="325041592E5359532E4444463031" />

		<!-- Following AID list is specific to the application requirements.
	       If your application supports the type of card that these AID represents,
	       you must include those AID in your configuration file -->

		<aid-filter android:name="A0000000041010" /> <!-- Mastercard DEBIT/CREDIT -->
	    <aid-filter android:name="A0000000042203" /> <!-- Mastercard US DEBIT/CREDIT -->
	    <aid-filter android:name="A0000000043060" /> <!-- Maestro DEBIT -->
	    <aid-filter android:name="A0000000049100" /> <!-- Private label AID-->

Check if the application is set as default for payment.

fun isSystemDefault(): Boolean {
	val cardEmulation = CardEmulation.getInstance(NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(context))
    return cardEmulation.isDefaultServiceForCategory(,

Request for set your application as default for payment - will show a dialog for the user to approve the changes.

fun requestForSystemDefault() {
    val intent = Intent().apply {
        action = "android.nfc.cardemulation.action.ACTION_CHANGE_DEFAULT"
        putExtra("category", CardEmulation.CATEGORY_PAYMENT)

If the application is not set as default for payment and wants to make payment from opened application needs to set the preferred service. Requires system option "On top application is the default for HCE" enabled. 

fun registerAsOnTopHceApplication() {
	val cardEmulation = CardEmulation.getInstance(NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(context))
        activity, ComponentName(activity,

fun unregisterFromOnTopHceApplication() {
	val cardEmulation = CardEmulation.getInstance(NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(context))


Parameter Type Description
id String

Id of payment instrument. For card it is cardId, for IBAN sha256Hex.

In the context of the External Wallet Server use tokenUniqueReference from MDES

paymentTokenId String Id of payment token. Used for getting transactions history (see Mobile DC documentation) only for selected token id 
displayablePanDigits String

Token last 4 digits which can be used to display

paymentInstrumentStatus PaymentInstrumentStatus

Enum with status of payment instrument. 

contactlessSupported Boolean

Information if payment instrument supports contactless transactions. 

dsrpSupported Boolean

Information if the payment instrument supports DSRP transactions. 

qrcSupported Boolean

Information if the payment instrument supports QR transactions. 

onDeviceCvmSupported Boolean

Information about supporting CVM on device. 

credentialsCount Int

Amount of credentials that can be used for payments. 



Information if payment instrument is default for contactless payments. 

isDefaultForRemotePayment Boolean

Information if payment instrument is default for remote payments. 

additionalAuthenticationRequired Boolean

Is additional authentication for payment token activation required. If true, available authentication methods can be obtained using getAdditionalAuthenticationMethods

tokenLastFourDigits String?

Payment Token last four digits. Present only when multistep digitization is used(checkEligibility and digitize called separately).

paymentInstrumentExpirationDate String?

Payment instrument expiry date in format MM/YY. Present only when multistep digitization is used(checkEligibility and digitize called separately).


Payment instrument last four digits. Present only when multistep digitization is used(checkEligibility and digitize called separately).


Payment Token configuration. Present only when multistep digitization is used(checkEligibility and digitize called separately).


Current state of provisioning process. One of:
IN_PROGRESS - in case of waiting for onProvisioningSuccess(),
SUCCESS - when token is provisioned.

paymentTokenExpirationDate String?

Payment token expiry date in format MM/YY. Not present when External Wallet Server is enabled.

Field Description

Payment instrument is not active, it can not be used for transactions.

The activation process depends on integration. Read the product overview for more information.


Payment instrument is active and it can be used for transactions.

SUSPENDED Payment instrument is suspended.

Payment instrument is DELETED.

UNKNOWN Payment instrument status is unknown.

Parameter Type Description
id String Identifier of additional authentication method 
name String

Method name. One of:


value String Value depends on method name. Described below. 
issuerParameters AuthMethodsIssuerParameters? Non null if method is CARDHOLDER_TO_USE_ISSUER_MOBILE_APPLICATION

Additional authentication method values:
Method Value Description

Masked phone number 

Text message to Account holder’s mobile phone number. The value will be the Account holder’s masked mobile phone number.

Masked email 

Email to Account holder’s email address. The value will be the Account holder’s masked email address.

Phone number 

Account holder-initiated call. The value will be the phone number for the Account holder to call Customer Service.


Website URL

Account holder to visit a website. The value will be the website URL.


Application name

(Conditional) Issuer’s mobile app name. The method is available for both MDES and VTS but the value will be presented only for VTS.


Masked phone number

Issuer-initiated voice call to Account holder’s phone. The value will be the Account holder’s masked voice call phone number.

AuthMethodsIssuerParameters contains the following fields:
Parameter Type Description
mdes AuthMethodsIssuerParametersMdes? Plain AuthMethodsIssuerParametersMdes object, required for MDES Payment Token
vts AuthMethodsIssuerParametersVts? Required for VTS Payment token

AuthMethodsIssuerParametersMdes contains following fields:
Parameter Type Description
android AuthMethodsIssuerParametersMdesAndroid Plain AuthMethodsIssuerParametersMdesAndroid object. Required for Android device
ios AuthMethodsIssuerParametersMdesIos Plain AuthMethodsIssuerParametersMdesIos object. Required for IOS device

AuthMethodsIssuerParametersMdesAndroid contains following fields:
Parameter Type Description
action String? Name of the action to be performed
packageName String? The package name of the issuer's mobile app
extraTextValue String? Contains the data to be passed through to the target app in the intent as an extra key/value pair with key ‘android.intent.extra.TEXT’. This is Base64-encoded data of a JSON object of the MobileAppActivationParameters. This object is not described since the whole payload is passed to the issuer app

AuthMethodsIssuerParametersMdesIos contains following fields:
Parameter Type Description
deepLinkingUrl String? The deep linking URL of the issuer’s iOS mobile app. This identifies the app that the URL will resolve to. If the app is not installed on the user’s device, this URL can be used to open a link to the appropriate iOS app store for the user to download and install the app.
extraTextValue String? Contains the data to be passed through to the target app in the deep linking URL as a query parameter. It should be appended to the deepLinkingUrl when invoked in the format: deepLinkingUrl + ‘?extraTextValue=’ + extraTextValue. This is Base64-encoded data of a JSON object of the MobileAppActivationParameters. This object is not described since the whole payload is passed to the issuer app.

AuthMethodsIssuerParametersVts contains following fields:
Parameter Type Description
android AuthMethodsIssuerParametersVtsAndroid? Plain AuthMethodsIssuerParametersVtsAndroid object.
Required for Android devices
ios AuthMethodsIssuerParametersVtsIos? Plain AuthMethodsIssuerParametersVtsIos object.
Required for IOS devices

AuthMethodsIssuerParametersVtsAndroid contains following fields:
Parameter Type Description
appId String? Unique identifier for the application within the application store.
appUrl String? URL of the application in the application store.
intentUrl String? URL of banking app designed to respond to authentication code handling.
requestPayload String? The request payload is to be sent to the banking application on behalf of Visa.
This field is opaque to wallet providers.

AuthMethodsIssuerParametersVtsIos contains following fields:
Parameter Type Description
appId String? Unique identifier for the application within the application store.
appUrl String? URL of the application in the application store.
intentUrl String? URL of banking app designed to respond to authentication code handling.
requestPayload String? The request payload is to be sent to the banking application on behalf of Visa.
This field is opaque to wallet providers.

Parameter Type Description
currencyCode ByteArray

Code of currency, that was used in transaction. Formatted in ISO 4271.

amount ByteArray Transaction amount in bytes. Can be formatted as Int in pennies.
transactionRange ContactlessTransactionRange

Type of transaction range.

richTransactionType ContactlessRichTransactionType

Rich transaction type.

merchantAndLocation ByteArray Merchant and location data from terminal. Can be formatted as String, by using UTF_8 Charset.




LVT Low value transaction

High value transaction



Parameter Type Descruption
amount Long Transaction amount
currencyCode Int

Code of currency, that was used in transaction.

countryCode Int

Code of country.

issuerCryptogramType String Cryptogram type.

Value Description
WALLET_CANCEL_REQUEST Indicates that the wallet has requested a transaction cancellation during payment.

This indicates that a problem has been detected in the MChipEngine processing.

In some implementations, this can indicate badly formatted card profile data.


This indicates incorrect terminal behavior. 

NO_TRANSACTION_CREDENTIALS  There are no transaction credentials to finalize payment. The application should call replenish Credentials method to enable payment possibility.
NO_CARDS There is no active PaymentInstrument to start payment. Called when no card is added to Wallet or SDK is cleared by Security Issue (onSecurityIssueAppeared event).

There is a problem with communication between the terminal and payment device.

For example, the terminal could abort communication with the mobile device for
a long period of time and then trigger a timeout.

Usually, a mobile device loses connection during payment due to a wrong or too short tap on the terminal.

The application should ignore this status as SDK waits for connection establishment and it could produce getting duplicate callbacks during payment.

Note: When user authentication is already provided it could be cleared - the application should handle card selection (if a non-default card is selected) and payment authentication again.

Note: Deprecated in 2.6.7, no longer used due to time difference between connection lost and providing result to application. Replaced by CONNECTION_LOST which works immediatelly.


Connection between terminal and device is lost and payment is terminated.

Field Type Description



Identifier of transaction in TSP






The monetary amount in terms of the minor units of the currency. For example,
`EUR 2.35' will return 235, and `BHD -1.345' will return -1345



3-digit ISO 4217 currency code



The date/time when the transaction occurred. In ISO 8601 extended format



The merchant (``doing business as'') name



The postal code of the merchant



The country in which the transaction was performed. Expressed as a 3-letter (alpha-3) country code as defined in ISO 3166-1



An indicator if Credit or Debit was chosen for a tokenized combo card at the time of the transaction. One of: [UNKNOWN, CREDIT, DEBIT]






The authorization status of the transaction. One of: [AUTHORIZED, DECLINED, CLEARED, REVERSED]



Identifier of payment token in VCP

Parameter Type Description
currencyNumber Int Currency number assigned to the currencyCode in ISO 4271 e.g.: for PLN is 985.
currencyCode String?

Code of currency, that was used in transaction formatted in ISO 4271. e.g.: PLN

Could be null as the terminal provides only the currencyNumber and a valid code could be not found.

amountMinor Long The monetary amount in terms of the minor units of the currency. For example, `EUR 2.35' will return 235,
transactionRange ContactlessTransactionRange

Type of transaction range.

richTransactionType ContactlessRichTransactionType

Rich transaction type.

merchantAndLocation String

Merchant and location data from terminal.

Deprecated - field shouldn't be used as it could be not configured in terminal configuration or provides invalid data.




LVT Low value transaction

High value transaction



Value Description

Parameter Type Description
name String Action name
description String Action details message.
isSuccess Boolean Result of action. True when action is finished successfully, false otherwise.
timestamp Long Time when the action occurred.
errorMessage String? Detailed error message when isSuccess is false.

Parameter Description

Declines a processing transaction.

When provided by SDK in getFinalDecisionForTransaction wallet should not overrule a DECLINE.

If the MPA overrules a DECLINE (and forces it into PROCEED), the transaction is likely to be declined by the issuer in the authorization response.


An user authentication is required for transaction processing, which could be overruled on the MPA side.
When the MPA decision is AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED, SDK will ask for user authentication in the onAuthRequiredForContactless method.

PROCEED Transaction can be processed.


Important: MPA should always refer to transaction results on the terminal.

Value Description

Is success on MPA side


This indicates that the SDK returned an ARQC cryptogram using valid credentials and the POS will send the transaction online for authorization.

The SDK is not informed whether or not the issuer actually approved or declined the transaction since this information is only returned to the terminal.

Should be treated as transaction success on the MPA side.


This indicates that the POS requested a decline (AAC) with a CDA signature.

SDK will have returned a cryptogram using valid credentials and the POS can authenticate the card offline using the CDA signature.

Typically a POS will request a decline when it simply wants to authenticate that a legitimate digital card is being used without requesting any authorization.

Should be treated as transaction success on the MPA side.


The POS has requested a decline without a CDA signature. This may correspond to a real decline by the terminal, or (in rare cases) to an online authentication request.

Paying on the terminal with offline-only network connectivity can also return this callback.

Application Cryptogram was generated with genuine credentials.

Should be treated as transaction success on the MPA side.


The digitized card has declined the transaction. A non-exhaustive list of possible reasons may be:

  • Context mismatch between first and second tap
  • Terminal is offline-only
  • Terminal is a transit gate, and transit transactions are not allowed by the card profile
  • Transaction is international, while the card profile is domestic-only

If the getFinalDecisionForTransaction returns an AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED status then this result will be returned.

The SDK will have declined the transaction but requested that the POS should keep the context active for a subsequent tap.

If the POS does not support mobile devices then the merchant may need to repeat the transaction with the same amount so that the second tap can take place.


External libraries

The SDK uses several external Apache 2.0 libraries:

  • com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt
  • commons-codec:commons-codec
  • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core
  • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations
  • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind
  • com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-kotlin
  • io.insert-koin:koin-android
  • io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava
  • io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid
  • com.squareup.retrofit2:adapter-rxjava2
  • com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit
  • com.squareup.retrofit2:converter
  • com.squareup.okhttp3:logging
  • com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp
  • net.sf.flexjson:flexjson


VCP SDK has to be configured every time when is used. Before VCP SDK usage Mobile DC SDK should be already configured.


Synchronous. Offline.
Contains all the necessary data to configure SDK.
Should be called at the very beginning of the application lifecycle. For example in the Android Application::onCreate method.

Requires MobileDC setup() already finished

Setup methods could be called in another thread then Main to improve application start time. In case of calling setup method in another thread application must check before every SDK usage if setup method is already finished.

When SDK is integrated into the app and user can enable or disable it as a featere - the SDK setup can be ommited during Application start and loaded on demand.

Important: Before calling VCP SDK setup you must call setup from Mobile DC SDK.

Implementation of Application::on Create should be as quick as possible. Invocation time directly impacts on the performance of payment and loading first aplication screen.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

ucpConfiguration UcpConfiguration

VCP configuration provided in builder described below.

Not empty.

UcpConfigurationBuilder contains the following methods:

Metod Parameter Description

Validation conditions

withApplication Application Application context. Not empty
withCvmModel WalletCvmModel (enum)


Not empty
withUserAuthMode WalletAuthMode (enum)

User authentication mode: WALLET_PIN, CUSTOM, NONE

Contact Verestro to select proper configuration

Not empty



Global listener for actions on PaymentInstrument.

Not empty


Deprecated - use MobileDcApiConfigurationBuilder.withOptionalMobileDcTransactionEventListener from MDC SDK instead. Global listener for actions during transaction processing

Not empty
Global listener which allow application take final decision about transaction acceptance during transaction Not empty
withReplenishThreshold Int

Number of credentials below which replenish process will automatically begin

Not empty
withMcbpPinningCertificates List<String>

List of public key certificates in PEM format.

Pass list with empty String if withOptionalUcpMcbpHttpExecutor mentioned below is used with custom HTTP communication.

Not empty List

withOptionalEventsReports UcpEventReportListener Global listener for most important internal SDK actions related to token management. Could be useful for logs grabbing and debugging on debug.
Boolean Prepares SDK for using external wallet server. Optional
Global listener for connection between SDK and MasterCards API. Could be use for adding action before connection - use DefaultUcpMcbpHttpExecutor or for completely replace this connection - use UcpMcbpHttpExecutor. Optional
UcpReProvisionEventListener Global listener for actions during reprovisioning. Optional

Transaction configuration. Allow to enable deprecated authentication timer called when authentication is peformed.

Timer is disabled by default, usage is not recomended.

withOptionalWalletMcbpHttpExecutor Boolean

Prepares SDK for processing CMS-D HTTP requests with Wallet Server proxy.



Contains callbacks for PaymentInstrument.

Method name Parameters



paymentInstrument: PaymentInstrument

Method called after provisioning process. Information about PaymentInstrument activation process will be provided in onPaymentInstrumentStatusChanged callback described below


errorMessage: String?,

exception: Exception?

Method called after provisioning failure. Try processing digitization again


paymentInstrument: PaymentInstrument

numberOfTransactionCredentials: Int

Method called after successfully transaction credentials replenish. Provides information about PaymentInstrument and number of new transaction credentials.

Depending on flow is called after activation process and when requested by SDK based on replenishThreshold configuration.

Note: Replenish could be called just after transaction based on withRplenishThreshold configuration. It's recommended to not do complex process here. It could affect on next transaction processing time when multiple transactions are done in row


paymentInstrument: PaymentInstrument,

errorMessage: String?,

exception: Exception?

Method called after replenish failure with PaymentInstrument

Note: Replenish could be called just after transaction based on withRplenishThreshold configuration. It's recommended to not do complex process here. It could affect on next transaction processing time when multiple transactions are done in row


newStatus: PaymentInstrument

paymentInstrumentId: String

Provides information about PaymentInstrumentStatus state (check model) for selected payment instrument id


newTransaction: NewTransaction

Provides online result with details of transaction processed in VCP

Works only when application is online


Important: It's recommended to not do complex process in there callbacks. It could significantly affect on transaction processing time.

Method name Parameters



paymentInstrument: PaymentInstrument, transactionInformation: 
transactionData: ContactlessTransactionData

Called when user authentication is required during contactless transaction

ContactlessTransactionInformation is deprecated in version 2.2.4.


paymentInstrument: PaymentInstrument, dsrpTransactionInfo: DsrpTransactionInfo

Called when user authentication is required during Dsrp transaction

secondsRemaining: Int

Called on every update of remaining time for performing transaction, as SDK starts transaction timer based on card profile configuration.
Note: Deprecated and disabled by default in version 2.6.7.

To enable use configuration avaialble in SDK setup::withOptionalUcpTransactionConfiguration.



Called on very beginnging of every transaction start (SELECT_PPSE APDU command). E.g. first tap to terminal or second tap if onAuthRequiredForContactless method was called.

Locks communication until method is finished.
Method duration directly impacts on transaction time.


paymentInstrument: PaymentInstrument
transactionInformation: ContactlessTransactionInformation

transactionResult: ContactlessTransactionResult
transactionData : ContactlessTransactionData

Called when transaction is completed with information about transaction and result.

ContactlessTransactionInformation is deprecated in version 2.2.4.


paymentInstrument: PaymentInstrument,

exception: Exception

Called when something went wrong during transaction and Mastercard marked transaction as incident


paymentInstrument: PaymentInstrument?,

abortReason: TransactionAbortReason,

exception: Exception

Called when transaction is aborted during payment from some reason described in method parameter

PaymentInstrument could be null if abortReason = TransactionAbortReason.NO_CARDS is returned.

Note: SDK clears passed selected card with method selectForPayment() and authentication with setUserAuthenticatedForPayment()


Method called on transaction stopped by SDK.
Deprecated in version 2.6.7, no longer used.


Important: It's recommended to not do complex process in there callbacks. It could significantly affect on transaction processing time.

Method name Parameters



isUserAuthenticated : Boolean

recommendedAdvice : ContactlessAdvice

trasactionInformation : ContactlessTransactionInformation

transactionData : ContactlessTransactionData

Called on every transaction for the final decision about transaction processing

An application can decide based on information about authentication, transaction details like amount, currency, and transaction types

The method also provide recommended by MCBP advice  based on  transaction

ContactlessTransactionInformation is deprecated in version 2.2.4.


Method name Parameters



report: Report

Return logs related to token management.


Called when transaction is completed with information about transaction and result.

ContactlessTransactionInformation is deprecated in version 2.2.4.

Method Name Parameters Description
onReProvisionSuccess paymentInstrument: PaymentInstrument

Method called after reProvisioning process.
Information about PaymentInstrument activation process will be provided in onPaymentInstrumentStatusChanged callback.


paymentInstrument : PaymentInstrument

errorMessage : String?

exception : Exception?

Method called after reProvisioning failure. Try again.


Method name




ucpMcbpRequestType: UcpMcbpHttpExecutorRequestType,

url: String,

Map<String, String>

Called on every time if SDK want to connect to MasterCard and should return UcpMcbpHttpResponse.

requestData could be one of request data type: UcpMcbpRequestSessionRequestData,
UcpMcbpReplenishRequestData, UcpMcbpProvisionRequestData, UcpMcbpNotifyProvisioningResultRequestData,
UcpMcbpChangeMobilePinRequestData, UcpMcbpDeleteRequestData.

ucpMcbpHttpMethod could be one of: POST, GET.
ucpMcbpRequestType could be one of: REQUEST_SESSION, REPLENISH, PROVISION,


Method name




ucpMcbpRequestType: UcpMcbpHttpExecutorRequestType

ucpMcbpHttpMethod: UcpMcbpHttpMethod

url: String

requestData: Any

requestProperties: Map<String, String>

Called on every time if SDK want to connect to MasterCard and should return super.execute method.

requestData could be one of request data type: UcpMcbpRequestSessionRequestData,
UcpMcbpReplenishRequestData, UcpMcbpProvisionRequestData, UcpMcbpNotifyProvisioningResultRequestData,
UcpMcbpChangeMobilePinRequestData, UcpMcbpDeleteRequestData.

ucpMcbpHttpMethod could be one of: POST, GET.
ucpMcbpRequestType could be one of: REQUEST_SESSION, REPLENISH, PROVISION,







Allows to enable deprecated authentication timer.

Timer is started along setUserAuthenticatedForPayment(), result is available in onAuthTimerUpdated().

Callback samples:


// UcpTransactionEventListener comments

class BankingAppUcpTransactionEventListener : UcpTransactionEventListener {

    override fun onAuthRequiredForContactless(event: EventAuthRequiredForContactless) {
        //authorization is required for transaction, open payment screen with authorization
        //show PaymentInstrument and ContactlessTransactionData available in event object

        showPaymentScreen(event.paymentInstrument, event.transactionData)

    override fun onAuthRequiredForDsrp(event: EventAuthRequiredForDsrp) {
        //authorization is required for transaction, open payment screen with authorization
        //show PaymentInstrument and DSRP transaction information available in event object

        showPaymentScreen(event.paymentInstrument, event.dsrpTransactionInfo)

    override fun onAuthTimerUpdated(event: EventAuthTimerUpdated) {
        //check if user is on payment screen and update timer
        //when timer is 0, application should close payment with failure
		//deprcated, disabled by default, read method description how to enable

    override fun onContactlessPaymentAborted(event: EventContactlessPaymentAborted) {
        //looks like payment is aborted, can provide result to payment screen 
        //and show user what is abort reason

    override fun onContactlessPaymentCompleted(event: EventContactlessPaymentCompleted) {
        //payment completed, provide result to payment information
        //REMEMBER Transaction is processed on terminal and this is where 
        //you will see final transaction result

    override fun onContactlessPaymentIncident(event: EventContactlessPaymentIncident) {
        //something went wrong during transaction, provide result to user

    override fun onTransactionStopped() {
        //deprecated, not used anymore, 
    override fun onContactlessPaymentStarted() {
        //Payment started or resumed after callback onAuthReqiredForContactless
        //Best place for checking if user is authenticated for payment and call
        //setUserAuthenticatedForPayment() and selectForPayment() methods if non-defaut card is selected


class BankingAppPaymentInstrumentEventListener : UcpPaymentInstrumentEventListener {

    override fun onNewTransaction(event: EventNewTransaction) {
        //information about new transaction processed by issuer

    override fun onPaymentInstrumentStatusChanged(event: EventPaymentInstrumentStatusChanged) {
        //status of payment instrument was changed, refresh list, inform user about new status

    override fun onProvisioningFailure(event: EventProvisioningFailure) {
        //provisioning failed, try again

    override fun onProvisioningSuccess(event: EventProvisioningSuccess) {
        //provisioning success, wait for status and replenish changes until user can pay 
        //or provide activation method when required

    override fun onReplenishFailure(event: EventReplenishFailure) {
        //transaction credentials replenish failed

    override fun onReplenishSuccess(event: EventReplenishSuccess) {
        //transaction credentials replenish success


class BankingAppUcpTransactionAcceptanceEventListener : UcpTransactionAcceptanceEventListener {

    //Sample implementation of transaction acceptance listener
	//For the scanario when authentication is required on issuer side for every transaction 
    //field even.isUserAuthenticated must be always true, otherwise 
    //ContactlessAdvice.AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED should be returned

    override fun getFinalDecisionForTransaction(event: EventGetFinalDecision): ContactlessAdvice {

        val isScreenUnlocked = isScreenUnlocked()
        val isScreenProtectedByKeyguard = isScreenUnlocked()

        val isLvtTransaction =
            event.transactionInformation.transactionRange == ContactlessTransactionRange.LVT

        //discard all Transit transaction
        if (event.transactionInformation.richTransactionType == ContactlessRichTransactionType.TRANSIT) {
            return ContactlessAdvice.DECLINE

        //allow for transaction when user is authenticated for payment and screen unlocked
        if (event.isUserAuthenticated && isScreenUnlocked) {
            return ContactlessAdvice.PROCEED

        //allow for LVT transaction on unlocked screen when protected and don't require authentication
        if (isLvtTransaction && isScreenProtectedByKeyguard && isScreenUnlocked) {
            return ContactlessAdvice.PROCEED

        // ...
        // much more cases

        //require authentication anyway
        return ContactlessAdvice.AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED


class BankReportEventListener : UcpEventReportsListener {

    override fun onNewReport(report: Report) {
       //may be used for debugging SDK or gathering reports on client's app or backend


//Use UcpMcbpHTtpExecutor as supertype if you want to replace connection
class BankUcpMcbpHttpExecutor : UcpMcbpHttpExecutor {
    override fun execute(
        ucpMcbpRequestType: UcpMcbpHttpExecutorRequestType,
        ucpMcbpHttpMethod: UcpMcbpHttpMethod,
        url: String,
        requestData: Any,
        requestProperties: Map<String, String>
    ): UcpMcbpHttpResponse {
        //additional action before request
        //invoke connect by custom connector
        return when (ucpMcbpRequestType) {
            UcpMcbpHttpExecutorRequestType.REQUEST_SESSION -> {
                executeRequestSession(ucpMcbpHttpMethod, url, requestData as UcpMcbpRequestSessionRequestData, 
            UcpMcbpHttpExecutorRequestType.PROVISION -> {
                executeProvision(ucpMcbpHttpMethod, url, requestData as UcpMcbpProvisionRequestData, 
            UcpMcbpHttpExecutorRequestType.REPLENISH -> {
                executeReplenish(ucpMcbpHttpMethod, url, requestData as UcpMcbpReplenishRequestData, 
            UcpMcbpHttpExecutorRequestType.NOTIFY_PROVISIONING_RESULT -> {
                executeNotifyProvisioningResult(ucpMcbpHttpMethod, url, 
                requestData as UcpMcbpNotifyProvisioningResultRequestData, requestProperties)
            UcpMcbpHttpExecutorRequestType.CHANGE_MOBILE_PIN -> {
                executeChangeMobilePin(ucpMcbpHttpMethod, url, 
                requestData as UcpMcbpChangeMobilePinRequestData, requestProperties)
            UcpMcbpHttpExecutorRequestType.DELETE -> {
                executeDelete(ucpMcbpHttpMethod, url, requestData as UcpMcbpDeleteRequestData, 


//Use DefaultUcpMcbpHTtpExecutor as supertype if you want to only add some action before connection
class BankDefaultUcpMcbpHttpExecutor : DefaultUcpMcbpHttpExecutor() {
    override fun execute(
        ucpMcbpRequestType: UcpMcbpHttpExecutorRequestType,
        ucpMcbpHttpMethod: UcpMcbpHttpMethod,
        url: String,
        requestData: Any,
        requestProperties: Map<String, String>
    ): UcpMcbpHttpResponse {
        //additional action before request
        return super.execute(


class BankingAppUcpReProvisiongEventListener : UcpReProvisionEventListener() {
     override fun onReProvisionSuccess(event: EventReProvisionSuccess) {
     	//reProvisioning success, wait for status and replenish changes until user can pay 
	override fun onReProvisionFailure(event: EventReProvisionFailure) {
       //reProvisioning failed, try again.


class BankingAppUcpTransactionConfiguration : UcpTransactionConfiguration {
    override val enableTransactionAuthenticationTimer: Boolean = false

Sample VCP SDK setup implementation

Mobile DC setup() and VCP setup() method could be called on MainThread in Application:onCreate as blocking or another thread.
When applicaiton has multiple dependencies there is possible to call both setup() methods on another thread (MobileDC setup() method must be already finished until VCP setup() is called).
Important: In case of loading SDK on another thread and using contactless payments HostApduService must be used asynchronous way to prevet using SDK until loading is finished - check sample for method PaymentService:processHceApduCommand.

fun setup(
    application: Application,
    walletCvmModel: WalletCvmModel,
    walletAuthUserMode: WalletAuthUserMode,
    mcbpPinningCertificates: List<String>,
    replenishThreshold: Int
) {

    val ucpConfiguration = UcpConfiguration.create(
            //marked as deprecated - see description above
			//if you want to only add additional action before connection use below implementation
            //if you want to change standard transaction configuration use configuration below


reset (DEPRECATED - use restart instead)

Synchronous. Offline.
Method for resetting SDK to uninitialized state.
NOTE: According to MCBP Deployment team there is no possibility for resetting SDK without killing application process for clearing all MC SDK local variables. Please kill application process after using this method. Trying using any facade method without stopping application process will cause throwing UcpSdkException.
To avoid closing application use restart() methods.


No input.


No output.


Sample VCP SDK reset implementation:

fun reset() {

	//Terminating JVM according to MC SDK Sample Application


Synchronous. Offline.

Method for resetting SDK to uninitialized state.

Replaces reset() method which requires killing application process.

When restart finishes with error, application should repeat action.

NOTE: SDK must be already initialized to call restart() method. During restart() SDK internally initializes SDK again.


No input.


Success callback when SDK data is cleared and SDK is ready to use again. No any action is required to call facade methods.

Failure callback when something went wrong during restart. Application should repeat action.


Sample VCP SDK reset implementation:

    //restart finished with success. UCP & MDC data is cleared, SDK is now ready to use without calling MDC & UCP setup methods
}, {
    //some error occured, please repeat action

Cards domain


Asynchronous. Online.|
Method allows delete PaymentInstument from VCP.
Payment token will be removed remote and local storage.
Result of action will be notified with onPaymentInstrumentStatusChanged.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String

Id of PaymentInstrument to delete

Not empty.
reason CharArray?

Optional reason of deletion


Success / failure callback


fun delete(paymentInstrumentId: String, reason: CharArray?) {
            .delete(paymentInstrumentId, reason,
                        //PaymentInstrument delete requested
                        //wait for confirmation from onPaymentInstrumentStatusChanged
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check excetpion with documentation


Asynchronous. Online.
Check eligibility required to process digitize.


Parameter Type Description
checkEligibility CheckEligibility

CheckEligibility object





paymentInstrumentId String

Identifier of payment instrument

paymentInstrumentType PaymentInstrumentType

Payment instrument type. One of: [MASTERCARD]

userLanguage String User language
userCountry String User country


Success callback with CheckEligibilityResult.





termsAndConditionsAssetId String

Identifier of Terms and Conditions asset

Failure callback


private fun checkEligibility(
    paymentInstrumentId: String,
    paymentInstrumentType: PaymentInstrumentType,
    userLanguage: String,
    userCountry: String
) {

            { checkEligibilityResult ->
                //Handle result
            { throwable ->
                //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online.
Use only when checkEligibility method is used.
Creates payment token in VCP backend.
Expect push after successful finish and then proceed using process method in Cloud Messaging domain.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
digitizationRequest DigitizationRequest

Plain object of DigitizationRequest

Not empty

DigitizationRequest object contains following fields:

Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String

Identifier of payment instrument

Not empty
paymentInstrumentType PaymentInstrumentType

Payment instrument type. One of: [MASTERCARD]

Not empty
securityCode CharArray? Optional. The CVC2 for the card to be digitized
externalPaymentTokenId String? Optional. Unique external identifier of Payment Token


Success callback with DigitizationResult object

Parameter Type Description
digitizationResult DigitizationResult

Plain object of DigitizationResult

DigitizationResult contains following fields.

Parameter Type Description
paymentInstrument PaymentInstrument

Plain object of PaymentInstrument

additionalAuthenticationMethods List<AdditionalAuthenticationMethod>? All available additional authentication method
productConfig ProductConfig Plain object of ProductConfig, contains Payment Token configuration
externalPaymentTokenId String? Optional. External payment token id configured by the consumer. In case of identifier duplicate an random id is generated

ProductConfig contains following fields.

Parameter Type Description
isCoBranded Boolean Whether the product is co-branded
coBrandName String? Name of the co-branded partner
foregroundColor String Foreground color, used to overlay text on top of the card image
backgroundColor String Background color, used to overlay text on top of the card image
labelColor String? Label color of the mobile wallet entry for the card
issuerName String Name of the issuing bank
shortDescription String A short description for this product
longDescription String? A long description for this product
custoremServiceUrl String? Customer service website of the issuing bank
customerServiceEmail String? Customer service email address of issuing bank
customerServicePhoneNumber String? Customer service phone number of the issuing bank
productConfigIssuer ProductConfigIssuer? Contains one or more mobile app details that may be used to deep link from the Mobile Payment App to the issuer mobile app
onlineBankingLoginUrl String? Login URL for the issuing bank's online banking website
termsAndConditionsUrl String? URL linking to the issuing bank's terms and conditions for this product
privacyPolicyUrl String? URL linking to the issuing bank's privacy policy for this product
issuerProductConfigCode String? Freeform identifier for this product configuration as assigned by the issuer
contactName String? Name of the issuing bank
bankAppName String? Name of banking application for display
bankAppAddress String? The package name for the destination mobile application
unsupportedPresentationTypes String? The presentation types that are not supported such as "MSR" (for example). This is an advisory field to tell the wallet provider that they should not include the unsupported presentation type returned in this field in the provisioning request
unsupportedCardVerificationTypes String? The card verification types that are not supported such as "AVS" (for example). This is an advisory field to let the wallet provider know which card verification services are not supported for a given payment instrument. The wallet provider can use this information to relax any field validations on the Customer UI (such as Address)
issuerFlags List<ProductConfigIssuerFlags>? List of plain ProductConfigIssuerFlags object. Contains issuer flags
brandLogoAssetId String The Mastercard or Maestro brand logo associated with this card. Provided as an Asset ID
issuerLogoAssetId String The logo of the issuing bank. Provided as a Asset ID
coBrandLogoAssetId String? The co-brand logo (if any) for this product. Provided as an Asset ID
cardBackgroundCombinedAssetId String? The card image used to represent the digital card in the wallet. This ‘combined’ option contains the Mastercard, bank and any co-brand logos. Provided as an Asset ID
cardBackgroundAssetId String? The card image used to represent the digital card in the wallet. This ‘non-combined’ option does not contain the Mastercard, bank, or cobrand logos. Provided as an Asset ID
iconAssetId String The icon representing the primary brand(s) associated with this product. Provided as an Asset ID

ProductConfigIssuer contains following fields.

Parameter Type Description
openIssuerAndroidIntent ProductConfigOpenIssuerAndroidIntent? AndroidIntent object can be used to open the issuer mobile app
activateWithIssuerAndroidIntent ProductConfigActivateWithIssuerAndroidIntent? AndroidIntent object can be used to open the issuer mobile app
openIssuerIOSDeepLinkingUrl ProductConfigOpenIssuerIOSDeepLinkingUrl? IOSDeepLinkingUrl object can be used to open the issuer mobile app
activateWithIssuerIOSDeepLinkingUrl ProductConfigActivateWithIssuerIOSDeepLinkingUrl? IOSDeepLinkingUrl object can be used to open the issuer mobile app

ProductConfigOpenIssuerAndroidIntent contains following fields.

Parameter Type Description
action String The name of the action to be performed. This is a fully qualified name including the package name in order to create an explicit intent
packageName String The package name of the issuer’s mobile app. This identifies the app that the intent will resolve to. If the app is not installed on the user’s device, this package name can be used to open a link to the appropriate Android app store for the user to download and install the app
extraTextValue String Contains the data to be passed through to the target app in the intent as an extra key/value pair with key ‘android.intent.extra.TEXT’. This is Base64-encoded data of a JSON object

ProductConfigActivateWithIssuerAndroidIntent contains following fields.

Parameter Type Description
action String The name of the action to be performed. This is a fully qualified name including the package name in order to create an explicit intent
packageName String The package name of the issuer’s mobile app. This identifies the app that the intent will resolve to. If the app is not installed on the user’s device, this package name can be used to open a link to the appropriate Android app store for the user to download and install the app
extraTextValue String Contains the data to be passed through to the target app in the intent as an extra key/value pair with key ‘android.intent.extra.TEXT’. This is Base64-encoded data of a JSON object

ProductConfigOpenIssuerIOSDeepLinkingUrl contains following fields.

Parameter Type Description
deepLinkinUrl String The deep linking URL of the issuer’s iOS mobile app. This identifies the app that the URL will resolve to. If the app is not installed on the user’s device, this URL can be used to open a link to the appropriate iOS app store for the user to download and install the app
extraTextValue String Contains the data to be passed through to the target app in the deep linking URL as a query parameter.It should be appended to the deepLinkingUrl when invoked in the format: deepLinkingUrl + ‘?extraTextValue=’ + extraTextValue. This is Base64-encoded data of a JSON object

ProductConfigActivateWithIssuerIOSDeepLinkingUrl contains following fields.

Parameter Type Description
deepLinkingUrl String The deep linking URL of the issuer’s iOS mobile app. This identifies the app that the URL will resolve to. If the app is not installed on the user’s device, this URL can be used to open a link to the appropriate iOS app store for the user to download and install the app
extraTextValue String Contains the data to be passed through to the target app in the deep linking URL as a query parameter. It should be appended to the deepLinkingUrl when invoked in the format: deepLinkingUrl + ‘?extraTextValue=’ + extraTextValue. This is Base64-encoded data of a JSON object

ProductConfigIssuerFlags contains following fields.

Parameter Type Description
deviceBinding Boolean Device binding
cardholderVerification Boolean Whether the issuer participating in step-up flow
trustedBeneficiaryEnrollment Boolean Whether this is a trusted beneficiary enrollment
delegateAuthenticationSupported String Whether issuer supports delegated authentication

Failure callback


fun digitizeCard(digitizationRequest: DigitizationRequest) {

            .digitize( digitizationRequest,
                    { digitizationResult ->
                        //digitization success, provisioning is in progress
                        //application should listen to push message and provide content to UCP
                        //refresh you payment instrument list form Cards::getPaymentInstruments
                        //new PaymentInstrument should be visible with INACTIVE state

                        //when push processed wait for onProvisioningSuccess or Failure callback
                        //and status change
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation

digitize (deprecated)

Asynchronous. Online.
Deprecated - use digitize(DigitizationGreenPath) instead.
Creates payment token in VCP backend.
Expect push after successful finish and then proceed using process method in Cloud Messaging domain.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String

Identifier of payment instrument

Not empty.
userLanguage String

Language preference selected by the consumer. Formatted as an
ISO-639-1 two letter language code

Not empty.
securityCode CharArray?

Optional. The CVC2 for the card to be digitized


Success / failure callback


fun digitizeCard(
        paymentInstrumentId: String,
        languageCode: String,
        securityCode: CharArray) {

            .digitize(paymentInstrumentId, languageCode, securityCode,
                        //digitization success, provisioning is in progress
                        //application should listen to push message and provide content to UCP
                        //refresh you payment instrument list form Cards::getPaymentInstruments
                        //new PaymentInstrument should be visible with INACTIVE state

                        //when push processed wait for onProvisioningSuccess or Failure callback
                        //and status change
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online.
Creates payment token in VCP backend.
Expect push after successful finish and then proceed using process method in Cloud Messaging domain.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
digitizationGreenPath DigitizationGreenPath

Plain object of DigitizationGreenPath

Not empty

DigitizationGreenPath contains following fields.

Parameter Type Description
paymentInstrumentId String

Identifier of payment instrument

paymentInstrumentType PaymentInstrumentType Payment instrument type. One of: [MASTERCARD]
securityCode CharArray? Optional. The CVC2 for the card to be digitized
userLanguage String User language
userCountry String User country
externalPaymentTokenId String? Optional. Unique external identifier of Payment Token


Success / failure callback


fun digitizeCard(digitizationGreenPath: DigitizationGreenPath) {

                        //digitization success, provisioning is in progress
                        //application should listen to push message and provide content to UCP
                        //refresh you payment instrument list form Cards::getPaymentInstruments
                        //new PaymentInstrument should be visible with INACTIVE state

                        //when push processed wait for onProvisioningSuccess or Failure callback
                        //and status change
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online.
Retrieves additional user authentication methods.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
getAdditionalAuthenticationMethods GetAdditionalAuthenticationMethods

Plain object of GetAdditionalAuthenticationMethods

Not empty

Fields of GetAdditionalAuthenticationMethods object:

Parameter Type Description
paymentInstrumentId String Identifier of payment instrument


Success callback with AdditionalAuthenticationMethods object.

Parameter Type Description
additionalAuthenticationMethods AdditionalAuthenticationMethods Object carrying list of AdditionalAuthenticationMethod

AdditionalAuthenticationMethods contains following value:

Parameter Type Description
additionalAuthenticationMethods List<AdditionalAuthenticationMethod> List of AdditionalAuthenticationMethod objects

Failure callback.


private fun getAdditionalAuthenticationMethods() {
    val getAdditionalAuthenticationMethod =

            { additionalAuthenticationMethods ->
                //Handle result
            { throwable ->
                //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online.
Submit authentication code when additional user authentication is required.


Parameter Type Description
paymentInstrumentId String

Identifier of payment instrument

authenticationCode String Authentication code


Success callback/failure callback.


private fun submitAuthenticationValue(paymentInstrumentId: String, authenticationCode: String) {

                //Handle success
            { throwable ->
                //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online.
Submit authentication method when additional user authentication is required.


Parameter Type Description
paymentInstrumentId String

Identifier of payment instrument

authenticationMethodId String Id of authentication method. Get it when digitize method return additionalAuthenticationRequired set to true.


Success callback/failure callback.


private fun submitAuthenticationMethod(paymentInstrumentId: String, authenticationMethodId: String) {

                //Handle success
            { throwable ->
                //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online/Offline.
Method for getting all payment instruments from local or remote storage.
Local storage is always instant available and should be used to increase UX.
Use remote way when possible to keep your payment instruments always up to date.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
refresh Boolean Refresh all PaymentInstrument objects state with remote VCP server (network and user session required)


Success callback with list of PaymentInstrument objects.

Parameter Type Description
paymentInstruments List<PaymentInstrument> List of retrieved payment instruments from local or remote storage

Failure callback.


fun getAllPaymentInstrument(refresh: Boolean) {
            .getAllPaymentInstruments( refresh,
                    { paymentInstruments ->
                        //List of PaymentInstrument from local or remote storage
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation

getPaymentInstrument (deprecated)

Asynchronous. Online/Offline.
Deprecated - use getAllPaymentInstruments instead.
Method for getting single PaymentInstrument from local or remote storage object based on id.
Local storage is always instant available and should be used to incerese UX.
Use remote way when possible to keep your payment instruments always up to date.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String Id of instrument to retrieve Not empty
refresh Boolean Refresh selected PaymentInstrument state with remote VCP server (network required)


Success callback with PaymentInstument object.

Parameter Type Description
paymentInstrument PaymentInstrument Retrieved payment instrument

Failure callback.


fun getPaymentInstrument(paymentInstrumentId: String, refresh: Boolean) {
            .getPaymentInstrument(paymentInstrumentId, refresh,
                    { paymentInstrument ->
                        //PaymentInstrument from local or remote storage
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation

IBANs domain


Asynchronous. Online.
Registers user and device if already not registered in VCP backend. Creates payment token in VCP backend.
Expect push after successfull finish and then proceed using process method in Cloud Messaging domain.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
signedAccountInfo String

Signed AccountInfo per RFC 7519

Instruction how to sign data with JWT can be found in Data signing and encryption chapter in Mobile DC documentation

Not empty.
fcmRegistrationToken CharArray

FCM Cloud messaging registration token

Not empty.
languageCode String

Language preference selected by the consumer. Formatted as an ISO-639-1 two letter language code

Not empty.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

userId String

External user id

Not empty.
iban String Bank Account Number Not empty.
countryCode String

The country of the financial account

Expressed as a 3-letter (alpha-3 country code as defined in ISO 3166-1

Not empty.


Success callback. Called when device token digitization finished with success .Result contains IbanDigitizationResult object.

Note: Cloud token digitization fail doesn't affect on success/failure callback.

IbanDigitizationResult contains following fields:

Parameter Type Description
(DEPRECATED) cloudDigitizationSuccess Boolean Cloud Token Digitization Details
result CloudDigitizationResult Cloud Token Digitization Details. One of: SUCCEED, FAILED, DISABLED, UNKNOWN

Failure callback. Called when device token digitization finished with failure.


Sample generation of signedAccountInfo (see Data signing and encryption chapter in Mobile DC documentation)

class SignedAccountInfo {
    fun generate() {
        val claims = JWTClaimsSet.Builder()
            .claim("userId", "externalUserId")
            .claim("iban", "IN15HIND23467433866365")
            .claim("countryCode", "IND")

        val signedAccountInfo = JwtGenerator.generate(claims, certificates, privateKey)
        // ...

fun digitizeIban(
        signedAccountInfo: String,
        fcmRegistrationToken: CharArray,
        languageCode: String) {

            .digitize(signedAccountInfo, fcmRegistrationToken, languageCode,
                    { ibanDigitizationResult ->

                        //Device token digitization finished with success
                        //wait for onProvisioning(Success/Failure) callback and onTokenStatusChanged when success

                        val cloudDigitizationResult = ibanDigitizationResult.result

                        //check status of Cloud Token
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online.
Provides Transaction Verification Code required to process cloud payments.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
signedIbanInfo String

Signed IbanInfo per RFC 7519

Instruction how to sign data with JWT can be found in Data signing and encryption chapter in Mobile DC documentation

Not empty.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

ibanId String

Iban id returned in addUserWithIban methdod or sha256Hex(iban)

Not empty.


Success callback with Tvc object or encrypted Tvc object as String.

Parameter Type Description
plainTvc PlainTvc?

Plain PlainTvc object

encryptedTvc CharArray?

Encrypted PlainTvc object per RFC 7516

Present when client decide to encrypt data. Instruction how tu use JWE can be found in Data signing and encryption chapter in Mobile DC documentation

PlainTvc object contains following fields.

Parameter Type Description
accountNumber CharArray

Primary Account Number for the transaction – this is the Token PAN

dynamicExpiryDate CharArray

Dynamic expiration date for the token. Expressed in YYMM format

dynamicCVC CharArray Dynamic CVC

Failure callback when TVC cannot be created.


Sample generation of signedIbanInfo (see Data signing and encryption chapter in Mobile DC documentation)

class SignedIbanInfo {
    fun generate() {
        val claims = JWTClaimsSet.Builder()
            .claim("ibanId", "798c5c64d93c87b8ed7f108cde4753eb66faff760121ef2a05d0f44fb066b03b")

        val signedIbanInfo = JwtGenerator.generate(claims, certificates, privateKey);
        // ...

fun createTvc(signedIbanInfo: String) {
            .createTVC(signedIbanInfo, { tvc ->
                //result object could contains encrypted TVC
                val encryptedTvc: String? = tvc.encryptedTvc

                //or decrypted(plain) TVC object with parameters described in documentation
                val plainTvc = tvc.plainTvc
            }, { throwable ->
                //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online.
This method is responsible for creating payment data for given IBAN. Depending on configuration returned data are dedicated for payment using UCAF or TVC. Also depending on configuration payment data are returned in plain or encrypted form.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
signedIbanInfo String

Signed IbanInfo per RFC 7519

Instruction how to sign data with JWT can be found in Data signing and encryption chapter in Mobile DC documentation

Not empty.


Parameter Type Description

Validation conditions

ibanId String

Iban id returned in addUserWithIban methdod or sha256Hex(iban)

Not empty.
userId String External user id given by the client Not empty.


Success callback with PaymentData object or encrypted payment data object as String.

Parameter Type Description
plainPaymentData PlainPaymentData?

Plain PlainPaymentData object

encryptedPaymentData String?

Encrypted PlainPaymentData object per RFC 7516

Present when client decide to encrypt data. Instruction how tu use JWE can be found in Data signing and encryption chapter in Mobile DC documentation

PlainPaymentData object contains following fields.

Parameter Type Description
accountNumber String

Primary Account Number for the transaction – this is the Token PAN

applicationExpiryDate String? Required only for UCAF. Application expiry date for the Token. Expressed in YYMMDD format
panSequenceNumber String? Rrquired only for UCAF. Application PAN sequence number for the Token
track2Equivalent String? Required only for UCAF. Track 2 equivalent data for the Token. Expressed according to ISO/IEC 7813, excluding start sentinel, end sentinel, and Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC), using hex nibble 'D' as field separator, and padded to whole bytes using one hex nibble 'F' as needed
ucafCryptogram String? Required only for UCAF. UCAF cryptogram
dynamicExpiryDate String?

Dynamic expiration date for the token. Expressed in YYMM format

dynamicCVC String? Dynamic CVC

Failure callback when PaymentData cannot be created.


Sample generation of signedIbanInfo (see Data signing and encryption chapter in Mobile DC documentation)

class SignedIbanInfo {
    fun generate() {
        val claims = JWTClaimsSet.Builder()
            .claim("ibanId", "798c5c64d93c87b8ed7f108cde4753eb66faff760121ef2a05d0f44fb066b03b")
			.claim("userId", "123")

        val signedIbanInfo = JwtGenerator.generate(claims, certificates, privateKey);
        // ...

fun createPaymentData(signedIbanInfo: String) {
            .createPaymentData(signedIbanInfo, { paymentData ->
                //result object could contains encrypted PaymentData
                val encryptedPaymentData: String? = paymentData.encryptedPaymentData

                //or decrypted(plain) PaymentData object with parameters described in documentation
                val plainPaymentData = paymentData.plainPaymentData
            }, { throwable ->
                //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online/Offline.
Method for getting all payment instruments from local or remote storage.
Local storage is always instant available and should be used to incerese UX.
Use remote way when possible to keep your payment instruments always up to date.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
refresh Boolean Refresh all PaymentInstrument objects state with remote VCP server (network required)


Success callback with list of PaymentInstrument objects

Parameter Type Description
paymentInstruments List<PaymentInstrument> List of retrieved payment instruments

Failure callback


fun getAllPaymentInstrument(refresh: Boolean) {
            .getAllPaymentInstruments( refresh,
                    { paymentInstruments ->
                        //List of PaymentInstrument from local or remote storage
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online/Offline.
Use getAllPaymentInstruments instead.
Method for getting single PaymentInstrument from local or remote storage object based on id.
Local storage is always instant available and should be used to incerese UX.
Use remote way when possible to keep your payment instruments always up to date. 


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String Id of instrument to retrieve. Not empty
refresh Boolean Refresh selected PaymentInstrument state with remote VCP server (network required)


Success callback with PaymentInstument object

Parameter Type Description
paymentInstrument PaymentInstrument Retrieved payment instrument

Failure callback


fun getPaymentInstrument(paymentInstrumentId: String, refresh: Boolean) {
            .getPaymentInstrument(paymentInstrumentId, refresh,
                    { paymentInstrument ->
                        //PaymentInstrument from local or remote storage
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online.
Method allows delete PaymentInstument from VCP.
Payment token will be removed remote and local storage.
Result of action will be notified with onPaymentInstrumentStatusChanged.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String

Id of PaymentInstrument to delete

Not empty.
reason CharArray?

Optional reason of deletion


Success / failure callback


fun delete(paymentInstrumentId: String, reason: CharArray?) {
            .delete(paymentInstrumentId, reason,
                        //PaymentInstrument delete requested
                        //wait for confirmation from onPaymentInstrumentStatusChanged
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check excetpion with documentation

Payment domain


Asynchronous. Offline.
Sets payment instrument as default for contactless payment.
Payment instrument set as default will be used if no other payment instrument was selected by method selectForPayment.
Default payment instrument will be used automatically after linking with PoS terminal.
Make sure PaymentInstrument status is ACTIVE. Only active payments instruments can be set as default.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String

Payment instrument identity

Not empty


Success / failure callback


fun setDefaultForContactless(paymentInstrument: PaymentInstrument) {

    if (paymentInstrument.status != PaymentInstrumentStatus.ACTIVE) {
        //make sure selected PaymentInstrument can be seta as default

    val paymentInstrumentId =

            .setDefaultForContactless(paymentInstrumentId, {
            }, { throwable ->
                //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Offline.Provides default PaymentInstrument for contactless payment.

Throws DefaultPaymentInstrumentNotFoundException when no PaymentInstrument is set as default.


No input parameters


Success callback with id new default PaymentInstrument

Parameter Type Description
paymentInstrument PaymentInstrument Default Payment instrument

Failure callback.


fun getDefaultForContactless() {
            .getDefaultForContactless({ paymentInstrument ->
                // use PaymentInstrument
            }, { throwable ->
                when (throwable) {
                    is DefaultPaymentInstrumentNotFoundException -> {
                        //there is no default PaymentInstrument
                    else -> {
                        //check another exception with documentation

setDefaultForRemote (deprecated)

Asynchronous. Offline.
Sets payment instrument as default for DSRP payment.
Payment instrument set as default will be used if no other payment instrument was selected by method selectForPayment.
Default payment instrument will be used automatically to remote payments.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String

Payment instrument identity

Not empty


Success / failure callback


fun setDefaultForRemote(paymentInstrument: PaymentInstrument) {

    if (paymentInstrument.status != PaymentInstrumentStatus.ACTIVE
            && !paymentInstrument.dsrpSupported) {
        //make sure selected PaymentInstrument can be set as default

    val paymentInstrumentId =

            .setDefaultForRemote(paymentInstrumentId, {
            }, { throwable ->
                //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation

getDefaultForRemote (deprecated)

Asynchronous. Offline.
Provides default PaymentInstrument for remote payments.
Throws DefaultPaymentInstrumentNotFoundException when no PaymentInstrument is set as default.


No input parameters


Success callback with id new default PaymentInstrument

Parameter Type Description
paymentInstrument PaymentInstrument Default Payment instrument

Failure callback.


fun getDefaultForRemote() {
            .getDefaultForRemote({ paymentInstrument ->
                // use PaymentInstrument
            }, { throwable ->
                when (throwable) {
                    is DefaultPaymentInstrumentNotFoundException -> {
                        //there is no default PaymentInstrument
                    else -> {
                        //check another exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Offline.
Sets payment instrument as primary for next incoming contactless payment.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentd String

Payment instrument identity

Not empty


Success / failure callback


Note: This is only sample payment scenation

//sample scenario of starting payment with authentication before payment

fun startPayment(paymentInstrument: PaymentInstrument) {

    //checking conditions before payment
    val isActive = paymentInstrument.status != PaymentInstrumentStatus.ACTIVE
    val isContactlessSupported = paymentInstrument.contactlessSupported
    val hasTransactionCredentials = paymentInstrument.credentialsCount > 0

    if (!isActive || !isContactlessSupported || !hasTransactionCredentials) {
        //PaymentInstrument doesn't meet requirements for payment
    //selecting PaymentInstrument to payment
            .selectForPayment(, {
                //selection success

                //request user authentication when 
                //... authentication presented

                //use setUserAuthenticatedForPayment method

            }, { throwable ->
                //something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Offline.
Sets user as authenticated to payment with provided payment instrument.

Authentication clearing depends on authentication timer configuration in UcpTransactionConfiguration:enableTransactionAuthenticationTimer.
By default timer is disabled and authentication is cancelled when user perform transaction and SDK send callback onContactlessPaymentCompleted/Aborted/Incident from UcpTransactionEventListener.
When timer is enabled authentication is cleared when auth timer finishes - it could casue problems when user start to pay just before timer finish. Authentication could be cleared by SDK during payement.

If application call setUserAuthenticatedForPayment without contactless payment context and authentication timer is disabled, authentication is never cleared by SDK. To clear authentication use abortUserAuthenticationForPayment.

UcpTransactionEventListener:onContactlessPaymentStarted is recommended place for payment authentication.

Note: User can be authenticated based on conditions like screen unlock.  Method must be called before payment in method UcpTransactionEventListener:onContactlessPaymentStarted()
Make sure that authentication on this step is done securely. Transaction information is not available on this step.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String

Payment instrument identity

Not empty
pin CharArray?

PIN or null for CUSTOM WalletAuthUserMode


Success / failure callback


Basic user authentication usage below, call when user is authenticated.

private fun setUserAuthenticatedForPayment(
    paymentInstrument: PaymentInstrument,
    pinProvidedByUser: CharArray
) {
        .setUserAuthenticatedForPayment(, pinProvidedByUser,
                //user authentication provided
                //start one tap payment or continue two tap with 2nd tap to terminal after authentication
                //listen for auth timer changes
                //user abortUserAuthentication method when transaction cancelled by user
            }, { throwable ->
                //some error, check exception

Optional authentication before making transaction based on custom conditions.

override fun onContactlessPaymentStarted() {

    //check internal conditions
    //like user performed authentication, is logged in application, is device unlocked etc
    val isUserAuthenticated = true

    //check if use selected any token for payment and select it in UCP SDK
    //otherwise default token will be used
    if (getSelectedPaymentInstrumentId() != null) {

                paymentInstrumentId = getSelectedPaymentInstrumentId(),
                success = {
                    //token will be used for actual payment
                    //call setUserAuthenticatedForPayment here - sample below in "else" block
                failure = { throwable ->
                    //something went wrong, check throwable with documentation
    } else {

        if (isUserAuthenticated) {
                    paymentInstrumentId = getSelectedPaymentInstrumentId(),
                    pin = null, //or pin if MobilePin is used
                    success = 
                        //user authenticated in SDK
                    }, failure = {
                        //authentication failure, check exception


Asynchronous. Offline.

Abort user authentication during ongoing transaction. After calling this method transaction is cancelled and timer stopped.


No input parameters


Success / failure callback


fun abortUserAuthenticationForPayment() {
                        //user authentication aborted
                        //listen for auth timer changes
                    { throwable ->
                        //some error, check exception


Synchronous. Offline.
Processes APDU command from Point Of Sale (PoS) terminal. Returns callback APDU command to pass back to PoS.
Should be called inside registered Android Service extending HostApduService in implementation of overridden processCommandApdu method.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
context Context

Application context, can be provided from HostApduService

Not empty
apdu ByteArray

APDU command from HostApduService::processCommandApdu method parameter

Not empty
extras Bundle?

Extras object from HostApduService::processCom mandApdu method parameter


Apdu result - method called synchronous without callback

Parameter. Type Description
apdu ByteArray

APDU command to return in implementation of overridden processCommandApdu method

Sample (synchronized HostApduService)

Use this version if MobileDC:setup and UCP:setup() method is called in Application:onCreate on Main Thread.

//WalletHceService must be registerd in AndroidManifest as nfc service 
class WalletHceService : HostApduService() {

    //private val ucpApi = ..

    override fun processCommandApdu(commandApdu: ByteArray, extras: Bundle?): ByteArray? {
        return ucpApi 
            .processHceApduCommand(this, commandApdu, extras)

Sample (aynchronous HostApduService)

Use this version if SDK is called on another thread and HostApduService can receive APDU until VCP SDK is still in loading state.

//WalletHceService must be registerd in AndroidManifest as nfc service 
class WalletHceService : HostApduService() {

    //private val ucpApi = ..
	override fun processCommandApdu(commandApdu: ByteArray, extras: Bundle?): ByteArray? {

		//UcpSdkStateApplicationSingleton is sample class which keep SDK state and allow to observe when SDK load is finished
    	if (UcpSdkStateApplicationSingleton.isLoaded()) {
        	val result = processCommandApduInUcpSdk(context, commandApdu, extras)
    	} else {

            	onSdkLoadListener = {
                	val result = processCommandApduInUcpSdk(context, commandApdu, extras)

    	return null

	override fun onDeactivated(reason: Int) {
    	if (UcpSdkStateApplicationSingleton.isLoaded()) {
        	return ucpApi
    private fun processCommandApduInUcpSdk(
        context: Context,
        commandApdu: ByteArray,
        extras: Bundle?
    ): ByteArray? {
        return ucpApi
            .processHceApduCommand(context, commandApdu, extras)

//sample objec which helps to listen SDK state
object UcpSdkStateApplicationSingleton : UcpSdkState {

	//flag could be synchronized
    private var isLoaded = false

    private var onSdkLoadListener: (() -> Unit)? = null

    override fun listenForSdkReady(onSdkLoadListener: () -> Unit) {
        this.onSdkLoadListener = onSdkLoadListener
        if (isLoaded) this.onSdkLoadListener?.invoke()
	//call when SDK loading thread is finished
    //setupMdc() -> setupUcp() -> UcpSdkStateApplicationSingleton.onUcpSdkLoaded()
    override fun onUcpSdkLoaded() {
        isLoaded = true

    override fun isLoaded(): Boolean {
        return isLoaded


Asynchronous. Online.
Method for manually replenishing payment credentials.
Application will receive push notification and notified about replenish process with global callback described in setup chapter. 


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String

Id of paymentInstrument that needs it credentials replenished

Not empty


Success / failure callback


fun replenishCredentials(paymentInstrumentId: String) {
                        //request for credentials replenish finished with success
                        //wait for push notification and pass to valid module
                        //when push processed application will be informed about replenish success/failure
                        //read chapter with setup for more information
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Offline.
Resets auth timer during payment. After calling method auth countdown will start again with default value from card profile.
Default auth time is provided by card profile.


No input parameters


Success / failure callback


Asynchronous. Online.
Method dedicated for requesting authentication code for payment. Authentication code is delivered via Issuer. Only one valid Authentication Code can exist at a time for a given paymentInstrumentId and authenticationRequestId. Multiple valid codes can exist for the same token if different authenticationRequestIds are provided each in a different call. Once an Authentication Code has been generated for a given paymentInstrumentId and authenticationRequestId, it will be valid for a limited validity period, after which the code will expire. Method can be called again with the same authenticationRequestId and token unique reference , in order to trigger re-send. When an active authentication code exists for a given paymentInstrumentId and authenticationRequestId it is delivered again to the issuer. If the code has expired or the attempts has been exceeded then new code will be generated.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
requestAuthenticationCodeForPayment RequestAuthenticationCodeForPayment

Plain RequestAuthenticationCodeForPayment object

Not empty

RequestAuthenticationCodeForPayment object contains following fields

Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String

Identifier of payment instrument

Not empty
authenticationRequestId String Authentication request id up to 64 alphanumeric characters long.
A new id should be used for each instance than an account holder needs to be authenticated
Not empty


Success callback/failure callback.


fun requestAuthenticationCodeForPayment(requestAuthenticationCodeForPayment: RequestAuthenticationCodeForPayment) {
            .requestAuthenticationCodeForPayment( requestAuthenticationCodeForPayment,
                        //Requesting Authentication Code went successfully.
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online.
Method dedicated for validation of an Authentication Code generated by the requestAuthenticationCodeForPayment() method. It is given limited number of attempts to enter a correct Authentication Code(typically 3 attempts), after which the Authentication Code becomes invalid.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
validateAuthenticationCodeForPayment ValidateAuthenticationCodeForPayment

Plain ValidateAuthenticationCodeForPayment object

Not empty

ValidateAuthenticationCodeForPayment object contains following fields

Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String

Identifier of payment instrument

Not empty
authenticationRequestId String Authentication request id provided to the requestAuthenticationCodeForPayment when the authentication code was requested. Not empty
authenticationCode String Authentication Code to authenticate the account holder Not empty


Success callback with ValidateAuthenticationCodeForPaymentResult object.

ValidateAuthenticationCodeForPaymentResult object contains following field

Parameter Type Description
signedAuthenticationProcessData String

Signed AuthenticationProcessData per RFC 7519

AuthenticationProcessData model

Parameter Type Description
authenticationRequestId String

Authentication request id


fun validateAuthenticationCodeForPayment(validateAuthenticationCodeForPayment: ValidateAuthenticationCodeForPayment) {
            .validateAuthenticationCodeForPayment( validateAuthenticationCodeForPayment,
                    { validateAuthenticationCodeForPaymentResult ->
                        //ValidateAuthenticationCodeForPaymentResult plain object, 
                        //contains data to validate on backend
						val signedAuthenticationProcessData = ValidateAuthenticationCodeForPaymentResult
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation

Sample verification of signedAuthenticationProcessData (see Data signing and encryption chapter in Mobile DC documentation)

class SignedAuthenticationProcessData {
    fun verifyAndGetAuthenticationRequestID() {
        val jwtClaimsSet = JWTVerifier.verify(signedAuthenticationProcessData, rsaPublicKey, 600);
        val authenticationRequestId = jwtClaimsSet.getStringClaim("authenticationRequestId")        
        // ...


Asynchronous. Online.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String

Payment instrument identity

Not empty
dsrpTransactionInfo DsrpTransactionInfo


Success callback with cryptogram for payment

Failure callback


Asynchronous. Offline.
Method dedicated for starting DSRP transaction.
Every DSRP transaction has to be authenticated before processing.
Depending on implementation payment can be process with OTP authentication or device level authentication.

Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
processDsrpTransaction ProcessDsrpTransaction

Plain ProcessDsrpTransaction object

Not empty

ProcessDsrpTranasction object contains following fields

Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String

Identifier of payment instrument

Not empty
dsrpTransactionInfo DsrpTransactionInfo Plain DsrpTransactionInfo object Not empty

DsrpTransactionInfo object contains following fields

Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
amountMinor Long A long representing the transaction amount without the decimal. For instance 119.00 USD will be 11900

Not empty
currencyCode String A char (integer) representing the transaction currency code with 3 numeric digits as per ISO 4217. For instance, value will be 840 for USD. The maximum value allowed is 999. Not empty
countryCode String? A 3 digit ISO 3166 numeric country code, e.g., 826 for UK. If not sent, this value is initialized with 000.
Enum with value represented by "UCAF" or "DE55" depending on cryptogram data format is to be used. Not empty
A long representing the random number generated by the merchant or by the Payment Gateway. The maximum value is 4,294,967,295. Not empty
A type of financial transaction, one of: PURCHASE, CASH, PURCHASE_WITH_CASHBACK, REFUND
Not empty
A Date object indicating date of transaction.


Success callback with ProcessDsrpTransactionResult object.

ProcessDsrpTransactionResult object contains following field

Parameter Type Description

A byte array containing a formatted response, either UCAF or a set of TLV data for the merchant to populate DE55 data.


String containing the PAN of the card used.


An integer value specifying the PAN Sequence Number (PSN) of the card used.

cryptogramType DsrpIssuer

Enum value as UCAF or DE55 depending on cryptogram data format is used.


String containing the data elements of track 2 according to ISO/IEC 7813.


String representation of byte array of permanent account reference. A non-financial reference assigned to each unique PAN and used to link a Payment Account represented by that PAN to affiliated Payment Tokens.


Date in ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) format indicating expiry date of the card.


Hexed byte array containing a Transaction Identifier.


DsrpPaymentException exception throwed on error in DSRP processing

DsrpPaymentException.reason Description

Invalid input data.


Provided data is valid in context of validation, but doesn't mee


Authentication is not provided for DSRP payment. Authenticate and process DSRP transaction again.


Token used for DSRP is inactive.


There is no transaction credentials to procees DSRP payment


DSRP is not suported by Card.


Transaction is declined by Card.


Card profile is incomaptible with DSRP.


DSRP transaction is in wrong state.


Unknowne error during DSRP processing.

Sample DSRP transaction with device level authentication

// After Merchant App delivers DSRP data application should authenticate user with device level authentication 
// and next execute setUserAuthenticationForPayment().

// Values for DsrpTransactionInfo delivered by Merchant APP 

val dsrpTransactionInfo: DsrpTransactionInfo = 
	DsrpTransactionInfo(amount, currencyCode, countryCode, issuerCryptographyType)
val processDsrpTransaction: ProcessDsrpTransaction = 
	ProcessDsrpTransaction(paymentInstrumentId, dsrpTransactionInfo)

private fun setUserAuthenticatedForPayment(
    paymentInstrumentId: String,
    pinProvidedByUser: CharArray
) {
        .setUserAuthenticatedForPayment(paymentInstrumentId, pinProvidedByUser,
                //After succesfully authentication for payment MPA should execute processDsrpTransaction()
            }, { throwable ->
                //some error, check exception

fun processDsrpTransaction(processDsrpTransaction : ProcessDsrpTransaction) {
            .processDsrpTransaction( processDsrpTransaction,
                    { processDsrpTranasctionResult ->
                        //DSRP transaction result with details went successfully result 
                        //should be delivered to Merchant APP
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation

Sample DSRP transaction with OTP authentication

// After Merchant App delivers DSRP data user should request authentication 
// code for payment with selected paymentInstrument.

// Values for DsrpTransactionInfo delivered by Merchant APP 

val dsrpTransactionInfo: DsrpTransactionInfo = 
		DsrpTransactionInfo(amount, currencyCode, countryCode, issuerCryptographyType)
val processDsrpTransaction: ProcessDsrpTransaction = 
		ProcessDsrpTransaction(paymentInstrumentId, dsrpTransactionInfo)

val requestAuthenticationCodeForPayment: RequestAuthenticationCodeForPayment = 
		RequestAuthenticationCodeForPayment(paymentInstrumentId, authenticationRequestId)
fun requestAuthenticationCodeForPayment(requestAuthenticationCodeForPayment) {
   		ucpApi.paymentService.requestAuthenticationCodeForPayment( requestAuthenticationCodeForPayment,
                        //When requesting went successfully User will get authentication code. 
						//In next step authentication code should be passed to MPA and application 
                        //should validate this code with validateAuthenticationCode() method
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation

val validateAuthenticationCode: ValidateAuthenticationCode = 
	ValidateAuthenticationCode(paymentInstrumentId, authenticationRequestId, authenticationCodeProvidedByUser)
fun validateAuthenticationCode(validateAuthenticationCode) {
            .validateAuthenticationCode( validateAuthenticationCode,
                    { validateAuthenticationCodeResulty ->
                        //ValidateAuthenticationCodeResult plain object
                        val signedAuthenticationProcessData = validateAuthenticationCodeResulty

						//If validation went successfully MPA should show authentication view, 
                        //and after valid authentication MPA should execute setUserAuthenticatedForPayment()
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation

private fun setUserAuthenticatedForPayment(
    paymentInstrumentId: String,
    pinProvidedByUser: CharArray
) {
        .setUserAuthenticatedForPayment(paymentInstrumentId, pinProvidedByUser,
                //After succesfully authentication for payment MPA should execute processDsrpTransaction()
            }, { throwable ->
                //some error, check exception

fun processDsrpTransaction(processDsrpTransaction : ProcessDsrpTransaction) {
            .processDsrpTransaction( processDsrpTransaction,
                    { processDsrpTransactionResult ->
	                    //DSRP transaction result with details went successfully result 
                        //should be delivered to Merchant APP
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation

Sample input and output DSRP data:

amountMinor: 4321,
countryCode: 840, 
currencyCode: 840,
issuerCryptogramType: UCAF,
transactionDate: Apr 25, 2023 09:41:05, //Date() toString() format
transactionType: PURCHASE,
unpredictableNumber: 29496729

pan: 5204830959972699
track2Data: 5204830959972699D26052010000000000000
expirationDate: 2026-05-31 //YYYY-MM-DD
par: 500170A4PEV2GLWPFD00N6H5AX2YB
panSequenceNumber: 0
transactionId: df25a522a075680acbaa407fdc8a0348a321f77afa2f0231cd38f28e7ae691e2
cryptogramType: UCAF
transactionCryptogramData: 414d506a6d4a474650306149414155427768575a47674144464b553d //in Hex

Cloud messaging domain

process (deprecated in 2.6.7)

Asynchronous. Online.
Processes data sent by VCP backend (push notification data).
Application should check senderId in RemoteMessage object (RemoteMessage::from method) and check source in Mobile DC SDK before passing data to this method.
Method can throw InvalidPushException in case of invalid push content passed to it.
Refer Mobile DC documentation how to handle push.

Deprecated in 2.6.7, use MobileDC:CloudMessaging:process() instead.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
pushData Map<String, String>

Data received from notification service in object RemoteMessage object

Not empty


Success / failure callback. When request fails try again


//FirebaseMessagingService class from Firebase

override fun onMessageReceived(remoteMessage: RemoteMessage) {

    val senderId: String = remoteMessage.from
    val pushData =

	//check push source only when push source is uPaid sender Id

    if (isUpaidSenderId(senderId)) {

		//checking push source and passing to proper uPaid module

            .getSource(pushData, { source ->
                when (source) {
                    "UCP" -> processUcpPush(pushData)
            }, {
                //some error

    } else {
        //proceed push from another source

private fun processUcpPush(pushData: Map<String, String>) {
        .process(pushData, {
            //push processed in Mobile DC
        }, {
            //some error


Asynchronous. Online.
Processes data sent by MCBP.
Application should check senderId in RemoteMessage object before passing data to VCP SDK.
Basic configuration for push processing from External Wallet Server: External Wallet Server domain.
Method can throw InvalidPushException in case of invalid push content passed to it.

Note: External Wallet Server Registration process mus be finished before push processing.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
encryptedPayload String

Data received from notification service in object RemoteMessage object

Not empty


Success / failure callback

//FirebaseMessagingService class from Firebase

override fun onMessageReceived(remoteMessage: RemoteMessage) {

    val senderId: String? = remoteMessage.from
    val pushData =

    //check push source based on senderId
    if (isMastercardSenderId(senderId)) {

        val mastercardPayload: String = readMastercardPushContent(pushData)

            .processMcbpNotificationData(mastercardPayload, {
                //push processed in Mcbp
            }, {
                //some error
    } else {
        //proceed push from another source

External Wallet Server domain

Chapter contains method for SDK when External Wallet Server is used.

Usage of method requires additional configuration with external API.

Basic MDES  cloud messaging configuration:

Environment FCM Sender Id
MTF 502118574555
PRODUCTION 993764297204


Asynchronous. Offline.
Method for preparing data used for activation.
Should be used before calling register method.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentAppInstanceId String Identifier for the specific Mobile Payment App instance Not empty
paymentAppProviderId String Globally unique identifier for the Wallet Provider, as assigned by MDES Not empty
publicKeyCertificate String CMS-D public key certificate in pem format Not empty
mobilePin CharArray?

Mobile PIN used to payment confirmation


Success callback with PrepareRegistrationResponse object.

Parameter Type Description
publicKeyCertificateFingerprint String CMS certificate fingerprint. Used algorithm: hex(sha1(certificate.encoded))
encryptedRgk String Encrypted randomly-generated 128-bit AES key.
deviceInfo EwsDeviceInfo Device info.
deviceFingerprint String Unique device fingerprint.
encryptedPin String? Encrypted pin (if passed in input).

EwsDeviceInfo model:

Parameter Type Description
deviceName String Device model name.
formFactor String The form factor of the target provisioned device.
storageTechnology String The architecture or technology used for token storage.
osName String The name of the operating system of the target provisioned device.
osVersion String The version of the operating system of the target provisioned device.
nfcCapable Boolean

Whether the target provisioned device has NFC capability.

Failure callback


fun prepareRegistrationData(
        paymentAppInstanceId: String,
        paymentAppProviderId: String,
        publicKeyCertificate: String,
        mobilePin: CharArray?) {

                    { prepareRegistrationResponse ->
                        //Prepared data for registration including encryptedMobilePin if mobilePin is used
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online.
Method used for registration new Mobile Payment App instance with MDES for use.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
mobileKeysetId String

Identifies the Mobile Keys used for this remote management session

Not empty
ewsMobileKeys EwsMobileKeys

Contains the mobile keys used to secure the communication during subsequent remote management sessions

Not empty
remoteManagementUrl String

The URL endpoint for subsequent remote management sessions

The Mobile Payment App must store this URL for future use in order to be able to request new remote management sessions

Not empty


Parameter Type Description
transportKey String

The Mobile Transport Key used to provide confidentiality of data at the transport level between the Mobile Payment App and MDES

macKey String

The Mobile MAC Key used to provide integrity of data at the transport level between the Mobile Payment App and MDES

dataEncryptionKey String

The Mobile Data Encryption Key used to encrypt any sensitive data at the data field level between the Mobile Payment App and MDES


Success / failure callback


fun register(
        mobileKeysetId: String,
        ewsMobileKeys: EwsMobileKeys,
        remoteManagementUrl: String) {

            .register(mobileKeysetId, ewsMobileKeys, remoteManagementUrl,
                        //Device registration success 
                        //application should listen to push messages and UcpPaymentInstrumentEventListener callbacks
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation  


Asynchronous. Online.
Method to activate PaymentInstrument.
Should be used only on PaymentInstrumens which PaymentInstrumentStatus is SUSPENDED or INACTIVE.
Changes PaymentInstrumentStatus to ACTIVE, calls for transaction credentials replenish and set PaymentInstrument as default for payment when no other PaymentInstrument is available.
Method can be used when onProvisioningSuccess callback is trigerred to instantly activate card.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String Id of paymentInstrument to activate. Not empty.


Success / failure callback


fun activate(paymentInstrumentId: String) {
         	//Changes PaymentInstrumentStatus to ACTIVE, set card as default for payment if another 
            //is not already setted Performing replenish, 
            //application should listen to push message with information about replenish success/failure 
		{ throwable ->
        	//Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Offline.
Method for suspending paymentInstrument.
Changes PaymentInstrumentStatus to SUSPENDED.
Use activate method to allow payments again.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String Id of paymentInstrument to suspend. Not empty.


Success / failure callback


fun suspend(paymentInstrumentId: String) {
           		 //Changes PaymentInstrumentStatus to SUSPENDED.
			{ throwable ->
            	 //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Offline.
Method for getting single PaymentInstrument from local storage object based on id.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String

Id of paymentInstrument to get.

Not empty.


Success callback with PaymentInstrument object.

Parameter Type Description
paymentInstrument PaymentInstrument Retrieved paymentInstrument

Failure callback.


fun getPaymentInstrument(paymentInstrumentId: String) {
                    { paymentInstrument ->
                        //PaymentInstrument from local storage
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Offline.
Method for getting all payment instruments from local storage.


No input parameters


Success callback with list of PaymentInstrument objects.

Parameter Type Description
paymentInstruments List<PaymentInstrument> List of retrieved payment instruments from local storage

Failure callback.


fun getAllPaymentInstrument() {
                    { paymentInstruments ->
                        //List of PaymentInstrument from local storage
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Offline.|
Method for encrypting mobilePin. When updated on MDES call method onMobilePinChganged.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
pin CharArray PIN to encrypt. Not empty.


Success callback with encrypted mobile PIN.

Parameter Type Description
encryptedMobilePin String Hex encoded encrypted mobile PIN.

Failure callback.


fun getEncryptedPin(pin: CharArray) {
            .getEncryptedPin(pin, { encryptedPin ->
                //call to Wallet Server with new created encrypted mobile PIN
                //when updated call onMobilePinChanged method
            }, {
                //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Asynchronous. Online.
Method for informing SDK about mobilePin change.
Should be used when mobilePin changed.
The result of action is deletion of existing transaction credentials and replenish.


No input parameters


Success / failure callback


fun reactOnMobilePinChanged() {
				// Informing SDK about changing mobile pin processed succesfully.
				// SDK should delete and next replenish transaction credentials. 
				// Listen for UcpPaymentInstrumentEventListener events
            }, { throwable ->
				// Something went wrong, check exception with documentation.


Asynchronous. Online.
Method to removing PaymentInstrument.
Removed transaction credentials and PaymentInstrument from local storage and in MDES.
When success PaymentInstrument will be no longer available in getPaymentInstrument and getPaymentInstruments methods.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
paymentInstrumentId String Id of paymentInstrument to delete. Not empty.


Success / failure callback


fun delete(paymentInstrumentId: String) {
                        //Selected Payment instrument is removed
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation

Assets Domain


Asynchronous. Online.
Method for getting all assets for selected assetId.


Parameter Type Description Validation conditions
assetId String Id of assets to retrive Not empty


Success callback with list of Assets objects.

Parameter Type Description
ucpAsset UcpAsset Plain UcpAsset object

UcpAsset object contains following field

Parameter Type Description
content List<UcpAssetContent> Plain list of UcpAssetContent objects

UcpAssetContent contains following fields.

Parameter Type Description
data String The data for this asset. Base64-encoded data, given in the format as specified in type.
type String The data MIME type. One of: application/pdf, text/plain, text/html, image/png, image/svg+xml, image/pdf.
width Long? For image assets, the width of this image. Specified in pixels.
height Long? For image assets, the width of this image. Specified in pixels.

Failure callback


fun getAsset(assetId: String) {
            .getAssets( assetId,
                    { ucpAsset ->
                        //List of assets of selected assetId
						val ucpAssetContentList = ucpAsset.content
                    { throwable ->
                        //Something went wrong, check exception with documentation


Version 2.9.5

  • Added MC mtf host name
  • Update Mobile DC to 2.16.5

Version 2.9.4

  • Important: Apply security and functional certification changes related to intruduction new security tools. Changes in security thread management and working in background
  • Update Mobile DC to 2.16.4

Version 2.8.7

  • Update Mobile DC to 2.15.8

Version 2.8.6

  • Small fixes to 2.8.5

Version 2.8.5

  • Update Proguard rules related to R8 changes

Version 2.8.2

  • Added new field "externalPaymentTokenId" in DigitizationGreenPath, DigitizationRequest and DigitizationResult models.

  • Added new optional configuration withOptionalWalletMcbpHttpExecutor
  • Marked configuration withUcpTransactionEventListener from UcpConfigurationBuilder as deprecated. Use MobileDcTransactionEventListener.optionalMobileDcTransactionEventListener from MDC SDK instead.

Version 2.7.4

  • Added new field "paymentTokenExpirationDate" in PaymentInstrument model.

Version 2.7.3

  • update MobileDC dependency to 2.15.3

Version 2.7.1

  • update MobileDC dependency to 2.15.1

Version 2.7.0

  • update MobileDC dependency to 2.15.0


  • update MobileDC dependency to

Version -  Hotfix possible OutOfMemoryException in MDC 2.14.7

  • update MobileDC dependency to

Version 2.6.9 - don't use, could cause OOM Exception

  • Updated Mobile DC dependency to 2.14.7.
  • Updated processDsrpTransaction method.

Version 2.6.7

  • Updated Mobile DC dependency to 2.14.6

  • Added support for Mastercard India datacenter.
  • important Added new method to UcpTransactionEventListener - onContactlessPaymentStarted().
    Callback allows application to get event about new transaction and it's a best place for token selection and user authentication. Read more in Product Overview.
  • Due to adding new place for contactless payment authentiocation also updated code samples for HostApduSevice implementation and method setUserAuthenthenticatedForPayment()
  • Important CloudMessagingService:process became deprecated due to introducing delivery message from server service. Read more in Product Overview and Mobile DC specification.
  • Important Added new status AbortReason:CONNECTION_LOST for UcpTransactionEventListener:onContactlessPaymentAborted. Status TERMINAL_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT became deprecated. Change significally improves contactless payment UX. Method works immediatelly when connection between device and terminal is lost.
  • Important Aded new optional configuration for UcpTransactionConfiguration with field enableTransactionAuthenticationTimer.
    Timer is now disabled by default, previously was always enabled and could cause problems when authentication time leading to zero and user performs transaction. It could cause clearing user authentication during processing payment on terminal. Change is related to other payments optimizations and introducing onContactlessPaymentStarted() and new AbortReason CONNECTION_LOST.
    Please align your code to new changes, enabling timer is not recommended.

Version 2.5.7

  • Updated Mobile DC dependency to 2.13.7

Version 2.5.6

  • Resolved Google Play Console Security warning
  • Updated Mobile DC dependency to 2.13.6

Version 2.5.5

  • Wrap in try-catch block callbacks from SDK setup() method to prevent breaking process in SDK. Read more in setup() method description.

Version 2.5.3

  • Update internal libraries. IMPORTANT Read more in Mobile DC changelog for version 2.13.3

Version 2.5.2

  • Fixed UcpMcbpHttpExecutor from version 2.5.1. The issue doesn't impact on other functionality

Version 2.5.1

  • Methods marked as deprecated:

    • reset (use restart instead)

    • getPaymentInstrument (use getAllPaymentInstruments instead)

    • setDefaultForRemote (usage is redundant)

    • getDefaultForRemote (usage is redundant)

    • processDsrpTransaction(use new processDsrpTransaction method with ProcessDsrpTransaction added model)

  • Added new methods related to OTP authentication code:

    • requestAuthenticationCodeForPayment 

    • validateAuthenticationCodeForPayment

  • Added new methods for supporting yellow-path token activation:

    • checkEligibility

    • digitize (new version with support for checkEligibility usage)

    • submitTokenAuthenticationMethod

    • submitTokenAuthenticationValue

    • getAdditionalAuthenticationMethods

  • Fixed getPaymentInstrument method (case invalid error when session expired error occurred).

  • Updated Kotlin version to 1.5.31 and Koin to 2.1.6.

  • Removed unused permissions ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and .

  • Added logs for all facade methods  (available in SDK debug version).

Version 2.4.4

  • Updated MDC SDK to 2.12.1 - fixed aggressive security process check

  • Updated documentation for TransactionAbortReason:TERMINAL_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT model

Version 2.4.3

  • IMPORTANT Update security tools after EMV Security Evaluation - refer to Mobile DC technical documentation version changelog (version 2.12.0)

  • Update Gradle and R8 tools

  • Handled authentication flow for ContactlessRichTransactionType REFUND. SDK requires authentication if not provided.

  • Improved description for ContactlesssTransactionResult model in documentation.

  • Added new ContactlessRichTransactionType: WITHDRAWAL and ATM_CONTACTLESS

Version 2.3.24

  • Added new state for TransactionAbortReason::TERMINAL_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT. Previously status was part of TransactionAbortReason::TERMINAL_ERROR and produces contactless payment aborted handling problems.  Status is used in onContactlessPaymentAborted callback. Application can ignore this state and do not perform any action.

  • Added method on UcpApi for SDK restart(). Unlike reset() new method is asynchronous and allows to usage VCP SDK without application kill. Method clears all VCP SDK data and restarts to initial state.

  • Introduced new approach to handling security issue. When application will call any SDK method after security issue reporting, UcpSkdExpcetion with SECURITY_EVENT_OCCURRED will be returned. Previously APPLICATION_PROCESS_NOT_KILLED was returned. Change doesn't impact  onSecurityIssue callback.

  • Added Assets Domain and getAsset() method.

  • Added verification of input parameters in token profile and transaction credentials replenish.

  • Added more details in callbacks onProvisioningFailure and onReplenishFailure about errors in token related operations.

Version - hotfix

  • Added more validation for input parameters for External Wallet Server service

  • Added data verification before accessing data in CMS-D processes

  • Improved catching exceptions for MCBP processes

  • Improved flow for reset() method - added protection agains processing messaging after SDK reset()

  • Changed algorithm for calculating publicKeyCertificateFingerprint in PrepareRegistrationDataResponse. From hex(sha1(certificate.publicKey.encoded)) to hex(sha1(certificate.encoded))

  • Added support for multiple calling setUserAuthenticatedForPayment() method

Version 2.3.22

  • Improved internal SDK logs reporting

  • Using androidX in end project is necessary now

  • Improved automatic replenish credentials process

  • Added handling ReDigititzation process in SDK. Use withOptionalReProvisionEventListener method in SDK setup method to observe PaymentInstrument changes

Version 2.3.21

  • Added optional UcpHttpExecutor for handling CMS-D communication to UcpConfiguration

  • Replenish process optimization

Version 2.3.18

  • Updated security libraries

Version 2.3.17

  • Fixed parsing merchantAndLocation field from ContactlessTransactionData.

  • Added EWS configuration parameter in setup.

Version 2.3.13

  • Added new parameter result to IbanDigitizationResult model

  • Parameter cloudDigitizationSuccess in IbanDigitizationResult is now deprecated

Version 2.3.12

  • Core module with update.

  • Added new reports to Wallet Server.

Version 2.3.11

  • Added new method in Payment Service: processDsrpTransaction

  • Added new method in User Service: resendOtp

  • Added new paremeter in createPaymentData IbanInfo model: userId

  • Improved default PaymentInstrument management

  • Fixed clearing SDK state when unpairing device (MobileDC unPair method)

Version 2.3.8

  • Improved facade exception throwing, now contains more details about error.

  • Removing whitespaces from merchantAndLocation in ContectlessTransactionData model

  • Updated security harmful process check mechanism

  • Added MCBP cloud messaging queue handling to prevent processing errors

Version 2.3.2

  • Fixed SDK provisionning process on Google Pixel devices

  • Improved default Payment Instrument management

  • Updated security harmful process check mechanism

Version 2.3.1

  • Added delete method in External Wallet Server domain

  • Added more detailed descriptions for methods from External Wallet Server domain

  • Added more information about models related to payment processing

Version 2.2.7

  • Added reset functionality.

  • Addded method in Ibans service createPaymentDat.

  • Method createTVC iban service is now deprecated.

  • Added global listener for most important internal SDK actions related to token managem

Version 2.2.6

  • Added new exception parameter to EventContactlessPaymentAborted, EventContactlessPaymentIncident, EventReplenishFailure, EventProvisioningFailure

  • Fixed problem with flow cutting on digitalization process

Version 2.2.4

  • Added new enum state TransactionAbortReason.NO_CARDS. Callback onContactlessPaymentAborted is now called when no card is available for payment.

  • Added new model ContactlessTransactionData with better formatting terminal data. New object is added for events EventGetFinalDecision, EventAuthRequiredForContactless, EventContactlessPaymentCompleted.

  • ContactlessTransactionInformation is now deprecated.

Version 2.2.3

  • Fixed setting default PaymentInstrument after activation

  • Fixed doubled callback onPaymentInstrumentStatusChanged for DELETED status

Version 2.2.2

  • Fixed dependencies conflicts

  • Consumer Proguard rules update

  • Certificate pinning implementation improvement

Version 2.2.0

  • Added new method in EWS Service - getEncryptedPin

  • SDK startup optimization

Version 2.1.1

  • Fixed dependencies for release version

  • Added information about SDK size

  • Added information about SDK integration on lower Android API level

Version 2.1.0

  • Added new methods in External Wallet Server domain (activate, suspend, getPaymentInstrument, getPaymentInstruments, onMobilePinChanged)

Version 2.0.0

  • Changed approach to SDK setup

  • Added UcpSdkException

  • Added new reason codes to existing exceptions

  • New methods in cards domain: digitize, getPaymentInstrument, getAllPaymentInstruments, delete

  • New methods in ibans domain: digitize, getPaymentInstrument, getAllPaymentInstruments, delete

  • New methods in cloud messaging domain: processMcbpNotificationData

  • New methods in payment domain: abortUserAuthenticationForPayment, replenishCredentials, restartContactlessTimer

  • New methods in external wallet server domain: prepareRegistrationData, register

Version 1.0.1

  • Created