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Welcome to Fee Management System (FMS), your comprehensive solution for fee management. With Fee Management System, users can effortlessly define and implement various fees, charging them instantly from customers' balances or cards*.

Additionally, Fee Management System allows for the storage of fees in the database without immediate customer charging, facilitating the generation of detailed reports for specific periods, whether on a monthly or weekly basis.

Simplify your fee management processes and gain valuable financial insights with the user-friendly capabilities of Fee Management System.

Key features

  • Instant Fee Charging: Effortlessly charge fees from customers in real-time, either deducting from their balance or card*.

    • This functionality allows to debit end users' balances (or cards) instantly for specific actions.

  • Generate Reports: Seamlessly create detailed reports for designated periods, offering valuable insights into fee transactions and financial activities.

    • This functionality allows to impose charges on a business client without debiting their balance.
    • In this case, the system does not cause a debit to the balance but instead imposes defined charges for actions executed by the business client.
    • Settlement with the business client occurs by generating a report containing the accrued fees within a given billing period.

* Please note that the capability to charge fees is exclusively available when integrated with Antaca, Verestro's product responsible for managing balances and cards.