Your APIs for us - External Balance
External Balance
Purpose and scope
To use external balance you must have Banking License or Payment Institution License. Additionally if you don't directly own BIN range, total sum of transactions of your users will be limited by deposit called "Master Balance".
To set secured server-server connection between our services Verestro requires a similar connection as in the case of client to Verestro communication based on the x509 certificate.
In the first step, Verestro will send to the client a CSR for the dev and production environments.
The next step is for the client to sign the CSR and send the certificate back to Verestro along with the base URL for the methods listed below. Verestro will authorize itself with each request with a certificate, which should be checked on the client side.
Idempotency Key
With some requests additional header X-Idempotency-Key could be send. This header contain unique random id allowing to identify single request.
If client send this header, operation should be triggered only once and for any further request with this key, response should be identical - in most cases, returned from cache.
example headers:
X-Idempotency-Key: 20e87975-dbfb-4c95-b239-169516c0b707
External Balance API
Below you will find a list of endpoints that you should implement on your server side. Please pay special attention to the appropriate security of our connection, the syntax of requests that you can expect from the Verestro side, idempotency and the exact way in which you should respond to each request.
Process of linking balances
skinparam ParticipantPadding 30
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participant "Client server" as cs
participant Antaca as a
participant Lifecycle as lc
cs->lc: 1. create user by POST /wallet (firstName, lastName, phone, email)
lc-->cs: 2. userId
alt With own KYC process
cs->lc: 3. update KYC status by PUT /user (KYC)
else With Verestro KYC process
cs->a: 4. send KYC data by /register (user data with documents and selfie)
a->a: 5. process KYC
a->lc: 6. update KYC status
alt With automatic balance creation
lc-->a: 7. event about the new user with KYC
a->a: 8. create a balance in the default currency
a->cs: 10. link balance (userId, balanceId, currency)
cs-->a: 11. 204 (OK)
else Every time with create a balance
cs->a: 9. create balance by POST /balance (userId, currency)
a->cs: 10. link balance (userId, balanceId, currency)
cs-->a: 11. 204 (OK)
a-->cs: 12. 201 balance created
- send a GET requests to retrieve information about specific balance. Using user ID and/or balance ID, Antaca can obtain information about balance currency and money amount.
- send a GET requests to retrieve information about all user’s balances. Using only user ID Antaca can retrieve list of users balances.
- delete link between balances
Remember to avoid billing problems
Deleting a balance is only possible when its status is 0. This also applies to situations in which a user with at least one balance is deleted.
Transaction processing
Remember to avoid communication errors
Verestro servers attach an X-Idempotency-Key to each request in the header. This header contains a unique ID for each request to ensure idempotence. Each request with a unique identifier in this header should be processed only once on the client side and the response to it should be identical - in most cases, returned from cache
curl POST ""
--header "X-Idempotency-Key: 21aa0c2a-5554-4071-bd48-b9c64a0b6270"
Transaction object
"id": "b4f534ef-77c2-4f16-ab4d-496806a76fb6",
"balanceId": "b334b384-328c-11ed-a261-0242ac120002",
"resourceId": "9d673932-3291-11ed-a261-0242ac120002",
"resource": "card",
"transactionId": "ab3d89e4-3291-11ed-a261-0242ac120002",
"referenceTransactionId": "b759931c-3291-11ed-a261-0242ac120002",
"type": "POS",
"amount": 10000,
"currency": "PLN",
"originalAmount": 10000,
"originalCurrency": "PLN",
"status": "AUTHORIZED",
"description": "transaction description",
"date": "2020-08-17T18:43:42+00:00",
"transactionData": {
"mcc": "5942",
"merchantIdentifier": "003060300000005",
"merchantName": "Book store",
"captureMode": "NFC",
"lastFourDigits": "4560",
"acquirerCountry": "PL",
"mdesDigitizedWalletId": "Google Pay",
"cashbackPosCurrencyCode": "PLN",
"cashbackPosAmount": 10000,
"paymentTokenLastFourDigits": "7890",
"adjustmentReasonDescription": "REFUND",
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "749248185012",
"cardId": "6876783"
Parameter | Required | Description | Allowed values |
id |
TRUE | Unique identifier of the transaction in UUID format |
any value in UUID v4 format, eg. ddb55ff9-11ca-4621-9129-81f939e66011 |
balanceId |
TRUE | Unique user balance identifier | any string value (recommended uuid v4) |
resourceId | TRUE | Unique resource identifier | any string value (recommended uuid v4) |
resource |
TRUE | Name of a resource. | balance, card |
transactionId |
Transaction identifier obtained from card network or generated on client side using the method to generate transaction in Antaca. IMPORTANT: this id may not be unique - it is generated by different systems |
any string value |
referenceTransactionId |
FALSE | Id of previous transaction to witch current request relates | any string value (recommended uuid v4) |
type |
TRUE | Type of transaction | cashback, loan, payment, topup, commission, fee, funding, interest, withdrawal, pos, atm, cashback_at_pos, adjustment |
amount |
Transaction value in gross (minor value) For example: 12.34 EUR will be sent as 1234 |
integer value |
currency |
TRUE | Currency 3-letters code in ISO 4217 | ISO 4217 3-letter code |
originalAmount |
Original transaction value in gross (minor value) For example: 12.34 EUR will be sent as 1234 |
integer value |
originalCurrency |
FALSE | Original currency 3-letters code in ISO 4217 | ISO 4217 3-letter code |
status |
description |
TRUE | Transaction description | any string value |
date |
TRUE | Date of transaction in UTC | date in UTC |
transactionData | FALSE | Additional transaction data. This object presents detailed data depending on the transaction type | This object is described below |
Allowed values
mcc | FALSE | Merchant category code | any mcc value, eg. can be found here: |
merchantIdentifier | FALSE | The merchant identifier for the transaction | |
merchantName | FALSE | Name of merchant | |
captureMode | FALSE | Capture mode | magstripe, manual, emv, on behalf (EMV), nfc, ecommerce, adj |
lastFourDigits | FALSE | Last 4 digits of card | |
acquirerCountry | FALSE | Country of acquirer | |
mdesDigitizedWalletId | FALSE | The Wallet ID (Wallet Reference) used to digitize the card. | m4m, google pay, samsung pay, apple pay |
cashbackPosCurrencyCode | FALSE | Represents the currency code of the cashback amount | ISO 4217 3-letter code |
cashbackPosAmount | FALSE | Displays the actual cashback amount | integer value in gross |
paymentTokenLastFourDigits | FALSE | Last 4 digits of Device Primary Account Number (tokenized PAN) | |
adjustmentReasonDescription | FALSE |
Reason for adjustment |
retrievalReferenceNumber | FALSE | 12-digit number generated to record each transaction | |
cardId | FALSE | The card identifier in string format. This value could be used to communicate with the Antaca services. | any string value. Mostly it should be eg. "1234" but it can change in the future and become UUID format. |
Integration with External Balance
API External balance
For the process to function correctly, the Client must implement all endpoints detailed in this chapter.
Below you will find a list of endpoints that you should implement on your server side. Please pay special attention to the appropriate security of our connection, the syntax of requests that you can expect from the Verestro side, idempotency and the exact way in which you should respond to each request. If you decide to implement external balance to be able to keep the balance on your side and authorize transactions, remember that the implementation of all the methods below is required to ensure the API works.
Link balance
This method is used to link customer balance between client and server. Requested balanceId will be used for communication between client and Verestro side.
If you create balance entity at your end you should create it after receiving this call. Do not create balance entity on your side as result of POST /secure/balances nor POST /secure/customers/{id}/balances, because link balance will be called before response to these methods.
path parameters:
id - user identifier
Allowed values
balanceId | TRUE |
Unique identifier of balance. This ID will be used in communication between client and server. |
UUID v4 |
currency | TRUE | Currency code | should be 3 letters code in ISO 4217 |
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
request body:
"currency": "PLN"
Allowed values
balanceId | TRUE |
Unique identifier of balance. This ID will be used in communication between client and server. |
UUID v4 |
currency | TRUE | Currency code | should be 3 letters code in ISO 4217 |
204 NoContent
error codes:
404 - should be returned if no user has been matched by requested path parameter.
Code 404
"title": "USER_NOT_FOUND",
"detail": "some specific details provided by server"
Get single user balance
Method used to obtain single user balance information.
path parameters:
Allowed values
balanceId | TRUE |
Unique identifier of balance. This ID will be used in communication between client and server. |
UUID v4 |
currency | TRUE | Currency code | should be 3 letters code in ISO 4217 |
id - user identifier
balanceId - unique balance identifier
Accept: application/json
200 OK
"currency": "PLN",
"amount": 250
response parameters:
Allowed values
amount | TRUE |
Actual balance amount in minor (penny)
integer value. For example: 12.34 EUR will be sent as 1234 |
currency | TRUE | Currency code | should be 3 letters code in ISO 4217 |
currency - three letter iso 4217 code
amount - actual balance amount in minor (penny), integer value. For example: 12.34 EUR will be sent as 1234
error codes:
404 - should be returned if no balance found by requested balanceId.
Code 404
"detail": "some specific details provided by server"
403 - if requested balance does not belong to user.
Code 403
"title": "FORBIDDEN",
"detail": "some specific details provided by server"
Get balance collection
This method should return collection of customer balances.
path parameters:
Allowed values
balanceId | TRUE |
Unique identifier of balance. This ID will be used in communication between client and server. |
UUID v4 |
currency | TRUE | Currency code | should be 3 letters code in ISO 4217 |
id - user identifier
Accept: application/json
200 OK
"id": "a072bd0e-328c-11ed-a261-0242ac120001",
"currency": "PLN",
"amount": 250
"id": "b334a5e2-328c-11ed-a261-0242ac120002",
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 460
If user has not created any balance yet, there should be returned empty collection.
200 OK
response parameters:
Allowed values
id | TRUE |
Unique identifier of balance. This ID will be used in communication between client and server. |
UUID v4 |
balanceId | TRUE |
Unique identifier of balance. This ID will be used in communication between client and server. |
UUID v4 |
currency | TRUE | Currency code | should be 3 letters code in ISO 4217 |
id - unique identifier of user balance
currency - three letter iso 4217 code
amount - actual balance amount in minor (penny), numeric value
Delete balance
This method is used to unattached balance from user. From legal point of view, balance should be deleted only if there is no money on it.
path parameters:
Allowed values
id |
user identifier |
balanceId | TRUE |
Unique identifier of balance. This ID will be used in communication between client and server. |
UUID v4 |
204 No Content
error responses:
404 - if requested balance has not been found.
Code 404
"detail": "some specific details provided by server"
403 - if requested balance does not belong to user.
Code 403
"title": "FORBIDDEN",
"detail": "some specific details provided by server"
Debit transaction
This kind of transaction is used to authorize transaction. In debit transactions Antaca asks 'if user has money?'.
Content-Type: application/json
X-Idempotency-Key: uuidV4
request body:
Description of the contents of the transaction object can be found above.
success response:
204 No Content
error responses:
"detail": "some specific details provided by server"
"detail": "some specific details provided by server"
"detail": "some specific details provided by server"
"detail": "some specific details provided by server"
Force debit transaction
This kind of transaction is used to inform server side that transaction has occurred.
For this request, actual transaction already happen so server can not reject this request. This behavior can occur for offline transactions fe: in plane, subway, for refunds and referring to previously authorized transactions.
Content-Type: application/json
X-Idempotency-Key: uuidV4
request body:
Description of the contents of the transaction object can be found above.
204 No Content
error response:
As mention in description section, we do not accept transaction rejection.
Credit transaction
Method is used to credit user balance. In credit transactions Antaca asks 'can user get money?'.
Content-Type: application/json
X-Idempotency-Key: uuidV4
request body:
Description of the contents of the transaction object can be found above.
success response:
204 No Content
error responses:
"detail": "cannot find requested balance"
"detail": "some specific details provided by server"
Force credit
Method is used to credit user balance. This kind of transaction is used to inform server side that transaction has occurred. For this request, actual transaction already happen so server can not reject this request.
Content-Type: application/json
X-Idempotency-Key: uuidV4
request body:
Description of the contents of the transaction object can be found above.
success response:
204 No Content
error response:
As mention in description section, we do not accept transaction rejection.
Method is used to revert any changes for previous transaction. Request body will be identical to transaction witch client try to revert. If server cannot find referenced transaction then no action is required.
Content-Type: application/json
X-Idempotency-Key: uuidV4
request body:
Description of the contents of the transaction object can be found above.
success response:
204 No Content
error responses:
IMPORTANT: for this method, we do not accept any error. Only satisfying behavior is to revert referenced transaction and no action if cannot find transaction.
Update transaction status
From time to time, client will inform about clearings triggered by acquirer side. If client mark transaction as cleared it means that transaction will not be corrected by any other transaction request and requested amount is final.
This endpoint is used to inform about the change of the transaction status to CLEARED - the movement of funds should not occur here.
path parameters:
id - transaction identifier
Allowed values
id | TRUE |
Transaction identifier obtained from card network or generated on client side using the method to generate transaction in Antaca. IMPORTANT: this id may not be unique - it is generated by different systems
any string value |
request body:
Description of the contents of the transaction object can be found above.
success response:
204 No Content
error responses:
"detail": "cannot find requested transaction"
Transaction Types Description
Debit transactions list:
Type |
Description |
POS transaction (A point-of-sale) applies to the situation when a customer makes a purchase and the payment is processed through the POS system. |
ATM Transaction is when the cardholder uses a physical card at an ATM to withdraw cash. |
Balance Inquiry |
Check the available balance of funds. |
Commission |
internal transaction for a partner who wants to debit user balance as a commission referenced to the other transaction. |
Fee |
internal transaction for a partner who wants to debit user balance as a fee. Antaca automatically credits company balance with the funds that were debit the user's balance |
Funding |
internal transaction type used to debit the user's balance. This type indicates that the funds still remain in the Antaca system, usually in conjunction with a payment type a credit transaction on the user's balance. Antaca automatically credit the credit partner balance with this transaction |
Interest |
internal transaction for a partner who wants debit the user's balance as part of the interest connected with credit agreement. |
Withdrawal |
internal transaction type used to debit the user's balance. This type indicates that the funds go outside the Antaca system, fe: withdrawal from an account at a bank branch. |
Credit transactions list:
TopUp |
internal transaction type used to top up the user's balance. This type indicates that the funds come from outside the Antaca system, fe: payment to an account at a bank branch. Antaca automatically debit the credit partner balance with this transaction |
Payment |
internal transaction type used to top up the user's balance. This type indicates that the funds come from the Antaca system, usually in conjunction with a funding type a debit transaction on the user's balance Antaca automatically debit the credit partner balance with this transaction |
Loan |
internal transaction for a partner who wants to top up the user's balance as part of the credit agreement. Antaca automatically debit the credit partner balance with this transaction |
CreditIbanTransfer |
internal transaction dedicated only for IMS API (via specific CN). IMS API uses this balance to credit funds on the user's balance. |
Cashback |
internal transaction for a partner who wants to top up the user's balance as part of the loyalty program Antaca automatically debit the credit partner balance with this transaction |