Your APIs for us - Notifications
We can send following information to your API endpoints:
- 3DS OTP code, so you can handle delivery to the user yourself via SMS, Push or other channel.
- Notification about outcome of KYC process.
- Simple notification about transactions.
To make this work, you need to expose an API according to relevant section of this documentation.
To set secured server-server connection between our services Verestro requires a similar connection as in the case of client to Verestro communication based on the x509 certificate.
In the first step, Verestro will send to the client a CSR for the dev and production environments.
The next step is for the client to sign the CSR and send the certificate back to Verestro along with the base URL for the methods listed below. Verestro will authorize itself with each request with a certificate, which should be checked on the client side.
Additional data encryption & integration
Some requests and responses contain sensitive data, to additionally secure the connection we require JSON Web Encryption (JWE).
Example of request with sensitive data |
Example ofresponse with sensitive data |
Idempotency Key
With some requests additional header X-Idempotency-Key could be send. This header contain unique random id allowing to identify single request.
If client send this header, operation should be triggered only once and for any further request with this key, response should be identical - in most cases, returned from cache.
example headers:
X-Idempotency-Key: 20e87975-dbfb-4c95-b239-169516c0b707
JWE configuration
connection we need from you enc and alg from JWE parameters. Acceptable values are:
- Algorithm used by Verestro to encipher content of message (enc) - A256GCM,
- Algorithm used by Verestro to encipher encryption key (alg) - RSA-OAEP-256,
- Algorithm needed from you to encipher content of message (enc) - A256GCM,
- Allowed algorithms for key encryption (alg) - RSA-OAEP-256 or RSA-OAEP.
Recommended JWE libraries for various programming languages:
To process encrypted message you need to perform a few additional steps on top of standard message processing:
- Verestro add headlines:
- Public-Key through which you can encrypt response to us (if needed),
- Encrypted-Request headline confirming message encryption; value true or false,
- Expose endpoint with your Public Key - you will find a similar endpoint in our technical documentation, GET /secure/public_key
- Use Verestro Public Key to create JWE and transfer data in payload,
When the response contains sensitive data that requires encryption, use Verestro public key encryption available here GET /secure/public_key
Additional information:
- In case of errors (i.e. validation errors) you will receive unencrypted response,
Example request:
Correct request
Sent request (incorrect)
Received by CMS Antaca (after decipher action with private key)
{"card_no" : 1337} |
{"payload" : "eyJhbGciOiJSU0EtT0FFUC0yNTYiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIn0.rdUrW12XCZQgLFDJ-2zAHWYYnaAanctceE1-Y6yJUplX0B2dLu-bvYOEJ83KxxUs-ZjA41R4PmAVilx1cTF4pv-7CZR0_ki85XRATBYF2-MvZdcC81fHy2QPU_ZsAEWAW00a1wKJmuEsgPB2m1aLZ7oK4fC1hciep4PyAtuWQRYHjhNb-UDT41_gDKTbnSGTwheL7S0mAJ_HsKfnZFHYUrM77UcxQGZKnH7Mzqvndf9THiMo0-3MWliYFDAm1bqN2_KTIoBNCprYjFnyIXPCjib73bjWX_P2ip5Ul84cngbQmFVzc7o91JrpJvYou1INS7zL4XKLFcADN4nZ_9ePWsm5_kX5SOMyUyEhOC9gusrLNAJ0MHaIFHni8WqnMAWM3_MC4OQDYetKax5bnHK6x42_5eFaf6ZmzmioKny5aGm-4Vo8TEu691FmPxglhyenWlMhvBvf6ZeVsy58Ofr0mi3TXjwYbAyas7m6sncxZu1FhEJ4da6gtNjmjuKdikOOntu8V71QQ07nczNqfGlUv0RcUc9uKJq5je4b9BEbK9WuQcroxmALqC4HTt1xhICHrVUA0d_t3fglhS2n7wNaKKCFq70ZWIrpdTaBd35kdVQOEjZgCavSjbZOzgOzcEqS6P2Blm7bZ7ZZBmnfk8y8M4m0xWoQNTmLC6nqz9bSbME.UEryKNClDxQZpyWu.6Lw_5CcZ9HiVxHfi_XTAFw.pYbQ6tdmQYe1kiPonm1GhA"} |
{"card_no" : 1337} |
Example response:
Correct response
Sent response by CMS Antaca
Received by you
{"card_no" : 1338} |
{"payload" : "eyJhbGciOiJSU0EtT0FFUC0yNTYiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIn0.iPmvEKtMAMrrEiR89vlwsL77ZfqxXrcMiy-bx3z6_7HAo__aQzBpMVDtLyj3kTHYWxen8bhPuVyebXyaIHL20sekFzcIFFzvaGoyQYU6zOK8tPv81tgixQe8SDnEr5v9VWBfiHxtPvqlpQIig2is5ynBkyqjdpQWEagR3MpqpATGl7f-omG82Jq0OwZByWI8I6P89hczwgK37F-MUnQDxcRUM3RagbHKNeIcfmPdJpNeqFZHe45y4wUkTWN0uzW72qydkN_4uM9fy0nrUpgsJNbtJGAVIUVmDz4pIZkiI1zyGbfZX-PT7Wh9UNM06gEUf4i2goZY-m4wPB0n2zXvxzcEdfTH27iPp-aKiJjfJpYb_ZnHyklk__gZlAy9r7W0594dY-eBJ_iUa5aeDsFS2TIfsfjMJsL8NRWY2noiTw5lsneD8dwvr6N_rYcWoFXDyWXHoRitSSd2iYrB80gbeSOBW0wfKtPxNIZrR0uDhkE8FouS5Pk7QBw412kd43GtrEpAijqn3ne7MNUpCtuNfJ8e_NdGDLTR7CSHhC0jfFlchpIvklF42o216NO-OnyJsjdv1w4_w1ugs61fTHDl8lgBalOjOxauKwIvJJOyFdWmpjlXuzJhrray7ov25uh2ibvFv3Gfd2iuGUnLIZzYBOTT8ftGWTCGXTDvVOvzGbs.c3qMNb2Bne-7g0Wz.PInghFM6Q8Gn0p4Tlebig32s-ZrpLqTMqQDlpXLLYx0iq-StrKco_HrjdN4MxondP4CicCgseIjcV8JR29jKYX-nqKdchEYq_vVIzFHcNI_Mx7y1el192QbMyx6b0Gbj5L79wpuB7qCUqTBNhJZ2c07PuyPsewcNwglvnc-OrA-2vL6lJnBi5ZGH8gBH1cZCgmbrMpZGNFPG3oFpOn9JPzmnvQxe9tvSFFj5989A8d_XMHP-ZQ.dJZxnBRxJeMKswDsCA3cXA"} |
Check yourself by using Private Key included in the response. |
Public Key
This method is used to share your public key for encryption.
Content-Type: application/json
200 OK
"publicKey": "QSBwdWJsaWMga2V5IHNob3VsZCBiZSBoZXJlIGhvd2V2ZXIgaXQgd2FzIHRvbyBsb25nIDoo"
3DS External OTP Notifier
This document describes API for external OTP notifier handling. Clients that are interested into having OTP notifier on their side must have implement this API to allow communication with Antaca to provide one time password about the transaction to client own users.
API 3DS External OTP Notifier
Below you will find a list of endpoints that you should implement on your server side. Please pay special attention to the appropriate security of our connection, the syntax of requests that you can expect from the Verestro side, idempotency and the exact way in which you should respond to each request.
These notifications support sending Idempotency Key
Notification OTP
This method is used to transfer a one-time password generated for transactions without a card present in the 3DS standard.
Content-Type: application/json
X-Idempotency-Key: 20e87975-dbfb-4c95-b239-169516c0b707
request body:
"storageCustomerId" => "1337",
"storageCardId" => "1337",
"balanceId" => "b334b384-328c-11ed-a261-0242ac120002",
"amount" => "1000",
"currency" => "PLN",
"merchantName" => "merchant test",
"otp" => "1111"
storageCustomerId |
TRUE | Customer identifier | integer value |
storageCardId |
TRUE | Card identifier | integer value |
balanceId |
TRUE | User balance identifier | uuid v4 |
amount | TRUE | Transaction value in gross (minor value) | integer value |
currency | TRUE |
Currency 3-letters code in ISO 4217 |
ISO 4217 3-letter code |
merchantName |
Merchant name |
string value |
otp | TRUE | One time password | string value |
success response:
204 No Content
error responses:
If an error is received, it is not possible to retry the request.
Code 422
"detail": "some specific details provided by server"
External Verification Notifier
This document describes API for processed KYC verification notifier handling. Clients that are interested into having information about status KYC verification on their side must have implement this API to allow communication with Antaca.
Notifier provide notifications only with internal KYC status processes
These notifications support sending Idempotency Key
Notification verification In-progress
This method is used to transfer information about changed KYC verification status to 'IN_PROGRESS'.
Content-Type: application/json
X-Idempotency-Key: 20e87975-dbfb-4c95-b239-169516c0b707
request body:
"verificationId": "6faaa45a-41f6-4922-95fe-16e316ba7e91",
"userId": "1337",
"email": "",
"firstName": "Leon",
"lastName": "Bakiewicz",
"status": "IN_PROGRESS",
"reason": null,
204 No Content
Notification verification accepted
This method is used to transfer information about changed KYC verification status to 'ACCEPTED'.
Content-Type: application/json
X-Idempotency-Key: 20e87975-dbfb-4c95-b239-169516c0b707
request body:
"verificationId": "6faaa45a-41f6-4922-95fe-16e316ba7e91",
"userId": "1337",
"email": "",
"firstName": "Leon",
"lastName": "Bakiewicz",
"status": "ACCEPTED",
"reason": null,
204 No Content
Notification verification rejected
This method is used to transfer information about changed KYC verification status to 'REJECTED'.
Content-Type: application/json
X-Idempotency-Key: 20e87975-dbfb-4c95-b239-169516c0b707
request body:
"verificationId": "6faaa45a-41f6-4922-95fe-16e316ba7e91",
"userId": "1337",
"email": "",
"firstName": "Leon",
"lastName": "Bakiewicz",
"status": "REJECTED",
204 No Content
verificationId |
TRUE | Verification identifier | uuid v4 |
userId |
TRUE | User identifier | integer value |
TRUE | User's email address | string value | |
firstName | TRUE | User first name |
string value |
lastName | TRUE | User last name | string value |
status | TRUE |
Verification status. Possible values:
string value |
reason | TRUE |
Verification status reason ACCEPTED: null IN_PROGRESS: null REJECTED:
null/string value |
Sensitive data:
This method is used to share your public key for encryption.
200 OK
"publicKey": "QSBwdWJsaWMga2V5IHNob3VsZCBiZSBoZXJlIGhvd2V2ZXIgaXQgd2FzIHRvbyBsb25nIDoo"
Transactions notifier
To get notifications about transactions use Transaction History Core API