Frequently Asked Questions
in progress
Blocking user
Q: Does blocking the user results in blocking user's cards as well?
A: No.
Creating card
Q: Cards are created with status VERIFIED. Should users perform card activation to virtual cards?
A: Virtual cards do not need to be activated. This only applies to physical cards.
Q: What is the default status for a newly ordered virtual and physical cards?
A: Virtual cards are active right after being created. Physical cards need to be activated by the end user. To check if a card is active, search for activationDate parameter in method GET /admin/cards - if it's not null, card is active.
Physical cards
Q: Client is asking about physical cards and where they can track when this card is issued or what is the current status?
A: We do not provide it via API, but they can do it through an agreement with a courier company that will deliver cards from the personalization company to users.
Q: User's card will be auto locked after 3 failed PIN attempt by the issuer. Do we send a callback response to client when this happens?
A: No.
Q: Is OTP required when sending a request to /admin/cards/{cardId}/pin to change card PIN?
A: OTP is not required in this situation.
Q: How to set PIN for a card?
A: PIN can be set before generating the card using the wPIN variable in the POST /wallet method at the very beginning when creating a user in LC - we need information whether we should enable this option if it will be used.
Q: When user needs PIN for virtual cards?
A: PIN for virtual cards is used only for ATM withdrawals. PIN for physical cards is used only for contact payments and in ATMs.
Q: How to change PIN?
A: PIN can be set/changed at any time using the /secure/customers/{customerId}/cards/{cardId}/pin method. This is the recommended method for set/change PIN for implementations such as Remessa, because with this method they provide this option directly to the user live.
Q: Is it possible to topup temporarily blocked card or to get card details?
A: Internal transactions can still be made. Details cannot be viewed.
Deleting card
Q: Do we have any server-side mechanism preventing us from deleting lastly added card?
A: No.
Q: What happens to cards asigned to deleted balance?
A: After deleting balance, all cards asigned to balance are deleted as well.
Q: How to delete a card?
A: in Admin Panel (enabled for Admin and Manager role) or using /secure endpoint: DELETE /secure/cards/{cardId}
External cards
Q: Is CVV required to add an external card?
A: It depends on card issuer. Some of them don't verify CVV or Expiration date.
Q: How can we delete an user's balance?
A: Firstly balance must be equal to 0 and all transactions must be cleared. Then following method should be used: /admin/customers/{customerId}/balances/{balanceId} .
Does deleting a balance automatically results in deleting IBAN from IBAN list?
A: Yes, IMS will delete IBAN after receiving event from Antaca.
Q: After receiving an event about creating a balance for the user and making a request to get user data using the /secure/customers/{customerId} method, we receive the CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND error.
A: Make sure customer KYC has been accepted.
Q: What happens if a deleted account receives an IBAN transfer?
A: IMS keeps that funds on the IBAN technical balance for refund, Quicko takes care of this.
Q: Is Google Play treated as a foreign merchant (Poland's POV)?
A: Yes, it's registered in Ireland.
Q: Do we have a possibility to show our client the reason of transaction failure? Currently we can only see status declined or reversed in Admin Panel.
A: No, most of the times we don't know the reason of failure ourselfs - we get declined or reversed status from Tutuka.
Q: Must Force debit/credit transaction method be implemented for physical cards? The possibility of performing off-line transactions is stored on the card chip.
A: Force debit transaction must be implemented in each card issuing project. Force transactions are more than just off-line transactions, f.e. vending machines purchases, self-checkout stores and more.
Q: What data does merchant see when someone pays using our cards?
A: It depends on transaction payment method used. When using:
a) a physical card - the user for whom the card was created (name and surname),
b) a token from xPay when purchasing - data entered during tokenization by the end user,
c) e-com payments - data entered by the user.
Q: What information do we gather when user is paying with tokenized card?
A: We save the information that payment was initialized using token, which external wallet is connected to the mentioned token and last 4 digits of DPAN (Device Primary Account Number).
Q: Will you be able to process clearing if the card is irreversibly blocked? Let's say customer blocked the card (with the irreversible reason code) and received a financial transaction (clearing) after that.
A: No new transaction will be authorised. Transactions made before the moment of blocking will be cleared.
Master balance
Q: Does REFUND transaction add money to masterbalance right away?
A: No, Quicko does that during transaction settlements.
Q: Should every credit transaction result in decreasing Masterbalance or companybalance?
Q: How to check if Masterbalance decrease resulted in end user balance topup?
A: The best confirmation of the Masterbalance decrease is a successful top-up of the user’s balance - if client executes the /secure/transactions/credit method, there are 2 options:
- a) they receive 200 + uuid of the registered transaction - that means Masterbalance has been decreased also,
- b) they receive 409 + info “INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS” - which is equivalent to information that there were insufficient funds on Masterbalance to top up user balance.
Q: What method should we use to debit user balance and increase MB balance (for example for crypto selling).
A: POST secure/transactions/debit and transactionType = FUNDING
Q: What if there are not enough funds to cover a /force-debit transaction on Masterbalance?
A: In case of forced transaction, when the transaction amount is greater than the amount on MasterBalance, then the balance will be less than 0 (negative balance).
Quicko will collect the missing funds from the Partner (if Quicko is BIN-sponsor)
Q: Differences between THC & Antaca Notifier:
a) transaction notifier from THC API - you will receive information about every movement on the user's balance. In general, THC is a simple, recommended source of transaction history for the enduser point of view.
b) transaction notifier from Antaca - informs about the same as above and additionally about the movements of funds on technical balances (masterbalance/company/ibantechnical) and about transaction events that did not generate a transaction (rejection insufficient funds/limits/etc).
Currently transaction notifier from Antaca is deprecated.
Q: What's the maximum size of a file send during KYC?
A: Maximum size is 2048 kilobytes per file. Following formats are allowed: jpg, jpeg i png.
Q: Are field usaResident, taxResident, sourceOfFunds required when sending a POST request to /customers/me/register?
A: Yes, they are requierd since 28th of July 2023.
Q: Client would like to receive codes from 3DS (not via SMS) to their own endpoint. Which endpoint and authentication method should they use?
A: They should use endpoint /notifications/otp and authorize with a certificate.
Q: How 3DS shoud be implemented to be PSD2 compliant? Normally issuers implement either in-app authentication for 2FA or a static password.
External Balance
Q: Differences between id/transactionId/referenceTransactionID
A: ID - value generated for the transaction by our system (Antaca) as UUID.
transactionId - value generated by an external service for the transaction (ID from the processor). For information purposes only, because it may be a non-unique value for different transactions.
referenceTransactionId - Transaction ID of the original transaction f.e. -> of the transaction to be adjusted. The value generated by an external service for the transaction (ID from the processor).
Q: Example of Refund for External Balance:
A: Request: /force-credit or /credit
{"id":"eedb7f17-0ed3-4694-8ca9-227bc38f1420","balanceId":"ba81185e-195e-414d-b4b5-5bce5eeb572e","resourceId":"9754c120-3c7a-4469-ae9c-85d7b94adae3","resource":"card","transactionId":"BE2127E2-G9FC-7281-90BC211BCE5A1732","referenceTransactionId":"65248914100035741256491","type":"adjustment","amount":1000,"currency":"EUR","originalAmount":1000,"originalCurrency":"EUR","status":"AUTHORIZED","description":"Description","date":"2023-01-01T06:30:00+00:00","transactionData":{"mcc":"5311","merchantIdentifier":"837828 ","captureMode":"ADJ","cardId":"111","lastFourDigits":"1234","adjustmentReasonDescription":"REFUND","retrievalReferenceNumber":"928372000000-65248914100035741256491-00006533"}}